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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL.com today has a nice video of Edge runner being popped out by a shot

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Probably about as unlikely as a holder breaking. At least this would be an easy fix (assuming it just popped out and didn't break the holder)

On a side note, love the video that plays after that one of Price participating in a fan selfie :)

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I havent had one customer report a blade coming out, not a big issue per say. I thought the NHL video was pretty cool, great photography of the incident. Blades break, holders break from shots, no reason not to expect one occasionally popping out from a shot. I guess the good news is if the holder wasn't broke, the blade could just be popped back in,

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  On 3/18/2015 at 4:25 AM, oldtrainerguy28 said:


There is easily 10 Videos of the same thing its not 1 in a 1000.

The product needs some fine tuning....its as simple as that. Does it do a decent job yes, is it the best thing since sliced bread NO.

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That is a one percent chance, assuming only ONE person is using the edge holder in a given game. If you assume ten players in each game are using Edge holders that number drops to 0.1%. Perfectly acceptable to me.

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  On 3/18/2015 at 1:34 PM, Mattc555 said:

That is a one percent chance, assuming only ONE person is using the edge holder in a given game. If you assume ten players in each game are using Edge holders that number drops to 0.1%. Perfectly acceptable to me.

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All I am saying is the holder could use some fine tuning. The single anchor system used by Graf and Bauer has the highest rate of blade/holder failure IMO from studying this for the last year. Not just the Edge but the regular LS2. A 2 bolt system has much lower chance of falling out from a puck or running into a board. (which is the most common reason for failure).

I prefer the LS2 System myself but after doing the research it is more prone to the blade popping out than a 2 bolt system. I am not saying its a horrible system and it should be banned or anything of that nature I am simply pointing out fact.

If that rate of failure is acceptable then fantastic. Personally I would like to see way to prevent it or lower the rate of failure. I am sure there is a way.

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In all my years of playing hockey I have never seen a blade pop out of a skate. I have seen steel broken and I have seen holders broken but never a blade just come out.

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Had it happen on an LS2. Snapped the head of the bolt. Even so I never lacked confidence in the holder/blade design.

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So I guess the only ones are in Toronto and directly around me? Interesting. Even more so when some of the people that come in are from the areas listed from the profiles of people making comments above.

AGAIN I am not saying it is a bad holder but yes the puck hit the trigger area and blade flew out. I have another video where the blade was knocked loose from a shot in similar fashion and the blade flew through the air and almost hit another player in the face. Blades have come out of skates before all through the years of 2 piece holder and runners but mainly because the steel was broken.

All I am saying is the design needs some tweaking to lessen the frequency of the blades coming out now. And yes it is not that high but I believe someone else wrote they are now seeing the wobble issues I have seen since day one. So lets just fix it and move on.

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Don't people realize that if the blade was under tension without relief, like in a 2 bolt system, that the blade would have snapped in that situation? The reason they can pop out is because the plastic and steel are able to bend under force, and this causes the blade to be able to slide out of the trigger.

If it was bolted tight at both ends and did not have any give in the system at all, all the force would be concentrated on the steel itself, which would then crack since it wouldn't be able to bend to disperse the energy.

If you drop from 50 feet high on a trampoline, you will bounce. If you drop from 50 feet high onto concrete, your legs will break. Same principle applies here.

Do I have to look up all the videos of broken 2 bolt systems after taking slap shots to holders? Or what about times the edge holder takes a puck and doesn't break, or have the blade fly out?

I think blades coming out is a rare occurrence, affected by mere chance and luck and not by design specifications. The most successful manufacturer in hockey wouldn't just decide to put a new system on their skates for the hell of it without testing stuff like this pretty extensively. Random things happen in hockey, that's why its so fun.

  On 3/18/2015 at 2:33 PM, Tyler Roy said:

How can we say this is the Edge's systems fault? Just took a direct slapshot to the holder/blade. Most systems would fail at this point.

