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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. They’re the same except the goalie skates just cover the back with stitched in neoprene. Same exact same gap in carbon on the back.
  2. Low end CCM. They’re light, stretchy, and sized well. We got them as a giveaway at our rink and I still wear it when I sub for other teams.
  3. I wonder if I could order a pair of player skates with a Lundqvist loop and the old holders with the the toe tie opening punched out. Replace the rivet with a nut and whip up some sort of covering with some neoprene and boom... goalie/player interchangeable skates. Unless I’m missing something... but it seems doable.
  4. If you didn’t buy the skates there, it’s usually pretty expensive. $50 is a stretch but I’ve paid $30 before I started just doing it myself.
  5. Nobody on this forum would have any way of helping with that, because they either don’t know, or they respect their relationships enough to not comment.
  6. The point is that this isn’t on the manufacturers, this is on a person being unprofessional by sharing information for the sake of appearing “in the know”. Will the information leak? Yes. Will the manufacturers be surprised that it does? No. Should those two answers justify doing it? Absolutely not. “It was going to leak anyway so I might as well” is not a good attitude to have, and it projects pretty poorly on a business. But, regardless of your argument, or my argument, the simple answer is: “don’t do that shit here”. There’s no need to debate this further.
  7. I don’t get what part of “don’t post shit that’s confidential online” that you’re not understanding. Like I said, I can see it if it’s some kid at a shop who wants to feel important by being “first” with information, but a shop owner doing it is frankly embarrassing. Also, this.
  8. Well maybe that's a nice early start on 2020 for ya 🙂
  9. Posting promo materials for an unreleased stick? I mean it’s one thing for a user to spot something and post it and have everyone speculate, but a shop owner posting it? Yikes.
  10. Because there’s no real reason to just lock them I guess. Who knows, maybe a couple years later there might be something worth revisiting?
  11. I'm a bit surprised nobody has posted about this yet, though that could be for a number of reasons. But it's a discussion that we're clearly seeing needs to be had. So far we've seen a number of stories on the conduct of Mike Babcock, Bill Peters, and now Marc Crawford has been placed on leave. I'm not going to even try to compare the situations as they are not equal (Babcock asking Marner to rate the effort levels of the veterans, then sharing that info with them is NOT the same as Peters using the N-word and physically abusing players in Carolina) but that doesn't mean they all come from the same general mindset - that it's okay to use your power to physically or emotionally abuse players. And this is by no means an NHL problem, either, though I put it in the NHL section because let's be honest, that's what's making the news right now. It's a huge shift in what is acceptable conduct in hockey, from the top levels of the NHL, all the way down to the guys coaching squirt or pee-wee. My first thought is "screw them all", but then I think about where does that line actually get drawn? Are we going to hear about every single time a coach physically abused a player in a sport where getting angry at an opponent gives you almost free reign to do things that would be assault anywhere else? Do we give coaches who have passed away a free pass from bad press? Do we take into consideration that "things were different back then", even referring to more recent examples? Is every complaint from a former player about being punched or being hazed going to result in a firing? I hope there is some middle ground in there somewhere. I don't want to sound like I'm defending any of these guys either, I just think some common sense needs to come into play but I don't have any answers as far as what common sense even is in this case. One more thing I want to mention - for those who are saying things like "why did it take 10 years to say something?"... keep in mind that in many cases these are fringe pros and the coach can literally make or break somebody's entire career. They have THAT much power. And again, that's power they hold over players starting from a very young age group. It's fair to say some of these guys decided that they would probably be ignored and even worse have their careers destroyed. Though, in some cases I'm sure it's going to be a valid question. I don't know... it's obviously an extremely complex situation with a lot of nuances. I'm curious to see where it goes, and whether we as a society of hockey players, fans, coaches, and parents can make improvements on the way the game is handled moving forward.
  12. Didn’t care for the way a XXL player shell fit over goalie pants, so got an actual goalie shell and did some surgery 😉
  13. Damn dude. It's just never-ending BS for you 😞 It seems like the crap that goes along with the health issues is just as shitty as the issues themselves (okay, probably not, but still... it certainly doesn't make the situation suck any less!) We're pulling for you. Hoping your 2020 is way way WAY better.
