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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/17 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Couple of good things happened recently.. Just got back from visiting my fiancee's family in Michigan. She must love me a lot, she was willing to let me go to Perani's for a while, even though we had a compressed schedule, people to see, and a million and one things to do up there. Best fiancee ever. :) Also, I got offered a job at a construction company's shipping and receiving department. 40+ hours a week, every other Friday off, and I get my own office. Needless to say, life is going pretty good for me right now.
  2. 3 points
    School year is finally over.
  3. 3 points
    I played in my first travel tournament this weekend. We lost all 3 games by 1, but every game was very competitive and everyone in our division was well matched, just some silly puck luck. i had a blast!
  4. 2 points
    Lost 12 pounds not too bad for an old guy! Have grandson all weekend, good MN kid. 1st round potential. 3rd rank NA skater 2030 draft.
  5. 2 points
    First time back on the ice in over 6 months and a little under 6 months after surgery as well.
  6. 2 points
    I had my annual work review. I received a salary increase of 16%. It's great to be appreciated for the work I do and what I bring to the table.
  7. 1 point
    Thanks. We'll definetly give a good home to a dog that needs it eventually. This guy was a stray I picked up one day. I know that one will cross my path at a rescue or on the road sooner than later. My dad won't get another though. He still has one and is getting too old to handle 2 dogs. At least it'll be quiet and he'll be able to sleep.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Update III After several games in the FT1s, I have made it official by selling my Vapor 1X skates! That was a HUGE statement for me as I have always been a Vapor guy and loved my 1X skates, but the FT1 fit is just that much better. Fit For me this is where the skate shines. Understanding that everyone's foot is different, the tapered fit of the FT1 is unparalleled. Although I have mentioned it before, it is worth restating that the heel-lock of the boot is exceptional. CCM did a great job with the reduction of negative space. Being able to wear a single pair of socks and no additional lace-bite protection has been great! I really love the fit of the skate and all minor break-in cramps have since subsided. Sole Still loving the CCM custom soles that I am using. In my opinion, they provide a bit more comfort and add to the 2nd skin feel of the boot, which to me is very important. I still feel that the factory sole leaves a lot to be desired and quite frankly seem like an afterthought; perhaps they wanted people to purchase the custom soles. In any event, I would definitely suggest giving custom soles a try. Performance The FT1s perform very well on the ice. The heel-lock and lack of negative space definitely aid to the overall performance of the skates. The turns are sharp, the stops and restarts are powerful, and the strides are smooth. As with any skate, they are not a panacea, you have to have proper skating techniques, but the FT1s coupled with good technique, really lead to a performant skate. I am extremely happy with the skates! Overall opinion (to date) I never really buy into the marketing jargon, but I can tell you that the fit and feel of the skates are fantastic. The FT1s really hit on all cylinders. At this point, the only negative comments are the carbon copy of the Vapor aesthetics (although if I recall correctly, I do believe they were created by the same person) and the weight of the skates. They aren't heavy, but they are definitely heavier than my 1x skates; would have loved them to be a bit lighter. Other than those small digs, I love these things! As I mentioned above, I sold my 1x skates, so these are officially my go to skates and they have been excellent!
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    It also helped TB with their protection list. Drouin had to be protected, but Segachev does not.
  12. 1 point
    Rented some ice at the rink today for an hour to do a skills session with little kids. No one came to kick me off so I stayed out for an hour and a half until the not so happy ice rink people came to get me off.
  13. 1 point
    J Just put the BlackSteel from Step on my Jets last week. Thought I'd share.
  14. 1 point
    Sitting in a hotel in Frankfurt... it's been an absolutely wild ten days, nothing like I've ever experienced before. Halfway across the world to perform in four cities, trains and buses and trams, a new language to navigate and hotels and restaurants. And we did pretty well, for being an amateur - non-auditioned - church choir. Someone even asked if we had a CD out! A lot of work, and more singing and rehearsing than I've ever done, but well worth it. Immensely grateful for the opportunity.
  15. 1 point
    Iginla gloves seemed to work out for me, 5 goals in my first game with them... got the HOF power now :)
  16. 1 point
    Spent all afternoon at the local car show - a lot of really great looking classics. The show goes tomorrow too. I even got a free BMW M hat.
  17. 1 point
    for those of you that missed it in the Show It Off thread, my gf's new VH skates. we both currently skate in MLX. turn around was about 2 weeks. the "new" tendon guard with True branding:
  18. 1 point
    Since the weather is turning warmer... https://www.dropbox.com/s/ee8n8sobke31vx8/bike.jpg?dl=0
  19. 1 point
    Traded in a Mercedes Benz C400 for this yesterday. $300/mo smaller car payment $200/yr drop in insurance $150/mo drop in gas usage $180/mo drop in toll/HOV lane fees Add to that up-close parking almost everywhere, free "gas" while there, and I can charge it at work for free as well. I was really worried about my goalie bag not fitting, but no problem at all, so we can realistically get rid of the Volvo XC90 that we kept around JUST for hockey because it happens to be paid off already. This is a GRIT goalie bag with obviously plenty of space:
  20. 1 point
    Went from an iPhone 4S to an iPhone 7 today. What a difference.
  21. 1 point
    That's only if you're doing it wrong.
  22. 1 point
    After 19 years and 106,130 mi, went and brought my car back to where it was completely assembled.

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