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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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The crest looks awfully shiny. This is the 1st time I've really taken a look at it. It does not look authentic at all.

Chinese knockoff.

Like TBL said - if the price seems too good to be true, it usually is.

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I bet Crosby really put those laces in his new skates. The smaller skate for pros comment made me piss myself.

No, I really think there have been cuts in the Pens equipment budget and they are trying to save by not selling laces they can still use.

they have holes in the blade..croby's don't which looks suspicous..also he lives in NJ..and lastly no certificate of autheticity

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I bet Crosby really put those laces in his new skates. The smaller skate for pros comment made me piss myself.

No, I really think there have been cuts in the Pens equipment budget and they are trying to save by not selling laces they can still use.

they have holes in the blade..croby's don't which looks suspicous..also he lives in NJ..and lastly no certificate of autheticity

who needs authenticity. It seems legit! :lol:

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Hey guys I found a seller who is driving up their bids on hockey equipment BEWARE. The seller is ultimatehockeyshop. If you notice on their items most of them will have a high bidder of s***a which is fine but this bidder has no winning bids and has bid on 161 items 341 times from this seller! 100% of s***a bids are on these sellers items. I contacted this seller and they responded by saying someone is attacking their auctions and only focusing on them (riiight). Im not sur how to provide the links but if you search under seller you can see for yourself. Just thought i would look out for all of you!

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Hey guys I found a seller who is driving up their bids on hockey equipment BEWARE. The seller is ultimatehockeyshop. If you notice on their items most of them will have a high bidder of s***a which is fine but this bidder has no winning bids and has bid on 161 items 341 times from this seller! 100% of s***a bids are on these sellers items. I contacted this seller and they responded by saying someone is attacking their auctions and only focusing on them (riiight). Im not sur how to provide the links but if you search under seller you can see for yourself. Just thought i would look out for all of you!

I ran into one of these guys to. I was winning on a pair of gloves. in 5 minutes the gloves jump $30 to just a dollar over my max bid. Oh well, its ebay and it happens. then the seller messages me "the guy who bought the gloves has no feedback and doesnt seem trustworthy, I'd rather sell to you, you were communicating and having good feedback." So i buy them and about a month later realize what probably happened. Wish I could remember the guys name who sold them to me.

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Hey guys I found a seller who is driving up their bids on hockey equipment BEWARE. The seller is ultimatehockeyshop. If you notice on their items most of them will have a high bidder of s***a which is fine but this bidder has no winning bids and has bid on 161 items 341 times from this seller! 100% of s***a bids are on these sellers items. I contacted this seller and they responded by saying someone is attacking their auctions and only focusing on them (riiight). Im not sur how to provide the links but if you search under seller you can see for yourself. Just thought i would look out for all of you!

You can report that to ebay, it's something they don't care for much so a descriptive email reporting the situation should land the seller in some heat.

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Would EBAY really care about that? Seeing as how they make a precentage of the final selling price, I would think they would want the final sale to be as high as possible. I would really love if they DO crack down on that stuff though.

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There's a term for it and I went ahead and reported it... a quick glance through the auctions shows that the same user has bid on almost everything they have for sale, even helmets in different sizes. What will actually happen to the seller? Who knows, but hopefully he'll get fined or watched a little closer or something, not really sure what ebay can do in that situation.

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There's a term for it and I went ahead and reported it... a quick glance through the auctions shows that the same user has bid on almost everything they have for sale, even helmets in different sizes. What will actually happen to the seller? Who knows, but hopefully he'll get fined or watched a little closer or something, not really sure what ebay can do in that situation.

The term you're looking for is shill bidding.

Here's ebay's position on the issue:


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Never knew the dolomite was being discontinued. Even more surprised at the fact that it is being replaced by the AK-27


It's not..it's a dolomite repainted as an AK27. The AK27 is not available as an OPS.

The Ak27 OPS is a pro stock only stick that will not be available in retail. Only available to pros ( Ryan Malone, Marc Savard have used them)

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Never knew the dolomite was being discontinued. Even more surprised at the fact that it is being replaced by the AK-27


It's not..it's a dolomite repainted as an AK27. The AK27 is not available as an OPS.

The Ak27 OPS is a pro stock only stick that will not be available in retail. Only available to pros ( Ryan Malone, Marc Savard have used them)

You sure about that? Can anyone else confirm this?

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It will be available to the public as a shaft. There are plenty of things in the NHL not available to the public.

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It will be available to the public as a shaft. There are plenty of things in the NHL not available to the public.

Like 90% of gloves worn. Although I wouldn't consider most MSH'ers "the public"...I've seen some collections...TBL.

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Never knew the dolomite was being discontinued. Even more surprised at the fact that it is being replaced by the AK-27


It's not..it's a dolomite repainted as an AK27. The AK27 is not available as an OPS.

The Ak27 OPS is a pro stock only stick that will not be available in retail. Only available to pros ( Ryan Malone, Marc Savard have used them)

You sure about that? Can anyone else confirm this?

Yea, I would provide pics if I took em, but when I was at the ACC, the sport shop there had game used pro stock sticks and kubina's AK27 was an OPS!! (yellow one) I couldn't believe my eyes but yep it was an OPS

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