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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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I don't know if you guys visit HFboards but here's the guy that "makes" the infamous white XXXX (mentioned many times here).

His username is lunaxod.

Are you sure his name isn't Lunatic?

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And your posting that in this thread because...?

Couldn't find the old thread about it (probably locked anyway) and didn't want to make a new one. Thought people might find it interesting.

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I don't know if you guys visit HFboards but here's the guy that "makes" the infamous white XXXX (mentioned many times here).

His username is lunaxod.

Are you sure his name isn't Lunatic?

Rubo on here.

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Not questioning it, but the theory gets shot down here on a regular basis... so just looking to see what you guys thought

"Mission stick with Vapor XXXX Graphics"

as it states in the description ( not sure if you read it )-- the Pro Stock Mission sticks are getting Vapor XXXX graphics. these are my sticks-- i was pretty disappointed when i got the wrong pattern after waiting so long.

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if only i could breathe out of my eyelids like the lizards of the galapagos islands. why do i have to be the righty??? if only you were a lefty! if grandma had balls.....

LOL! Cheers guys and Happy Holidays! if anybody here is interested in the sticks send me a PM and we will work something out.

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Not questioning it, but the theory gets shot down here on a regular basis... so just looking to see what you guys thought

"Mission stick with Vapor XXXX Graphics"

as it states in the description ( not sure if you read it )-- the Pro Stock Mission sticks are getting Vapor XXXX graphics. these are my sticks-- i was pretty disappointed when i got the wrong pattern after waiting so long.

No ill intent man, I read it... I just know majority of the time kiddies on ebay, etc. like to stir up myths of epic proportions that some random stick is really an Inno, or an Easton painted like..... god only knows what.

If they're still available after the holidays, I will shoot you a msg.

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Not questioning it, but the theory gets shot down here on a regular basis... so just looking to see what you guys thought

"Mission stick with Vapor XXXX Graphics"

as it states in the description ( not sure if you read it )-- the Pro Stock Mission sticks are getting Vapor XXXX graphics. these are my sticks-- i was pretty disappointed when i got the wrong pattern after waiting so long.

No ill intent man, I read it... I just know majority of the time kiddies on ebay, etc. like to stir up myths of epic proportions that some random stick is really an Inno, or an Easton painted like..... god only knows what.

If they're still available after the holidays, I will shoot you a msg.

no ill intent taken! we are all good! there is some junk out on ebay and it's good you guys keep an eye out and let people know what is up. i just wanted to make sure you guys knew that it was on the level. cheers!

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I know I don't need to confirm but Zac mentioned to me about him expecting some Mission sticks with XXXX graphics over a month ago. I have no doubt that they are exactly as described. :)

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I don't recall saying you did.

There are non-active or even active members that come to this site and don't know who is bullshitting who, confirmation never hurts.

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