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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 2010/2011 sneak peek...

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I will definitely be checking those out provided I can get custom sizing for sure.

I'm not exactly sure if it will be a custom retail product. Take that as a statement that I simply don't know their plans.

TotalONE sounds pretty cool. No customs on a limited release, correct? I'm curious what the price will be.

Am I to assume the LSFusion runners will be available to buy separately? By the time these are out I'll probably need new steel, so the LSFusion has piqued my interest.

Yes, LSF would be aftermarket as well.

One thing to note, especially for shop guys, LS2 steel (LS2/LS2.1/LSF) has all been tweaked to be uniform across the board - thickness, blade height and working radius. Will solve the problems of using heat and a rubber mallet to get certain steel to fit in a LS2 holder.

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I will definitely be checking those out provided I can get custom sizing for sure.

I'm not exactly sure if it will be a custom retail product. Take that as a statement that I simply don't know their plans.

Understood, just hoping, otherwise it will have to be custom One100s and I'll try to get what I can from the TotalOne incorporated.

If only 7.75EE/A was a standard size, haha.

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There is one more new feature to the TotalONE boot that was previously only available as an option on custom boots. Total Edge Comfort is a foam padding at the top of the boot on both sides of the boot. Imagine laying/gluing a thin layer of VN(although not VN, just visualize) on the top of the boot between your top eyelet and back tendon guard. This piece is black and sewn on. This will eliminate any problem caused by the boot rubbing against your leg. We add this feature very often in our shop for figure skaters.

I did try the TotalONE skates on in my size. The new interior grip light liner feels great. It gives awesome definition to the interior padding. I also tried on the skates with both a medium and x-stiff Reflex tongue. You can feel a difference when walking and flexing forward. This innovation is going to drive your first steps on the ice as you accelerate. The Bauer NHL guys that you see on Bauer.com at the summer event used only the medium Reflex tongue when wearing the skates. The feedback I got was that they loved the skate and its technology.

The bar has been raised for the competition. And they are still trying to catch up to the last two Supreme and Vapor models.

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Ahh, yes, I totally forgot to cover that.

I remember when I went to St-Jerome and on the tour they were showing me how they were sewing that in for certain players. It looked raw and primitive at the time as it was essentially a grey strip sewn over. IT was also a custom option on skates. This is the refined version of it.

Thanks for reminding me, Peter.

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There is one more new feature to the TotalONE boot that was previously only available as an option on custom boots. Total Edge Comfort is a foam padding at the top of the boot on both sides of the boot. Imagine laying/gluing a thin layer of VN(although not VN, just visualize) on the top of the boot between your top eyelet and back tendon guard. This piece is black and sewn on. This will eliminate any problem caused by the boot rubbing against your leg. We add this feature very often in our shop for figure skaters.

I'm really interested in this. One of the last things to finally disappear in the breaking in process of my one95s was that rub.

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There is one more new feature to the TotalONE boot that was previously only available as an option on custom boots. Total Edge Comfort is a foam padding at the top of the boot on both sides of the boot. Imagine laying/gluing a thin layer of VN(although not VN, just visualize) on the top of the boot between your top eyelet and back tendon guard. This piece is black and sewn on. This will eliminate any problem caused by the boot rubbing against your leg. We add this feature very often in our shop for figure skaters.

I'm really interested in this. One of the last things to finally disappear in the breaking in process of my one95s was that rub.

Back when I played competitively I was a Supreme guy and I used to skate barefoot. I used to have scars on the top of my ankles where the quarters digged into my leg. I used to have to take a pair of tube socks and cut them and tape them there. This was before Bunga pads.

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Ahh, yes, I totally forgot to cover that.

I remember when I went to St-Jerome and on the tour they were showing me how they were sewing that in for certain players. It looked raw and primitive at the time as it was essentially a grey strip sewn over. IT was also a custom option on skates. This is the refined version of it.

Thanks for reminding me, Peter.

No problem, Coach!

Will the liner one the One100 be clarino like the previous Supremes or more of the new Vapor version?

Liner in ONE100 is exactly the same as ONE95. The WHITE felt tongues are the candy for this year's model. White felt tongues through entire Supreme line!!

