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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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$75 Stealths!

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  Accord said:
  Langenbrunner15 said:
Accord did you try for long?
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I registered yesterday, it didn't even take 24 hours to get validated.

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I've tried 2 or 3 times...given an e-mail...picked a screen name and everything. Never got an e-mail back from them saying I was online. Waited weeks/months...nothing!

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It's been so long since I posted on there I can't even remember what my login name or password are...I guess the only option is to reregister and hope I am approved.

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I would feel like a real asshole if i participated since i haven't posted on that board for over a year. You guys joining right now in order to participate need to find some morals/ethics.

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just to make it clear when i said the thing about registering I wasn't talking bout' the stick just pointing out that I have tried several times in the past to register with no luck. Frankly I don't have 95$ to spend even if I wanted the stick. That being said I completely agree with JR, although I understand people see a good deal here but just helping people out cuz there is something in it for you is pretty low, people should be helping others because how good you and they feel after not so you can benefit.

Just out of curiosity couldn't they sell stealths for 100$ and give all the profits to a orginasation like this. I think that if they did that they would get more profit and more people could be involved too making it easier to get money......again I don't say this because i want a stick but because they would honestly make more money I think....either way this is a pretty neat thing and very generous of Easton.

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  sweetblazer said:
just helping people out cuz there is something in it for you is pretty low, people should be helping others because how good you and they feel after not so you can benefit
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Not to turn this into some philosophical debate or something, but your receiving something from it either way. Whether someone is donating because of the warm fuzzy feeling they get, or if they're donating because they get a hockey stick.. are they getting something out of it either way?

Whether it's an emotion or something more tangible, you're still receiving something out of it.

I'll be honest, would I be donating a $75 gift to Easton's charity if I weren't getting a hockey stick out of it? No. Does getting a hockey stick change my mind about which charity to donate to this season? Hell yes it does. Does this make me a bad person? I don't think so personally but others might.

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I think we should just stop. It's not going anywhere - if you want to donate, go ahead. It's for a great cause.

I was going to email Guru to work out something through the board, but we are limited on funds, since we pay server fees. I also was going to do a donation myself however I need to save for Vegas. In both cases, I wasn't going to ask for a stick - this industry has given me a lot and I thought it would be cool to donate back. But most of you guys aren't in the same situation that I am in when it comes to stuff like that.

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Amen to that.. (this crap stopping, it being a good cause, saving for Vegas) I need to save up for Vegas also.

When are you going and where are you staying? Normally I go in October for a roller hockey tournament but that didn't happen this year so my October trip is getting pushed back to my birthday (Dec. 16th). Rates are much cheaper in December than they are in October appearently.

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  Cavs019 said:
I would feel like a real asshole if i participated since i haven't posted on that board for over a year. You guys joining right now in order to participate need to find some morals/ethics.
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You're telling me that I need to find some ethics because I want to join a message board so I can donate toys to children? As a university student, I'm not exactly rolling in money, I have trouble getting Xmas gifts for my own family. Therefore at this point in time, I would not be able to donate $100 CAD to a toy drive. However, I still play hockey and need a stick to play with. Would you prefer I go to my LHS, drop $100 on a shaft, or use that same $100 bucks to provide some toys for kids? I don't see anything wrong with people joining now to donate. The children get more toys, people get their hockey sticks, and Easton gets excellent publicity. It's a win, win, win situation.

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  Vishi05 said:
Amen to that.. (this crap stopping, it being a good cause, saving for Vegas) I need to save up for Vegas also.

When are you going and where are you staying? Normally I go in October for a roller hockey tournament but that didn't happen this year so my October trip is getting pushed back to my birthday (Dec. 16th). Rates are much cheaper in December than they are in October appearently.

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Jan 29-Feb 2

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Make sure you hit up the Bellagio buffet.....if heaven had a buffet...that place would be IT. Prime rib, king crab, Jumbo shrimp, pasta galore, pizza, SUShi.....anything you name, its probably there.

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I like the cafe in the Venetian (I forget the name offhand). Incredible food and it's very well priced. I've never found a good seafood place in Vegas, but I hear the seafood buffet in the Rio is really good.

Right now it doesn't look like I'll make it. If I do, it might only be for two days. If I can make it, there's a good chance I'll be there 3 times next year :D

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I've been 4 times this year already going on 5.. of course it's only a 3-4 hour drive for me so it's not that bad.

If you go to Nine Fine Irishman inside of NYNY, I suggest getting the red hugh to drink. Tastes ok and you'll be off your ass after 2 or 3 most likely.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Guys, you do whatever you want.

I just hope you do it for the right reasons.

All I have to say is that you guys talk so much shit about EMB but alas, a free stick, and it's all good...

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That is probably the truest post ever recorded in the history of Modsquadhockey.com 75% of you, Mods included, have been bashing Guru, Easton and the EMB since the dawn of Corebeam.

The second they offer a stick for toys everyone is so quick to kiss their ass and say what a nice thing they are doing. What a bunch of front-running, whiney, bandwagoners.

And this post, obviously, is not aimed at members who constructively post on both sites; just the whiners who have been bashing EMB and Guru for years and now pretend the never did - - flakes.

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