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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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If You Could Change/Fix 1 Thing About Your Game/Ability What Would It Be?

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give me just one thing and you only can pick one, something about how you play hockey, how you skate, look, whatever the one thing you woukd like to be able to change/fix about how you play hockey (ice or inline) or anything to do with being a hockey player

i need to give mine some more thought before i post it cause id like to change/fix at least a half dozen things which might have something to do with why i pay to play instead of getting paid to play!!!!

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i can deke pretty well, but what i want to do is read the opponents moves better and deke around that instead of just picking a random deke in my head to hope that it will work

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My patience with the puck during ice hockey games. I'll often make a quick pass or dump it when I have enough time to carry the puck, make a move or make a better play. I don't really have this problem when I play roller or pickup ice hockey, but I'll often rush things in ice games.

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Either my hands or my shooting. I can't get my shot off very quickly, I would like it to be harder also. As for my hands, I just can't deke at all. Every so often I will do something great without thinking about it but that is pretty rare. It's funny that most people in this thread say skating since my skating ability is by far my best asset.

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I have a list as long as my arm. :p But if I could magically fix one thing without any effort I'd fix my backhand. I feel like not having a solid backhand shot or saucer pass limits my options in some cases.

I'd also like a better slapshot. :)

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