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Don't you still play "competitively"?! :lol:

Nope. I have evolved into the most laid-back player out there. Oh, I still want to dangle your ass silly and I shoot to score, but I'm not kicking my dog after the game like a lot of beer leaguers.

Our team was forced out of the adult league last week because we are a non-revenue team (every player on the team was a rink employee at some point) for a revenue team. Heard they got smoked last night 13-3 and they ripped out a shower head out of the shower after the game. Whelp, you know where that money's going towards...

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There is one more new feature to the TotalONE boot that was previously only available as an option on custom boots. Total Edge Comfort is a foam padding at the top of the boot on both sides of the boot. Imagine laying/gluing a thin layer of VN(although not VN, just visualize) on the top of the boot between your top eyelet and back tendon guard. This piece is black and sewn on. This will eliminate any problem caused by the boot rubbing against your leg. We add this feature very often in our shop for figure skaters.

I'm really interested in this. One of the last things to finally disappear in the breaking in process of my one95s was that rub.

Back when I played competitively I was a Supreme guy and I used to skate barefoot. I used to have scars on the top of my ankles where the quarters digged into my leg. I used to have to take a pair of tube socks and cut them and tape them there. This was before Bunga pads.

First couple months I had these skates I more or less cuffed the tops of my socks to help with this.

I used to do the barefoot thing too. I have no idea how I did it.

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As JR said, TotalONE tongue is totally(how'd you like that!) different. It is not white felt. It is a stand alone special item to the TotalONE. Only ONE100 and below have white felt tongues.

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I did try the TotalONE skates on in my size. The new interior grip light liner feels great. It gives awesome definition to the interior padding. I also tried on the skates with both a medium and x-stiff Reflex tongue. You can feel a difference when walking and flexing forward. This innovation is going to drive your first steps on the ice as you accelerate. The Bauer NHL guys that you see on Bauer.com at the summer event used only the medium Reflex tongue when wearing the skates. The feedback I got was that they loved the skate and its technology.

That's one thing I don't like on my One75's, the stiff tongues. Skipping the top eyelet is way more comfortable for me. If I don't, it feels like I'm on my heels the whole time. Being able to adjust the tongue is a cool feature. If they offer these in custom sizes for those of us with different sized feet, I'll have to take a look at them. By next spring I can probably justify replacing my One75's.

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So there are removeable parts that will can add, decrease, and even replace stiffness?

Wow. Is it just me, or is that not just an amazing and truly innovative idea?

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Total Edge Comfort sounds awesome, I have scars on the outside of both my ankles from forgetting my socks one time and skating with what I wore to the rink earlier this year. I couldn't skate for a few weeks before it was healed enough that I wouldn't tear my flesh open.

How's the footbed? Similar to past years Supremes or anything coming over from the X:60 type SuperFit+ footbed?

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As JR said, TotalONE tongue is totally(how'd you like that!) different. It is not white felt. It is a stand alone special item to the TotalONE. Only ONE100 and below have white felt tongues.

did the tongue thing come from one of the goalie pads that seems to have the same feature? i think it was either a rbk or bauer one

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As JR said, TotalONE tongue is totally(how'd you like that!) different. It is not white felt. It is a stand alone special item to the TotalONE. Only ONE100 and below have white felt tongues.

did the tongue thing come from one of the goalie pads that seems to have the same feature? i think it was either a rbk or bauer one

The itech ones .. I know what your talking about, that could possibly be where bauer got it from

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I mean, it's not a new concept - Graf used to have it on their 709s but it was on the sides of the boot.

The difference is the location and purpose and the materials used.

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Reading the specs on the new Bauer skates (not only the TotalONE, but in general), one has to wonder, what are the other companys doing, I mean come on, get a pair of Bauer skates, cut them up and try to copy something from them, do something. They're literally years ahead of the competition. Some user said that a RBK rep told him they have a Bauer killer in their next skate, now I don't know if that was just a pathetic lie or if he was in denial. Oh and almost forgot about the new Easton skate and can't wait the new Graf skate which I don't even know if it's announced and if it, most likely will be something very similar to last gen.

Those big bucks in R&D are paying of in the end, no surprise there

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