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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Try google. Or just go here https://www.hockeymonkey.com/catalog/product/view/id/153362
  2. Now they just need to do as Pittsburgh did and transition them from 3rds to primaries. Somebody should send that memo to the flames as well....
  3. hooking/holding/interference may be ignored in game 7s, but the teams made it irrelevant because there wasn't any.
  4. Amazing game. That defensive game was incredible.
  5. Well I mean, its basically the same girdle Tackla has had for what, 40+ years? The foams may be updated and stuff though. I always liked the idea of the T1 and the SuperTacks girdles just being wraps, but because I'm a "round" guy, if you know what I mean, I had a lot of difficulty with things staying in place. Stuff had a tendency to shift down because of the belly and the love handles. So I don't think my opinion is going to mean much to you unless you're also that shape. That said, the pads on this thing are huge and... bubbly? Kind of weird. But I definitely like how it fits out of the box. I'll get it on the ice next week maybe.
  6. 2019 Tackla TP4500 girdle and CCM Tacks 9040 shoulder pads. First shoulder pads I’ve worn in a LONG time. I still find the Down Low shoulder way more comfortable but much less protective. The girdle is great. Very tight fitting but also very stretchy. Always wanted a girdle but every one I’ve tried has always put things in the wrong place or been problematic for a guy with a gut. With these, I found that once I removed the belt from the waist and moved it down between the hip pads and the kidney pads, it sat right where a belt normally would on me.
  7. Sounds about right. I read tonight that some were listed for $2M+. Not that anyone is going to pay that, but they’re listed.
  8. You'd probably want something in north county since that's where all the rinks are. Carlsbad, Escondido, Poway, Mira Mesa. Of course theres also UTC (yuck) and Kroc is really nice but pretty out of the way for most people. We'd definitely welcome a company to take some business from Hockey Tron's HQ 🙂 If you want central to the rinks you'd be looking at Escondido/San Marcos area most likely. Maybe Vista to keep the rent down lol.
  9. Interesting. In USA Hockey helmet stickers are irrelevant in adult divisions. I actually just remove them altogether.
  10. Man, that video makes me really want to upgrade from my VH
  11. It’s fine as long as a) it’s equally loose for both teams and b) nobody bitches when they neglect to call something.
  12. Just please don't end on a goalie interference call...
  13. I agree. The Blues looked at least equal or better until the 3-0 goal. The 1-0 was "whatever. keep doing what we're doing" going into intermission, the 2-0 was deflating just because it was a fluke bounce but they were still playing well. The 3-0 ended the game though. They were completely done at that point, and it showed. Even when the Blues kept the puck in the Boston end for extended periods of time, they never really had anything. The Bruins wingers were all over the defencemen. I actually recall mentioning to my wife about the massive difference in defensive zone play by both teams. When Boston was in the Blues end they had all kinds of time and space, but when the Blues were in the Bruins end they had none. So at that point how long the Blues spent in the offensive zone was kind of irrelevant if they didn't get anything quality out of it. And you know that's how it ALWAYS goes. A team presses, and presses, and PRESSES, and boom... they get scored on. Like clockwork. I don't think the Blues have it in them to win game 7. This was a wasted opportunity and I think they're deflated. I think any time you lose a potential series-clinching game in game 6, the chances of you winning a game 7 seem slim. I'd love to see the numbers on that, actually. Though, analysts have been pretty adamant this year in particular that momentum game to game seems to not exist. So who knows. I hope they can do it, but I'm not expecting it to happen.
  14. This is the first time I've seen what all the wacky names are actually referring to. I almost feel like it would be easier to say "DOUBLE-10-20" instead of "DETROIT I" but I guess Prosharp marketing disagrees 🤪 Thank you for posting!
  15. Horrible game. Hopefully they can bounce back but this has got to just be so deflating.
  16. There's no question it was a bit of a flop, but there's also no question that there was absolutely a trip. Whether the officials either a) missed it b) chose to not call it is anybody's guess. In all reality, it really doesn't matter. It's pretty low down the list of missed or blown calls in this years playoffs.
  17. It's pretty amazing (and not in a good way) what that kind of recovery and the drugs that come with it can do to your head.
  18. Great game. Hopefully they can wrap it up at home!
  19. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- WTF? Who even does that? I mean I get if you're in there with somebody who is struggling with nausea and/or keeping food down and will take any chance they can get to get something in them... but I doubt somebody eating cereal is doing it for that reason. I'm sorry you're stuck with a roommate 😞 I was very lucky to have had my own room for the week (I honestly have no idea how all that works - they just put me in one) but it ended up being a very good thing after the panic attacks. Morphine + nurses hurting you every time they see you = absolute panic the moment they'd knock on the door. They started mixing valium into the cocktail and things settled down... a little bit, at least. I imagine that would have sucked for a roommate to have to put up with...
  20. I liked most things about the HP45, except that I had issues with them slipping down even with suspenders and the belly pad kept flopping out. I tried having the belt and laces tight, both loose, and no matter what I did I still had a problem. Note of course I have a belly so that pushes things down. I'm going to hang onto these as I lose weight but I'll probably keep using my old pants for now.
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