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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What is your oldest piece of equipment?

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I just threw out with my old Cooper Techniflex pants... Top half and some of the lower pads removed, legs torn for more mobility. I think I must have had them for close to 15 years. They'd "had it" about 10 years ago.

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I kind of seeked out some older skates all used.

Bauer 6000 (03?)

Vapor 10 (02)

Bauer 5000 (98)

Which brings me to a question about the recently acquired 5000s.

Was/Is it normal for the gold plastic on the back (circled) to break? Or is just brittle plastic from being 10+ years old? (I am guessing it's the latter question.)


Just wondering. It looks like it's the ballistic nylon is underneath anyway.

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I still use my CCM Supra 500 gloves on a regular basis. They have to be close to 15 years old by now but I just can't get used to anything else the way I did with these. I even just got them repalmed with a MSH2 palm and they are even better than they were when I got them new! I've been through a few pairs of much newer gloves and always found myself going back to the Supra's. I'm actually using a much newer pair of NBH 4-Rolls as a backup set.

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Jofa elbow pads...hard-caps. Back when they still had this logo:


Circa 1998. Velcro still works like a charm too. I'll snap a pic soon

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When I wear shoulders these days, it's a pair of Flak shoulders that are probably 15 years old. I've tried a tons of newer pads, and nothing else comes close.

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I kind of seeked out some older skates all used.

Which brings me to a question about the recently acquired 5000s.

Was/Is it normal for the gold plastic on the back (circled) to break? Or is just brittle plastic from being 10+ years old? (I am guessing it's the latter question.)


Just wondering. It looks like it's the ballistic nylon is underneath anyway.

Yes, I went through a couple pairs of them when I was younger and the gold plastic always crumbled after about a month of use.

For me it would have to be a mid-90's (maybe earlier I'm not entirely sure) Cooper fishbowl.

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ahhh flak's I remember when my dad came home with then brand new when I was a kid and I looked at him like he was handing me a bag of fish heads, then I tried them on... lasted me from peewee through midget... awesome pads.

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  • Cooper Techniflex shouldies and elbow pads. Elbow pads are about 14 years old and shouldies are about the same. Just found a new pair but still going with the tried and true.

  • Easton AC7100 shafts. Technically could be legal at 18-years-old since that's when they came out.

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Easton Shootout alu shaft, dunno when it came out but I've had it for about ~12 years. Just out of interest, its rated 110 flex, would that be the same as Eastons 110 composite sticks? If so, probably shouldn't have been using that at 10 years old..

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I kind of seeked out some older skates all used.

Bauer 6000 (03?)

Vapor 10 (02)

Bauer 5000 (98)

Which brings me to a question about the recently acquired 5000s.

Was/Is it normal for the gold plastic on the back (circled) to break? Or is just brittle plastic from being 10+ years old? (I am guessing it's the latter question.)

Bauer 5000 pic

Just wondering. It looks like it's the ballistic nylon is underneath anyway.

That happened with mine and a guy I play with. I think it just comes with age.

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I used to shoot against a goalie who would rock the old brown leather pads...also had vintage jerseys and actually wore the old style mask too. Guy must have been nuts. I believe I did peg him in the mask once too...

I played against a guy like that out in Delaware, toughest guy to shoot on in the league a real stand up goalie which was wierd to see

My oldest gear is probably my original vapor 10 gloves or bauer 5000 shins/elbows...although I miss my first pair of Vapor 10s!

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I rarely wear shoulder pads, but when I do it is a pair of Coopers purchased in 1979. Also was playing with early 80's Koho 750 gloves that came from the AHL New Haven Nighthawks equipment stockpile. I recently bought some Eagle PPF's, but will get my Koho's repalmed and break them out now and then.

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My Helmet bag is 15 years old, mouth guard is 9 give or take. Everything else has been through recent upgrades since making the switch to ice a couple of years ago. I have some original griplites too, but they are new-old.

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Up until a week or 2 ago...I would have said my garter. But the waist band was getting really gross...and the buckles were rusty/corroded...so I bought a new one. Now, I'd say probably my jock. I wore the shorts with velcro and built in cup for a long time...but when I started using EDGE socks (with no velcro) i had to swtich back to garter...and the old jock made a comeback.

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Would be my Cooper Flexform shoulder pads. I've bought about 3 or 4 pairs since I got these including a pair of Farrells but they are so comfy that I cant get rid of them

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I still have some Hespeler classic shins, shoulder and gloves in the attic. Those have to be around ten years old or so. Oldest stuff that I use would be my 8025 elbows or one of my old WSI jocks. Even the new one is at least 5 years old.

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Well if we are talking about stuff that we don't use but still have I've got a pair of DR leg pads that I picked up second hand when I started playing in about 93-94. Im sure they where about 5 or 6 years old when I got them too. They look like a pair of football (soccer) shin pads now compared to the protection on the market these days.

Infact I bought my entire first kit for $32... it was THAT good!!

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Bauer junior medium shoulder pads. They are old (10-15 years if I had to guess), no model number on these babies, just black, the trim might have been purple at one point.


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My Mission Amp Fly skates I use now...got them for around $50 used several years ago at Play it Again, and there still going strong. By now, the skate has molded perfectly to my foot :)

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I guess it would be my original Bauer 5000 helmet. I am pretty sure I got it around 1997 or 1998. i would sure love a new one though! The inside padding is much nicer now. The original padding doesn't feel that great (compared to what they have now).

My Mission matrix shin guards are probably from the same time period.

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