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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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The Ultimate Outfit

Real men wear pink. Thinking about finding pink socks and pink jersey to rock with Navy on Cancer awareness month. Working on that.

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So I was sorting all my stuff out today and figured I could throw it all together and take a pic.

Matt Martin CCM 4 rolls

Christian Hanson Franchises

Retro Habs Franchises

John Tavares CCM U+CLs

DJ King WC AK27s

Witt Islander Franchises

All Star U+CLs

Strum Franchises (Kings)

Hossa Franchises

Skille Franchises

Stamkos XXXX's

Lisin Franchises

Custom Creepers


Kesler/Ehrhoff Cancuks Pants, Kindl Redwings, and Islander


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So I was sorting all my stuff out today and figured I could throw it all together and take a pic.

Matt Martin CCM 4 rolls

Christian Hanson Franchises

Retro Habs Franchises

John Tavares CCM U+CLs

DJ King WC AK27s

Witt Islander Franchises

All Star U+CLs

Strum Franchises (Kings)

Hossa Franchises

Skille Franchises

Stamkos XXXX's

Lisin Franchises

Custom Creepers

I guess you still have some catching up to do :tongue: . Awesome gloves though

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New bag...

From the Italian Serie A league team HC Asiago.

I think the writing on the one side says something about a cheese factory? (Anyone read Italian?)




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I found some old stuff out in the garage. I couldn't get over how heavy some of these are.


Used to love these skates!


And to that Krecji RS I picked up:



Haven't figured out the curve equivalent exactly yet, but its pretty similar to a Datsyuk, I think.



Krecji spray painted all the yellow Easton paint flat black. But it is definitely an RS underneath:

After I cleaned it up:





Edited by Gr8erade

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