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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. over-analyzing interview questions. I have this thing, where every interview I have been on, I take a question and think they are looking for a deep answer when really its just a simple answer they want. This time it was particularly bad, as I got my brain muddied by my current position and some similar terminology. It was like being in quick sand, especially in front of someone I know and have worked under before, to not be able to answer the question properly was disheartening to me. Its like I think they want me to get up and good will hunting style fix a complex problem in front of them on the board, when really they just wanted a few simple answers. At least I have the second interview to try and break the streak.
  2. Loctite and the like basically act as a soft of lock so that the bolts don't turn in the axles causing it to loosen over the course of a game.
  3. exactly, and that is the key. Maybe based on these studies, a materials engineer will have an idea for something new they could put into helmets to make them even safer, or some other professor at another university will come up with ideas that can make the testing itself even more refined.
  4. not sure why this part is quoted. Yes, that is the goal of every public university to attract students and research dollars in based on research they feel is very useful. The more research dollars for him and his department, the better. As far as the last part, sure if he wanted to become an expert witness or enter more private sector ventures, he could make a ton of money, but if anything it makes it seem like he is actually trying to put effort in to honestly make helmets better, while providing impartiality, and develop better methods of testing and evaluation than what is currently available.
  5. I would highly dispute the claim that the professor was getting rich by this research. If you're looking to make stacks of cash, you are probably not going to become a professor at a public university. As far as the actual research and findings go, obviously hockey is different from football, but the more the academic world looks into this and other issues, I think the better we all are, and maybe some more innovative ideas at making helmets better will come of it. Obviously you are not going to eliminate concussions from the sport, but anything you can do to provide better protection to the brain is a good idea, and there have been far worse usage of research dollars over the years. As far as me as a consumer, I am going to stick with my 11k. It fits the best, offers me the most comfort, and ive taken some pretty big impacts with it and have emerged no worse for wear (although some may argue otherwise). Probably gonna scoop another one up if I don't like the comfort and fit of the fitlite when its released.
  6. well prepare to be pissed off at most manufacturers as shaft releases become more and more sparse. most retailers around me are still trying to clear out shafts from sticks 2-4 generations ago.
  7. Nice! just got back on wheels after a 14 year absence myself, skating out of dumars?
  8. received the pants from the contest over a week ago. I have worn them twice, they are amazingly comfortable and light! So far the only thing alkali that I haven't loved is the Max stick I purchased, but that is mainly based on shaft dimensions and shape (little boxy for my hands). I let a guy borrow it at a drop in, and he had two goals with it, and everyone else I know with one has loved the sticks. Guess ill be checkin out the girdle next =) As far as quality goes, Ive now beat up my team skates fairly well, and no issues with wheels or axles. I have taken the wheels off a few times to clean in and around the hub/bearings, and they have gone together and stay together fairly well. I didn't use Loctite as I was out of it at the time, so they require a slight turn every few skates to tighten, but other than that its been smooth sailing. These things are super comfortable on my feet, cant wait to check out the max's I have waiting to be baked and used!
  9. I was thinking along the lines with Chippa on this one, and in all fairness, the stripe is on the opposite side of the ring finger! It's not that I was disagreeing with you, I just think if it were replication based on fooling people they would want to do it on the glove that fits similarly in their lineup
  10. liking what i see of the new protective. Cant wait to get my hands on it in person. As mentioned, the new fitlite mask interests me highly, may look to buy two for my existing helmets upon release. would be kind of silly for them to make the 30k look like the APX considering the 30k is going to be their anatomical fit glove, vs the tacks being the tapered, but i see what your are saying.
  11. I haven't really been impressed by a piece of Easton protective in a long time, but those look nice! might have to take a look. Congrats on the Shins!
  12. haha, no, it had to be a random drawing from all entrants, because if he took photo contents into account, I mean, how can you say no to that face!!!!!!!!
  13. seems from this thread there is so much drama in California hockey. I realize Hollywood is just down the road, but sheesh.
  14. Whoa! I literally never win these things and thought for sure the dog photo had me trumped
  15. Saw that too, snapped a photo, he a user?
  16. I don't think it's work, it's being a leafs fan
  17. Sam Simon http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/10/arts/television/sam-simon-who-helped-shape-the-simpsons-dies-at-59.html?_r=0
  18. you should give that speech at lemonade stands. I don't think you're understanding the goal of this product. I don't think you're gonna buy one of these so that you can start your own sharpening shops, the product seems mostly geared at being a consumer in house product, busy family of 4 etc. There are definite ways it differs from skatepal that I can see from just looking at it/watching a short video on its operation. I think a huge advantage it has is that its fully enclosed, a busy family with perhaps some younger, inquisitive children would appreciate that. It also looks less bulky, more like it belongs in a living space, vs belonging in a garage. Im not a sharpener, but it seems a lot easier to deal with as well. If it were up to me, as a consumer, I would purchase the Sparx, given that they both work well and give good edges. All this said, I like having someone sharpen my skates, theres just something about plopping them on the counter that I actually think is an enjoyable experience. As old trainer mentioned, there are things a person can do that this machine cannot. Around me, its not easy to get a good sharpening unless I drive 30 minutes to a Total hockey, or a few other shops. Total makes 0 dollars per sharpening each time I go in the store (but plenty more in other purchases ;) Maybe ill purchase one of these in the winter as a backup plan, as in my world these can both have a place. Plus I need additional retirement funds. Russ: I noticed in the video there are two different backlights. is red for when its in operation, and green when it is finished and skates can be removed? hope you are able to make it to SJ, would love to see it in action!!!!!!
  19. 7-8 months in a post 2000 band seems like its actually a long time. I think the average length of time a band stays together nowadays is 54 days
  20. you're going to need a second set for her =) adorable dog!!!!!! edited because dog is female =)
  21. excellent glove. I thought they were great at the 79.99 price point, but now that they have dropped to 59.99, even better. I demoed them last SJ and was very impressed. The only issue I found with them was pretty much the same of any similar style/priced glove, ran a bit hot. I think this glove, with mesh gusseting, and something like the 37.5 as a liner would be the perfect beer league glove for me. Unfortunately I had to purchase my last pair of gloves in a hurry as I got to the rink and forgot my pair, but getting APX Pro for 80 bucks in MSH colorway was a nice tradeoff. Let me know how these work for you, I may still buy a pair in the near future.
  22. Thanks! I've only used the stick for part of one game thusfar but it's got great kick. I'm going to cut it a little shorter since it's a higher lie than I normally use, and I had originally cut it to the length that I like my defensive stick to be. I purchased it on advice from one of my ice hockey teammates who said the puck feel was great on it, an issue I'm facing considering my current stick setup is fairly pingy on feel and I don't like it as much with the plastic pucks. Everyone I have asked about the sticks loves them thusfar, and after discount on IW they are a sick price so I suggest you check one out.I haven't used the RPD max skates yet, gonna get them baked and on tiles here shortly, at which point I'll switch out the millenniums on the Teams to the asphalts shown.
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