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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. It’s mostly a feel thing, but recently they seem to be going shorter. I usually cut about 2” off for my hands to be put into proper shooting position and that helped with my power significantly.
  2. I thank the baby jesus every day that I opted to not have surgery. The recovery was a bit longer but not having hardware in there ended up being really critical it seems.
  3. That's a great way to go @greech. My dad is too dumb/lazy to follow any sort of diet like Keto, so I told him it's simple - eat nothing from a bag, box, or can. Do that, and you're already way ahead of most people. Also, It's crazy to me that there are still people out there that buy low fat stuff. They'll eat junk loaded with carbs but buy "fat free" everything. I'm not THAT surprised though, as that's what our own doctor was still recommending too. No wonder there are so many people that return to the program my wife and I were in...
  4. If you're basing your decision solely based on looks, I'm not sure Warrior is what you're looking for 😆 I wonder how VT will like it!
  5. Man, that thing looks like a cross between the goofy Warrior bucket and a bicycle helmet. Maybe that's just because Chara's melon is so huge.
  6. Here's something I do that may help you. Or at least, I do for other things. I still have never reffed a game but I still think it may go a long way. Simply say, out loud (but quietly so you don't look like an idiot), the color and number when your arm goes up. It may not seem like much, but its AMAZING how well you can remember something when a million things are going on if you've actually said it out loud. Small detail, but its a simple enough trick that I've found effective in general.
  7. To be fair it was pretty easy to see coming.
  8. I'm not sure Nashville has anything to do with country music so much as just being a pretty strong team and a city most players love being in. I have no idea where you get the "surely makes a splash" and "leading the top of discussions" stuff. Columbus is at the bottom of the list for free agents. The only aspect of leading discussions this off-season is about how many of their players are signing elsewhere. Their GM gambled and it didn't pay off. Now they have no stars, is not a desirable market, and they traded away their first round pick that could have at least helped the rebuild even though it wouldn't have been a high pick. At least it's easy to imagine them having a much much higher pick in 2020.
  9. Keto. At least to start. Counting your macros and sticking to the correct ratio and tracking your food intake is going to go a long way to get you started, into ketosis, and start losing weight. If weight loss isn't your goal, then Keto is still good but not necessary. Just avoid high glycemic index carbs as much as possible (simple carbs like sugars, potatoes, rice, bread, and an excess of fruit). The result for me of cutting out carbs has been massive. So much more energy, focus, and no more misc health issues (adult acne, tonsil stones, gallbladder stones, and headaches pretty much all disappeared). Also make sure you drink a ton of water. I have a water bottle that I aim to fill AT LEAST four times a day. Use zero calorie flavorings (think Crystal Light liquid squirty things) if you need it to get your water down, like I do (I hate water). For meat, avoid chicken unless you're adding fat somehow. Salmon is going to by BY FAR your best food option, with eggs being a close second. Completely agree with @BenBreeg that not only do the cravings for junk go away eventually, but you get to the point where stuff you used to eat all the time becomes really unappealing. I don't even enjoy sweet food items anymore, at all.
  10. If the skate is built to your foot, why do you need oversized toe caps?
  11. Great player, very effective. He was a warrior out there.
  12. Making pouches/bags/etc for backpackers and hikers. First product is a pouch made from an ultralight material with a custom printed pattern on it. It's meant for poop kits (trowel, some TP, hand sanitizer, etc.) and has the 💩 emoji printed all over it. I also have some dyneema stuff sacks and stuff I'll be listing. The other thing that's selling really well are softball/baseball belts. I searched for rainbow belts for pride month and couldn't find anything so I made one myself. A guy on my team suggested I put them on my store too even though they aren't really related. They've been selling like crazy!
  13. Started a new side business, and it’s doing decently well.
  14. Palm Springs, huh? Well, at least there will be some hockey still available when I get old...
  15. There's always going to be risks involved in this crazy sport. I might say you're nuts but I'll never chirp you for doing something I'd never ever do. To bring this into my own world I know there are a number of things I could do to make myself safer (wearing a certified goalie cage and a dangler are the two that come to mind) but that's an acceptable risk to me!
  16. This just sounds like "I cant be bothered dealing with the retailer so I'll pin it all on the manufacturer" to me
  17. I've never even thought about taping over the plug. Is that common?
  18. Should we be guessing what we're looking for?
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