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Wicking Hockey Sock

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I Like skating barefoot. But I just got new skates and want to try to make them last so I figure I better start wearing socks.

I don't like wearing regular cotton socks, too thick and too wet. What are some good socks to wear on my feet that are thin and wick the moisture away? What materials should I loom for?


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I have some nike soccer socks that come to the knee that I like. Nice and thin.

I just picked up the easton skate socks and tried them for 2 games. I like these a bit better but prefer longer socks as I like them all the way to the knee.

If you're used to no socks the Eastons may work well for you.

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Dress socks made of all natural fibers. They are thin (helping mimic the feel of barefoot) and do not soak up moisture like cotton socks.

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I bought the Shock Doctor skate socks. They're nice and tight if you like the snug compression fit but they don't wick moisture as well as I would like them to. Steer clear.

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Ive had 2 pairs of the Easton socks, and both have lost their elasticity or something over time. It takes me like 10 minutes to get them on because they dont stretch at all anymore. Once they are on they work okay though...

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I used to wear dress-socks, but a few weeks ago i was at a LHS and decided to purchase a pair of their cheapest Hockey sock. Best Investment Ever. I bought some company called "Sani sock Thinees." I can now play over 2 hours and will not get blisters. With Dress socks it would hold up for a good hour, but some shinny games we get the ice for over 2 hours, and i would start getting blisters. But these Socks ....OMG best investment ever. I have not gotten any discomfort from playing over 2 hours now.

I just bought some cheapo brand. They are super thin and soft. They had knee high's and ankle highs.

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If you can find them, try a company called Drymax. I tried some one day and bought 2 more pairs shortly after. keep your foot dry as bone while playing. I found them recently on Ebay. highly recommended i think. Got my uncle and cousin who plays 3-4 times a week to wear them religiously.

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Vapor socks do a decent job of wicking, but still get some dampness. The Drymax was the best I've tried. They wick well. Players Bench has them.

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Really a big fan of the Easton Synergy socks. Have always felt they do a good job and fairly comfortable. They stop about 3/4 of the way up my calf.

Anyone else find the Synergy socks to be exceptionally tight ? Bought the regular cut size 10-13 (shoe size 10.5) and I feel like I have a

couple of tourniquets applied.

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I have been using the Wigwam Ultimax liners for the last 4 years. Held up well. Haven't really lost the elasticity. Wick the seat away pretty well. They changed the name to ultimate liner pro.


Might have to try those, especially since they are a local company!

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yup. I gave up on them after wearing them twice

Agreed, the Eastons were like vice grips on my feet. Went to a camping store and brought liner socks. That is all I've been wearing the last 2 years.

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I switch between the Easton Synergy and the Under Armour Recharge socks when I have back-to-back practices or games for obvious reasons, but I prefer the Under Armour socks because they go up higher (and my shin guards have a habit of ripping out any hair it can get to) and they are a bit looser. Not like regular sock loose, but more like "I don't feel as if I have a belt going around my kneecap" loose.

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