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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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Graf Ultra G35 skates

Is it me, or does this guy have the lower-end Cobra 2000 holders on his $550 skates?

No, NT3000/5000 are not made in anything bigger than 296. It's a 306mm holder on that size, so it is Cobra 2000. Bauer used to do the same with ICM.

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yeah, I can't really find anything wrong with those either (the RBK branded MIA/Warriors), well other than the seller said the ones in the pics are different than the ones he's selling. If I was bidding I'd prefer he'd post pics of the actual pics rather than showing a very similar ones, but silver and white isn't that different I guess, I think its just nicer to see the actual ones you'd receive if you win them.

Edit: Unless Warrior/MIA doesn't make 14.5in even for pro stock.

Edit again: I just realized the poster just said its weird and didn't say that there was anything wrong with them.

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For anyone looking for the edge style practice socks, this person has a ton of them in all different colors. They are obviously not RBK, but how bad could they be? Shipping seems to be pricey though, especially for non-Canadians.


I'd be tempted to get a pair if shipping wasn't so spendy. They look like a decent knockoff, but who knows without trying them.

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i saw these at a lhs near my house they had custom sydor's rbk branded with a mia tag inside the guy has a couple pair's of these rbk/warr going for 70$ i might just get them and resell em sabres colors and some others

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Wow, never underestimate the stupidity of people. I can't believe that the bidding is that high. Looks like it's a bidding war between a couple people. It's definitely tempting to buy a pair and throw them up there to see what happens.

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No, but I really dont think an "Yzerman" stamped blade on its own is guaranteed to be "Game Used."

Would you pay $1000 for that given the information listed?

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I had old Easton woodie blades that looked the exact same as that that I bought at the LHS before I discovered the Lidstrom and Pronger Patterns.

What shaft is it? Because it would be very easy to pick that apart.

Plus $1,000.00 is way to much even if it IS legit, which it is clearly not.

It doesn't even look like an UltraLite or Z-Bubble.

Look here at some pictures: The curve on ebay isn't close, (it looks like the Yzerman retail pattern)

Pro Pattern: http://info.detnews.com/2006/yzerman1280.jpg

with a synergy: http://info.detnews.com/dn/pix/wallpaper/w...04/yzerman1.jpg

again a stick that isn't even close to the ebay auction: http://assets.espn.go.com/photo/2006/0503/yzerman08.jpg

Just the first 3 I pull up on Google Images that even show a stick, nevermind the fact I didn't see any with the stick above.

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