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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Bauer Supreme TotalONE

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Is the eyelet configuration different on th TotalOnes than the One95s? It's looks a little more aggressive/straighter to me as well as the top being slightly lowered (as mentioned).

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Handled them yesterday and the eyelet configuration didn't look any different other than being a little lower.

Holy crap are they light and stiff though. When pulling the inserts in and and out I noticed I had to flex them the opposite way and somewhat force it out of where it slid in - darkstar if you are going to be alternating a pair of reflex inserts could you see it wearing out the holder on the tongue?

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Handled them yesterday and the eyelet configuration didn't look any different other than being a little lower.

Holy crap are they light and stiff though. When pulling the inserts in and and out I noticed I had to flex them the opposite way and somewhat force it out of where it slid in - darkstar if you are going to be alternating a pair of reflex inserts could you see it wearing out the holder on the tongue?

The sleeve where the insert sits under at the top of the tongue is double stitched. There should be no problem changing inserts often.

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Handled them yesterday and the eyelet configuration didn't look any different other than being a little lower.

Holy crap are they light and stiff though. When pulling the inserts in and and out I noticed I had to flex them the opposite way and somewhat force it out of where it slid in - darkstar if you are going to be alternating a pair of reflex inserts could you see it wearing out the holder on the tongue?

I think we both go to Cyclone Taylor in Vancouver. Is that where you saw them? Did they have a posted price? I know the US pricing is $799 but i'm wondering what it is locally.

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Man.... this is getting ridiculous! Skates are a tax deduction for me and I'm definitely gonna balk at $800 for a pair of skates.... at that price I'll need to get four or five years out of a pair....

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$952 after HST...wow.

I though HST isn't in effect just yet, but irrespective at least in BC there's always been full provintial + goods & services sales tax on the skates = 12% so your calculations are correct

at least the gap between US online stores & Canadian retail isn't as huge - only $50 before the exchange, and even less after

My memory isn't serving me well, but when One90 first came out wasn't it close to $1000 in Canada & only $599 in the US?

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The xxx's were 699.99 (then listed at regular price at 799.99), the one95's and X:60's were 699.99, but I don't remember what the one90's were. I think they were around the same. I know the X:60 LE's are 749.99.

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I went to the Hockey Shop - $849.99 (wasn't posted but I asked). They also had the one100 which looked pretty good as well (didn't have a price though)

The one100 price is making me anxious.

I have already verbally committed to my LHS for a pair of TotalOnes for me and a pair of one100's for my daughter. I'm kind of convincing myself that the one100's will be in the $50 to $100 range so the grand total will be less than $1000. Somehow I think they may end up being a bit more than that....


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The one100 price is making me anxious.

I have already verbally committed to my LHS for a pair of TotalOnes for me and a pair of one100's for my daughter. I'm kind of convincing myself that the one100's will be in the $50 to $100 range so the grand total will be less than $1000. Somehow I think they may end up being a bit more than that....


US MSRP on One 100 is as follows:

Sr - 599.99

Jr - 399.99

Yth - 99.99

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Seem's almost the same as the one95. Which is understandable. It's actually a really good looking skate, with a really nice tongue. For a skate with little to no flaws it's impressive to see them improve on it.

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US MSRP on One 100 is as follows:

Sr - 599.99

Jr - 399.99

Yth - 99.99


Wow, all joking aside, that is less than I actually expected for the Juniors.

I will see what that ends up here in Canada but I had figured the juniors would be more expensive than $399.99 US.

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Seem's almost the same as the one95. Which is understandable. It's actually a really good looking skate, with a really nice tongue. For a skate with little to no flaws it's impressive to see them improve on it.

My one95s got stolen and I can't decide which skates to buy...

I was big fan of my 95s and the 100s seem like the practical choice.

However, I went to my LHS last week and was intrigued by the new liner and weight reduction in the TotalONEs. I am big fan of buying the best available at the time and ridding it into the ground...

Anyone have experience in both skates? Or things to point out that could help me decide?

Between playing and coaching, I am on the ice 3-5 times a week. My skates often do not get as much time to dry as I'd like.

That is why the new liner has my attention...

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From JR and DS50's reviews the new liner seems to be pretty awesome. I recall reading it didn't have that slimy feeling the current liner has. As for experience with both skates I don't think anyone has tried the one100 yet, and considering it is only different from the one95 in the tongue, I think you have a pretty safe personal experience of what they will feel like. Personally (I'm like you wanting to have the best at the time) I'd go for the totalone's. Especially if they don't get the chance to dry out. The totalOnes also have 4 holes in the outsole to help drain sweat.

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If you are on the ice that much and have the $, TotalONE all the way. You have experienced ONE95s. Go to the next level. You won't be sorry. Just my 2 cents............

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If you are on the ice that much and have the $, TotalONE all the way. You have experienced ONE95s. Go to the next level. You won't be sorry. Just my 2 cents............

Okay, you sold me.

You are 100% correct though, it does make a difference.

I am a hockey instructor, I coach rep hockey, and I play. I am often on the ice 6 or 7 times per week and sometimes twice a day. Hockey camps can run all day.

What a huge, huge difference with the one95's over what I had (Graf G35).

I can't wait to get my TotalOne's!

This thread is pure torture for me.

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ahhh im sold aswell. love the slightly lower eyelet. will probably go ls2 steel after the fusion. cant wait to visit back to the states this summer and pick some up

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I think the fact some guys here have worn ONE95s and been satisfied with fit and performance is extremely important. I have mentioned in the LTR about fit and your foot and what style is best for the player. I know that Supremes fit me better than Vapors. For those guys here that have that ONE95 experience and it has worked for them, I am confident that TotalONEs will work again at that higher level. That said, for those guys who are not sure exactly if they are the Supreme fit since they did not wear ONE95s, this can be a question for them to ask themselves before they make a final decision on TotalONE. If the TotalONE does not fit your foot very well, right out of the box, there is no point in believing that a tweak here or there, will make it work for you. I think this is an important factor in any one's final purchase decision: does this skate fit me properly out of the box? I never sell a skate saying "oh don't worry about that, we can make it work." If it doesn't feel right in the fitting process, it will probably not feel right on the ice, no matter what. Make sure the TotalONE, or any skate, is the skate that fits you right in the shop before you buy. That will ultimately decide how well you really think the skate is made. So, for those guys with success in ONE95, the TotalONE will work for you. If you are a Vapor guy, you better think twice before buying a TotalONE that may not match your foot shape.

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Oh no you don't DarkStar.

You already convinced me to buy the TotalOne's, you can't try and convince me otherwise now!!!


You are right of course, they either fit or they don't. I am extremely happy with my one95's so it's all good.

I am curious about the one100's for my daughter though.

She had Vapor XXXX before and had problems with pain. We even had her X-rayed etc to see what was happening but she was in a lot of pain. No pain at all with the Graf 735's right out of the box.

I am hoping the one100's fit her as I would like her to have a high performance pair of skates instead of...well, Graf.

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I've read through all 20 some odd of these pages and am still un-sure of what I'm going to do, any advice from you guys would be helpful..

I have worn my NBH One95's for the past 2 seasons and was planning on going to custom order the newest supreme line skate that had came out. I'm still planning on going custom (which means TotalOne, from what I understand) but I'm not sure about the tongue concept. I didnt have any problems with the One95's so I would have no problem getting the One95 tongues put on my TotalOnes. From what I've read it'd be worth it to stick it out and try the new tongues. I know JR said floppers dont bother, so just a quick bonus question (I am not a flopper), can you order the new tongues with (for example) +1.5" so you could flop them if you wanted to?

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