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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When you have everything the way you like it, what do you buy next?

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So when you have everything you want in terms of hockey equipment, what do you buy next?

I have all the basic big ticket items(skates etc) and even have the small ticket items (Sidas insoles, tackie grip handles, RBK socks etc). What do you guys do next?

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Or, if you've got gloves you like...start a "family". Every color combination of that style glove you can find. There are lots of "family photos" in the Show It Off if you need a reference.

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Wait a few years while repairing small problems, then replace 1 item per year.

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Hoard favorites that are no longer in production (for me, that's getting One95 sticks and Mission Pitch 3 holders and steel and S400s/500s/AG120s).

Other than the model of sticks, that sounds like something I would say.

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I've been in this situation for about the last five to seven years now. Decided to gradually get everything in high end equipment. I tried all the top brand name stuff as I went along and stuck with what I thought was the best in protection,quality and lightness. Ended up with two complete sets of equipment and used one for my regular league and another for pickup. I've found however, it was just too much, deciding what I should wear each game and what I liked the best between the two sets. I recently sold one set back to Play It Again Sports and kept the set I use for my regular league because I believed that was what worked best for me. Now I just wait for something to wear out and replace it. I find I like puttering around in sports stores even more now because there is no pressure to get anything because I already have everything top end. I can be more analytical about equipment and if I do buy it has to be a major improvement over what I already have. And I immediately sell the thing I'm replacing to Play It Again or privately. Storing two sets of equipment and keeping it fresh and clean was a major hassle so I'm not going there again. I don't want to start hoarding equipment now either regardless if it's new, or something of a classic, because all it does is use up space in my basement or garage. You can only wear one piece or set of everything at a time so what's the sense of having it laying around the house collecting dust.

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Definetly agree with, "start over". Especially if you are playing a lot gear doesnt last very long, especially sticks, gloves and skates.

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Honestly if its not broke don't fix it. I see no reason to go out and buy new elbows and shins just because you have everything you want. Especially, if you have ones that work for you that are perfectly fine.

What I have done, I started stocking up and sticks and gloves. All my Xn10s are gone now and I am comfortable with T90s so I have been buying those up when I can.

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So when you have everything you want in terms of hockey equipment, what do you buy next?

In my case, I bought something for my wife. Now, it's usually a few days in the islands. It's amazing how much money piles up when you aren't buying gear like crazy.

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