  14. Yeah it was nice, and this is a good group. They've been playing together for literally decades and this is an invite-only group so they weed out the idiots pretty fast. As an example, they had a guy who was actually a regular and I broke TWO of his sticks by accident while skating out in league play (I dunno man, get stronger sticks? They shouldn't be breaking that easy...) and I guess he decided his revenge would be to fire slap shots at me. Didn't matter where in the zone he was, he'd load up and let it go. Did it more than once while basically standing on the goal line. Made me laugh a bit... if you want revenge, why not try to score rather than hit my pads? LOL. Anyway, they got rid of him after the second week of that. I kind of wish the skill level was actually a bit higher. This particular pickup is always two lines that are two different skill levels (hence the annoying siren you hear for line changes - they force line changes every 2 minutes just to ensure you don't get a mixing up of the skill levels). The lower level...whatever. The upper level used to be much more skilled on both offence and defence. It was like playing in a real game. It's really dropped off over the last year or so. Now the play is really... well, slow. And scrambly. I'm almost more tired from trying to find the puck when its bouncing all over the place in front of the net than I would be from a structured game with more difficult shots. And I totally know where you're coming from. I wanted more ice time a couple years ago back when I first started playing goal, so I joined a rookie league as a goalie. It was BRUTAL. Some of the guys on the first day of the four weeks of skills clinics they do first were like "I have no idea how to actually put this stuff on". Thats how beginner they were. (As an aside, it still blows my mind that they managed to find ~30-40 adults all wanting to learn to play hockey, all at the same time, in San Diego of all places!) Anyway, those games were rough. Just like the pickup, they were super scrambly. Just garbage goals all over the place. Off three sets of skates, right over to their *defenceman* who is beside the crease for some reason, and he'd swing three times until it went in. It became kind of a running joke. The hard shots were easy saves. The easy shots went in. I loved playing with those guys but I think that was some of the least amount of fun I'd ever had as a goalie because it was beyond frustrating. It was more than made up for though by making some new friends (the only team I ever played on where guys actually go for beer and wings after every game). Most of those guys are now playing in my normal division that I just quit a couple months ago. Other teams bring down their D3 or D4 buddies, or guys they went to college with. We brought up guys from rookie league because we liked them. So even on the RARE occasion we managed to get more than 6 or 7 skaters, they were all former rookie league guys and while many of them had a decent skill set, they don't have the experience to do something like cycle the puck, so we'd get stomped every time. So, this is where I'm at. Playing pickup every couple months and thats it. It kinda sucks. But I also don't really miss the hour drive just to get absolutely destroyed week after week. We lost 7-6, 10-2, 4-1, 3-2, 7-1, and 12-5 (and won one game 3-2 in a shootout) before I pulled the plug on that team. The league ditched their D4 division for low attendance (only had two teams) so those guys either moved on to the over-35 league, or down to D5. Now we have 7 of the top 10 goal scorers are new players. Guess which team DIDN'T get any of the D4 guys? Just one guess 🙂 But, more of that should have really gone into my "hockey feels like a chore" thread. Whatever.
  15. First time on the ice in two months, and only the second time since I quit my league team. This was... bad. I was slow, and exhausted, and way out of shape (the weight is coming back on quickly these days). Winterfest is going to be ugly. I also had a really really bad bruise on my right knee that made it really painful to butterfly. I can't believe how slow this is, both me and the play in general (granted its a pick-up where the average age is probably late 50s). Oh boy. EDIT: Oh, I was also trying a Bauer 2X glove. Wasn't a fan. The break angle was the only thing close that I've found retail that I've liked, but otherwise it felt kind of off. I could probably get used to it if I had to, but I think I'm going to stick to Passau.
  16. The wait time IS 6-8 weeks. If you get them quicker than that’s a bonus.
  17. What did the retailer say? You mentioned True is “ignoring” you, but no mention of the proper channels for making a complaint.
  18. Or paint pen. Though I guess those are solvent based as well so maybe not.
  19. Do you need something to hold them up? The Passau ones stay up on their own...
  20. Any assistance with these goalie pants? MHPGPROS.SP ? These are Crawford pro returns I have been using for a couple years, but I want to find the same model but plain black. Shells are an option but they never seem to fit quite right.
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