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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Winnipeg Jets return

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As a Winnipeger and a season ticket holder. I am a little under whelmed by the logo. But my Son who is 11 loves it. His freinds yesterday loved it. When I went to the MTS centre to buy merch the line up was out the door and down the full length of the arena.

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Are they a Canadien team? I can't tell maybe they should plaster the Maple leaf all over the team. A bit much of that and the logo looks like its from clip art. Not a fan

You betch'ya!

Everytime I look at it, reminds me of an overheadshot of the target on a curling sheet....

that made laugh and because it's a little true; it doesn't bother me though.

I dont mind it. I was hoping for something like what Washington did with an updated logo ...


And honestly, I kinda like this:


Oh well, whatever... they have a team back, and that's the important thing!

I would agree except it looks like a passenger air liner instead of a fighter jet. Replace it with a fighter jet silhouette and I agree.

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Neither bad nor good. Pretty meh. The old one was better

Pretty much hits the nail on the head. It may look better once the whole uni is rolled out, but right now, "meh" pretty much sums it up. What's the over /under for seasons until a "retro" third jersey is rolled out and subsequetly adopted as the main uniform like in Buffalo?

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I think the logo is OK at best. It's simple and not overdone as it could be. but the whole package, so far, looks rushed.

Like others I am curious to see the jersey set up. I think a a grey jersey would like nice as well. But I kind of doubt that will happen. But I hope they keep the jersey simple and classic with the stripping, not weird piping and weird reebok edge jersey coloring.

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already miss the thrashers...sure they weren't very good at all but just because they weren't good doesn't mean i cant like them! All these fucking people in Atlanta only care about football and baseball. not that i have anything against those sports its just the fact that they completely looked over hockey just because Atlanta wasn't any good. So they think "hey im not gonna go watch them get beat.", but maybe if they actually went to a game and showed some kind of support then maybe just maybe they'd still be here. It just hacks me off all these people who just have the mindset of piss on the thrashers and piss on hockey, and they didn't even give them a chance. Back in 07' people actually cared about them only because they were good and once they got swept it was just back to piss on the thrashers. Although its not all the fans those ticket prices were outrages you cant think your going to spend less than $100 for two tickets if you want a good seat. Now that they are in Winnipeg i know they are going to be good..i bet in a few years they will be in the playoffs...congratulations to everyone in winnipeg for getting a hockey team back try not to lose them this time eh? so you don't have to go and take another cities team. most people in Atlanta just don't understand hockey, although i do know there are still a bunch of people that do play hockey and that's AWESOME! well that's Just my 2 cents...

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LOL 100$ for two good tickets and you still complain? No wonder why they left. You guys had it so good and you didn't even know it. For the same money in Montreal, you'll get a single ticket in the nosebleeds. And then again those games are against unpopular teams... like the Thrashers :wink:

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The thing about Montreal isn't that the prices are outraqeous. They are actually fairly decent. A couple years ago I sat on the corner at the top of the lowest level (if that makes sense) face value on the ticket was $95...another time I sat second row at the glass...$135, and the Desjardins Club where food and (non alcohol) drinks are included was only $170. But...I do think those require much more commitment than 1 game. I was lucky enough to get all my tickets through work connections so the fact that I didn't pay for them kinda disqualifies me from the conversation about value I suppose.

The thing is that they sell 21,723 tickets for every game in a matter of minutes. So, scalpers can charge whatever they want...but you can get into a Habs game very reasonably...if you are very fast on the phone/internet when tickets go on sale.

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Honestly, I think they're great jerseys.


I wasn't 100% sold on the logo, but it's growing on me. I already have a navy "ringer" tshirt with the new logo on it. But now that I've seen it on the jersey, I like it a lot.

I also have to say, I love how passionate the new owners seem to be. As a Leaf fan, I can only dream of having owners like these guys, or the Molson family in Montreal, or somebody like Melnyk in Ottawa. Somebody who *really* cares about a winning team on the ice (though, Burke has done well, considering the crap he inherited, but I digress...)

I know this isn't going to be a cup winning team any time soon, and likely not a playoff team either. But I'm still excited to have them back in the league!


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I think the logos and uni's are nice, but not very exciting. The shoulder yoke/stripe on the whites makes the arms a little "busy" when they hit the captain's bars, but the blues definitely look sharp. Red pants would've gone a long way to differentiate the Jets from the myriad of other teams with that also have mostly blue uniforms.

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I think the logos and uni's are nice, but not very exciting. The shoulder yoke/stripe on the whites makes the arms a little "busy" when they hit the captain's bars, but the blues definitely look sharp. Red pants would've gone a long way to differentiate the Jets from the myriad of other teams with that also have mostly blue uniforms.

I am a little bit dissapointed that there is no red at all in the jersey.

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I really like the jerseys and the logo looks great on both. Two nitpicking comments.

1 I agree with cooperalls, the arm stripes and blue shoulder yoke gets a little busy. A traditional shoulder yoke that stopped above the stripes might have looked better.

2 I would have liked to see a little more silver in both designs, but especially the dark blue home sweaters. Silver is an underutilized color in the NHL.

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Maybe its just that I loved some of the concept art I saw for the team before they released their logos, but I do not like the logo or the jersey. I agree with most of the other people that say they need to have more red and that the striping on the road jersey looks a little overkill. That being said the jersey itself is an homage to the royal canadian air force flyers, which is cool.

RCAF jersey for reference


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If I didn't have so many jerseys collecting dust in my closet I'd definitely buy the white one. The blue one is OK too. I'm very impressed by the jerseys, I was expecting a piping and incomplete stripes madness. Even the font looks good

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A little ironic that they're standing in front of a plane with a propeller.

technically, it is a jet engine that drives the prop.

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