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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2013-2014 Gear Sightings

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Was looking for good pictures of that Ovi mood, but found this instead.

Looks like he uses 3 fight straps on his jersey.


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He must be an equipment managers nightmare.

I'm sure the end of the year tip he gives the EQM makes up for any headaches that he causes during the year.

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To prevent accidentaly tucking? I guess he doesn't want a longer jersey.

He must be an equipment managers nightmare.

They aren't supposed to wear longer jerseys either. The league was supposedly cracking down on guys wearing oversized jerseys as well.

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never noticed for some reason. thought i saw him using a cl500 in the pre-season and just assumed he was still using it as he's not really one to make equipment changes during the season.

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From what I saw first hand as a rep, NOBODY was worse than Sergei Federov. Not even Paul Kariya and there are horror stories about PK!

BINGO! Have heard he is a very good tipper.

There's a pair of Fedorov Eagles on eBay that has the piping removed from the thumbs. That must feel nice, but man that must have been a pain, whoever had to do that mod.

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That's not a mod Sergei requested. Must be after the gloves left the team.

Sergei's biggest pet peave was having tight gloves across the palm and at the "opening" of the glove. Robitaille was the same way.

Martin St. Louis as well - when I was in Tampa, I never had a full set - the other glove was pulled in tightly. He'd wear out the other glove and replace it, and keep the modded one.

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That's not a mod Sergei requested. Must be after the gloves left the team.

Sergei's biggest pet peave was having tight gloves across the palm and at the "opening" of the glove. Robitaille was the same way.

From what I saw first hand as a rep, NOBODY was worse than Sergei Federov. Not even Paul Kariya and there are horror stories about PK!

BINGO! Have heard he is a very good tipper.

I'd love to hear more of these horror stories, though I'm sure you have more important things to do, ha ha!

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I'd love to hear more of these horror stories, though I'm sure you have more important things to do, ha ha!

I worked at a car wash early on in my college days. He would bring his car in, and no one could figure out how to work it, lol. he was very quiet, the girl he would come with would do more talking, but i think he did regret his anna tattoo that he got.

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Sergei was a great guy despite his idiosyncrasies... In all my years, I only had one bad player.

But what about Paul Kariya? He seemed like a pretty laid back guy to me. Come on man, stop teasing us lol

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Agreed. Looks like they customized his pads to match his jersey. How in the world did you catch that?

Sometimes I catch myself watching out for gear stuff rather than watching the actual game. MSH problems...

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Sergei was a great guy despite his idiosyncrasies... In all my years, I only had one bad player.

I'm surprised Jussi Jokinen hasn't been mentioned yet. Dude was a freak about his gloves in Dallas.

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But what about Paul Kariya? He seemed like a pretty laid back guy to me. Come on man, stop teasing us lol

Horror stories... I'm convinced that Mod Squad members are worse then NHL players. NHL know what works for them and can make minor tweaks. What I have seen on these boards and 2 summerjams might make a pro rep quit.

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Not a gear sighting but another player switch (seems to be the season)...strange seeing Bergeron in CCM lid and mitts (looks like he switched around 10/17 against Florida)


he still uses a 9k girdle with ccm shell

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PK was always good to me. I knew he was staying Easton and just said hi to him; nothing more, nothing less.

I've got a autographed game used stick thanking me for just leaving him alone...LOL

Made him samples when I was at Eagle. Used same patterns as on CCM Pro Gloves at the time, however, he just love the fit of the CCM 4-roll gloves that they were bringing in from Vietnam.

I'm surprised Jussi Jokinen hasn't been mentioned yet. Dude was a freak about his gloves in Dallas.

He used those CCM's specifically for shootouts if I remember correctly. He had his shootout gloves and shootout synergy twig.

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