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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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Look at the bidding history. Some guy REALLY wanted the helmet so put in a very high number. Someone tested how high the limit was by doing the same and found out. Now there are two people with no feedback what-so-ever that over bid the max. Betting they're dummy accounts to get him off the hook. The owner of the auction should contact ebay and have them smoted.

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they werent that price a day or two ago.

Edit: They were already sold in the MSH sell section....hence the ridiculous ebay price

Then why not end the auction early? If the listing could still be edited, it could have just as easily have been ended early .

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they werent that price a day or two ago.

Edit: They were already sold in the MSH sell section....hence the ridiculous ebay price

Then why not end the auction early? If the listing could still be edited, it could have just as easily have been ended early .

Dont ask me....ask the seller

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It's gotta be from the Red Wings team equipment bag, a stick has MODANO's name on it.........Sakic, too

"Maybe Shanahan's stick"

read the whole description :)


that's just awesome.

that person is a dumb ass.

shanny never used ultra lites. he always used aluminum classics with wood blades. the guy most likely wrote the names on the plug.

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Nice team-USA gloves he has. haha

What a jackass...unfortunately it looks like naive people may go for it. His Fubar's have a bid, albeit from someone who is a -1....haha. Serves him right.

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