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  On 3/18/2015 at 8:18 PM, Stryker said:

Don't people realize that if the blade was under tension without relief, like in a 2 bolt system, that the blade would have snapped in that situation? The reason they can pop out is because the plastic and steel are able to bend under force, and this causes the blade to be able to slide out of the trigger.

If it was bolted tight at both ends and did not have any give in the system at all, all the force would be concentrated on the steel itself, which would then crack since it wouldn't be able to bend to disperse the energy.

If you drop from 50 feet high on a trampoline, you will bounce. If you drop from 50 feet high onto concrete, your legs will break. Same principle applies here.

Do I have to look up all the videos of broken 2 bolt systems after taking slap shots to holders? Or what about times the edge holder takes a puck and doesn't break, or have the blade fly out?

I think blades coming out is a rare occurrence, affected by mere chance and luck and not by design specifications. The most successful manufacturer in hockey wouldn't just decide to put a new system on their skates for the hell of it without testing stuff like this pretty extensively. Random things happen in hockey, that's why its so fun.

+1 to this post

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I actually would love for you to find broken blade videos from a 2 bolt system. In my research I found none.

It seems to me some are taking it personally as I am attacking Bauer and or Graf. I said in the beginning I had issues. It turns out from another thread I was right and bauer made a small running change.

Wally has his own blade and there are a lot of refs using that similar trigger system and the larger hook used I have yet to see one of those blades come out? And Refs get hit all the time on dump ins and clearings.

ALL I am saying is I personally feel I think it needs some more fine tuning!



So with the above 2 and the other one originally posted thats 3 in a month!

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Buying the AHL equipment contract does not make Reebok the most successful equipment manufacturer. It makes Reebok the official supplier for the AHL.

3 blades popped out in one month in how many games in how many shifts on how many players wearing the Edge holders?

Games? 100? 500? 1000? NHL? AHL? ECHL? OHL? NCAA?

Shifts? 1000? 5000? 10, 000?

Players? 500? 750? 1000?

3 blades in one month?

Not being a Bauer booster here just trying to present some numbers that add a small reality check to the situation discussed.

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  On 3/18/2015 at 3:59 PM, chippa13 said:

In all my years of playing hockey I have never seen a blade pop out of a skate. I have seen steel broken and I have seen holders broken but never a blade just come out.

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I never understood the need for the trigger system... do you really need to change blades so often that you need a quick release?

I like the single bolt system on my Nexus 800s.

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In the grand scheme of things I think the trigger was developed for more elite teams/players who might need to change their runners mid game and cod actually benefit from it. More so than the average everyday beer leaguer

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Further it makes life a hell of a lot easier for everyone involved in the process - I can't tell you how many LS2 or Custom+ holders I've had to take off completely because the nut/bolt is rusted together so well.

And DS is spot on - I've seen more issues locally with other companies steel/holder set up than with Edge. I've definitely had trigger issues, but, considering these were all from college or juniors players, and it took so long for a problem to arise, I don't see it being an issue. We've seen less broken steel with the Edge holders (besides fusion, which has always broke), and for the players who buy two sets of steel it makes life infinitely easier.

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  On 3/19/2015 at 1:19 PM, raganblink said:

Further it makes life a hell of a lot easier for everyone involved in the process - I can't tell you how many LS2 or Custom+ holders I've had to take off completely because the nut/bolt is rusted together so well.

and for the players who buy two sets of steel it makes life infinitely easier.

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Part of the reason the EDGE is so much easier is that the previous TUUK designs made removing/changing steel such a royal pain in the ass. It's not nearly such a vast improvement over the "regular" two-bolt designs like, say, Pitch3 or the Easton or RBK holders. I get that Bauer is dominant, so for a lot of people this makes a big difference, it just sort of calls into question why they needed to use such a user-unfriendly fastening method in the TUUK for so long.

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  On 3/19/2015 at 1:07 PM, adam14 said:

In the grand scheme of things I think the trigger was developed for more elite teams/players who might need to change their runners mid game and cod actually benefit from it. More so than the average everyday beer leaguer

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mid game?

how often does that happen?

as often as these getting ejected from their holder I imagine.

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