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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2010-2011 Gear Sightings

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I was watching some interviews on the Wings sight and there were a few white shoulder pads with a solid black Warrior "W" on the caps. I couldn't tell any model, but thought it was interesting.

You can see 2 behind Modano on this video. (at around 2 min.) fixed link thanks IniNew

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Looks like somebody stitched Warrior caps onto Reebok shoulder pads.

Tons of warrior shoulder pads in the show right now. Everyone has either brand new shouldies, or has updated caps and bicep protection.

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I was watching some interviews on the Wings sight and there were a few white shoulder pads with a solid black Warrior "W" on the caps. I couldn't tell any model, but thought it was interesting.

You can see 2 behind Modano on this video. (at around 2 min.)

The link you have in yours didn't seem to work for me, but I found the video: http://video.redwings.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=-7&id=77484 (seems you linked the wrong one).

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The Zote foam in the Warrior Projekt has become the NHL-standard for safety.

what is so special about the zote foam?

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Are my eyes plaing tricks on me or is Colby Armstrong using a 9K O-Stick?

edit didnt see steaksauces comment

he can gladly take mine if he wants lol

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No, I'm not a fan of the look at all.

The real question is will a professional photographer lose his job for geting a picture of these skates. Or is there a different strategy in place this time, let everyone see them but deny they exist.:wacko:

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Heres the warrior shoulders.

I've seen those warrior shouldies on the caps videos too. They're not the projekt are they? Maybe a pro only thing.. i've never heard anything about them.

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Taylor Hall using the EQ50 stick last night. Not sure if it's a big deal, but haven't seen any other players using it before.

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