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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. If you actually travel with it, yeah. I don't so at this point I have a small pelican case that contains just the accessories tray.
  2. This is kind of amusing. https://www.tampabay.com/sports/2019/04/18/lightnings-ouster-forces-nhl-to-adjust-playoff-bracket-challenge/
  3. Yea I could see that. £600 for Sparx vs around £369 for a pelican with foam may be more than many people could stomach. But in the US it's definitely worth it (again unless you can find one used for cheap).
  4. Sorry I meant the generic pelican foam isn’t cheap. I wasn’t referring to the Sparx foam. I only mentioned it because Leif specified the price of a case with no foam which could be misleading for anyone else reading this thread who doesn’t realize how much the foam itself costs. If you can get a used case and foam for decently cheap then I’m all for it. My overall point was that with what a new case with stock foam costs ($300) or a new case with custom foam costs ($500), the Sparx case at 400 isn’t that unreasonable. Just to try to put some context into it when people get the sticker shock.
  5. You’re comparing apples to oranges. The foam inserts alone are very expensive. You have to compare it to a case with foam.
  6. Just for a comparison, if you bought a new 1650 with custom foam cutouts it would be over $500: https://mycasebuilder.com/cases-by-brand/custom-foam-pelican-cases/pelican-1650-custom-foam-case/
  7. In that case, yeah its probably worth it assuming they still have foam in the right spots.
  8. The info is on page 46. It's a Pelican 1650 which is $289 with foam, at least.
  9. The Sparx case is also a pelican, it just has custom foam inserts. I'd just like to know where you can get them for half the cost. I've seen them for maybe $100 less but not half.
  10. I'd just buy their case, personally. Can you point us towards the correct Pelican case for half the price?
  11. Sort of. The problem there is that each piece now costs a LOT to replace so unless you have unlimited funds you can't just try new stuff for the heck of it. Spending $600 for a mask and another $500 for a chesty means you're unlikely to buy either of those items again any time soon. Then there's the problem I've run into where I don't think I wear a single thing that you can buy off the shelf in a store - so I don't bother even going to the goalie store anymore. For example: Mask - Retail Bauer, but custom paint Chesty - Custom Passau Glove/Blocker - Custom Passau Leg Pads - Custom Passau Knee pads - Stock Passau Skates - Custom VH Collar - Custom Maltese Pants - Pro Stock CCM Jock - Custom Monster Hockey Socks - Pro Stock Reebok I think the only thing I buy retail is baselayer (Bauer 37.5) and skate socks (Swiftwick Aspire Four).
  12. I didn’t even notice and I doubt it mattered but I’m not going to complain if he sticks with whatever gets it done!
  13. No matter how much debrusk deserved it you still can’t ACTUALLY do it. I’m guessing 5-6 games so he’s done for the series regardless of outcome. They need to not get sucked into the goonery and just play. It should have been clear after the first period that they were not going to get calls so just shut up and play.
  14. Can you imagine what the bastards that bet on the blue jackets in Vegas are going to be making??
  15. This is true. Just look at Tampa. If Pittsburgh is going to just roll over then I guess it’s not surprising the series is 2-0
  16. All stuff we've been over in this thread a thousand times. Even if you put any more than 0% stock in the VT study, it should be at the absolute bottom of the list of priorities when selecting a bucket. Just a bit after color. If it's a tie-breaker for you after all other criteria has already been considered, then have at it.
  17. I'm sure Kydex would work as well. Maybe apply with some double sided industrial strength foam tape for just a tad bit of cushion, too? I was thinking of doing some sort of external heat formed toe cap for my True boots so I could go cowlingless, since mine were made before they started beefing the boots up.
  18. Not from True, though I'm sure it would be easy enough to add ultrastop or something to the boot if you needed.
  19. I'm not sure 1 pass would be enough to correct an alignment issue.
  20. It's normal to have to make minor adjustments, but 6 clicks seems excessive. I'd contact Sparx. Their customer service is pretty quick to answer usually.
  21. Well, I had considered taking a season off and that was BEFORE I had a meltdown in our last, completely meaningless, game of the season (an exhibition game because we weren't in the finals). That made it easy to just say I'm done after the game. That was two weeks ago. I'm itching to get back on the ice. I'm already confirmed for this Sunday but I'm not sure how I feel about actually doing it. I actually am starting to think that having the "schedule my life AROUND beer league hockey" thing could be contributing to it. I mean, I always had a hard time understanding why people would say they're out for a game if they were in town. Like, "what could possibly be more important?" kind of reaction. Every week was a "I can't, I have hockey" type of thing for me. A HUGE part of that is that I'm the goalie. If I just choose to take a night off, I can't just click the "out" button in our app, I have to tell the captain and he has to find a replacement. I once flew home from South Africa, via a layover in the UK, and played the night I landed. I was in town so there was no reason to miss the game, right? I also think I may be suffering from a bit of depression (is suffering the right word when you're describing yourself? It sounds so "poor me"...) I hate just about everyone and everything these days. lol wut
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