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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Yep, way way looser than you're used to. Barely snug for most of the boot.
  2. Wow, these pictures look really good! Thanks JR!
  3. Let’s try to keep this thread on-topic, please. There’s no point in posting what shoulder pads you use here.
  4. I'm not a huge fan of Sportsnet hockey coverage in general, though Marek isn't too bad. Maybe I'll give it a listen. I'm an Overdrive listener though. I listen to all 3 hours every weekday, though that's obviously more Toronto specific.
  5. Well, yes I should have been more specific. I quit my team. Though, without any specific plan for moving to another team or finding a pickup to play in, it's the same difference for now at least. I'll probably stick to pickups if anything at this point. At least people actually show up for those. We had a roster of 22 (to be fair, that includes 'current' players as well as 'spares' that used to be on the team but don't play often and occasionally want to join us for a game), and we had four check-in last night. One of them didn't bother showing up. 4 in, 10 out, 8 no response (again, to be fair, the spares don't usually respond one way or the other). We snagged a bunch of guys from the previous game and lost 10-2. Captain has the idea in his head that we're fine as long as we have 7-8 lower skilled bodies, meanwhile we get destroyed by the teams made up of all upper skill (but still in the correct division) guys who can just pass it around until they score. Last game, I finished the game with dry hair. I'm not sure I got in my stance the entire game. Same problem, we had 5 show up and had a couple subs. The other team was playing with us. They had three subs from the league above and they didn't hold back. At one point they had a guy who skated around everybody on the ice, get right in on net, and turn back away from the net to try to find a pass. Like, at that point just put the damn puck in. It's almost more irritating when they toy with you. I'd rather lose 15-0 then have the game be "close" only because the other team allowed it to be. Last night after goal #6 or so I was done, again. I made up my mind at that point that I was done. I absolutely dreaded going to my games by the end. Like, why even bother playing? We can't ice a team and I don't feel like continuing to drive an hour to get shelled every week. Forget it.
  6. May not be able to on that team if I get replaced, but that’s kept me from doing it for too long.
  7. Well, there it is. I quit hockey tonight. So I guess that’s it.
  8. I don’t understand the “truly custom” statement.
  9. Also keep in mind they aren’t using Saran Wrap, though I guess that may work okay.
  10. 23 players on our roster including me. We have 3 checked in for tomorrow's game. This is ridiculous. Captain says he's working on getting us subs. But honestly if we can't even ice 5 of our own skaters we should be forfeiting, IMO.
  11. I always figured if the size is right, what’s the difference between a custom boot made to a foot shape that isn’t mine vs a retail boot made to a foot shape that isn’t mine. But you’re right, it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s actually worse.
  12. Probably better to ask the store.
  13. To be clear though, it’s not on True to be interacting directly with the customer. So it seems like your expectations may be a bit higher than they should be.
  14. Tell the coach to suck it?
  15. No, but I’d try it. Looks like a more minimal version of the CCM CL shoulders with whatever that foam was. Which were awesome.
  16. Dealing with health insurance definitely sucks. Even if your plan covers 90%, it’s still a chunk of change when the bill is $250,000. Thank god my provider permitted a private hospital to be billed at the in-network rate since it was such a specialized procedure, or else it would have been even more painful.
  17. If you bought custom skates that were made for somebody else, I wouldn’t expect them to feel all that great.
  18. Very similar in the ability to mold to your foot and just overall comfort level. I’d agree to try to find some makos online if you can but otherwise I know I went from Mako to True and it was a pretty perfect evolution.
  19. Dude... sorry 😞 That’s some pretty crap news. We’re all rooting for you and hope something breaks your way soon!
  20. The closest thing you’re going to find is True. Since they’re custom fit to your feet and crazy heat moldable they’re going to be your best bet if you want a similar feel.
  21. Very carefully/slowly and with a lot of scrunching.
  22. Right now it’s just a Singer 4432. I’m about to buy a JUKI DDL-5550 though.
  23. Well, this is what happens when you buy a sewing machine. I took the stripes and patch off a Warrior MSH Winterfest pant shell and put them on a Bauer girdle shell. Also just for funsies, here’s a fitted cap I took apart and rebuilt to make it go from a 7-5/8 to a 7-3/8. Im thinking I might start making goalie accessories. Toe ties, suspenders, etc.
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