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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by boo10

  1. As far as I know, the x88 patterns from all of the manufacturers are pretty much identical, including lie. I'd say the closest curve you will find at retail, with a higher lie is the CCM P29. It's still more open than a x88, but slightly more closed than the W03 or P92.
  2. Seems weird to me that skates have become ridiculously stiff in an attempt to reduce energy loss and increase response time, (I personally think this is misguided), only to add a suspension system which will have the opposite effect.
  3. I've not worn the AS1, but I have worn the OG SuperTacks and 1S. In my opinion, the ST is actually a bit narrower and deeper than the 1S. If you wear a EE in Supremes, then I think a D in Tacks will be too narrow for you.
  4. You need to take a heat gun to the eyelet cuff and roll it out. There is a video on the True website that shows how to make this adjustment.
  5. Well, if the runners are the same length, then the easiest way is to just get out a sharpie. Lay the old runner over the new and trace the toe and heel. Grind off the marked area, then put on your desired profile.
  6. I tried the 70K and really liked it, but it pinched my foot right on the edge of the toe cap. EE was just too wide in the heel. While it is a bit shallow for my foot, I didn't find that to be a problem because the skate is a bit more pliable than the others. Glad you found something that looks like it will work for you.
  7. The 9090 Tacks are the only modern skate I've skated in that did not hurt the top of my foot. I did have a very minor heel lock issue in the left skate, but it was not really much of a problem. I only got rid of them because I wanted to try True customs, (which didn't work out for me because they made them a full size too small). I may still give True another shot, but if not, I will probably end up in Tacks. Tacks are definitely the deepest boot out there, other than Nexus which are stupid dimensions. I feel like you basically have to be a sasquatch to fit in Nexus. Currently in a pair of 20k, but they're not a great fit. I can manage the depth issue because it's a softer boot and it has lace locks. I'm only wearing them because a buddy gave them to me when my Vapors broke, (had to wear those 1/2 size up to deal with the depth issue).
  8. You have the exact same issue that I have, low volume forefoot with an unusually high instep. I experience the same pain in any stiff boot, (except for the Tacks line). I did skate in the 9090 for a little while, but had a small heel lock issue on my smaller foot. If you want to go retail, I think your only options are Tacks or @Vet88 suggestion of eyelet extenders. Other than that, I think you're looking at customs. I've been trying to find a proper fitting skate for years, so I feel your pain.
  9. Not really anything out there currently that fits like the K line. If you can find some old stock, the U+ line fit similar through the forefoot, but the heel is deeper.
  10. I did try stretching a tech mesh skate a few years ago, but they really weren't able to get any extra length, (they did get some width). I just assumed that the newer materials don't lend themselves to stretching for length. I hadn't really thought of that, but I'll give it a shot.
  11. I know True/VH skates sometimes use toe plugs for length adjustments, but has anyone seen this done with Bauer or CCM skates? I have weird feet, (average width, very high instep, left 7.5, right 7.75). I'm the perfect candidate for custom skates, but my first attempt with True didn't go so well. I'd really prefer to stay in the $500-$700 range anyway. Bauer scanner tells me my stock fit is an 8D Supreme. 8D fits the right foot perfectly, but left is a tad long. I could get by no problem, but thought a plug might be a good idea. I have Power foot inserts, but I found that when I use them, about half the time my foot will cramp up. I think they make me subconsciously curl my toes. I have tried skating in 7.5D Tacks, Ribcor Jetspeed and Supreme and 7.5EE Vapor, but my right foot cramps from my toes pressing against the cap. Vapors were ok for length, but too shallow and too wide.
  12. Can't really say that I disagree with you.
  13. It's a solvent and can affect the structural integrity of the plastic. That's the official stance, though I'm not sure what the real world effect is. Probably better safe than sorry when dealing with the protection of one's melon.
  14. I find this pretty funny since volume issues are probably the only legitimate reason for retail customers to go custom. Unless you've got sasquatch feet, or crazy narrow feet, the widths available at retail will fit you. I happen to be one of those weird people with a D/E width foot, but a stupidly tall instep.
  15. Matthews has one of the quickest releases in the game and he has always used a mid-kick. Honestly, I've always thought low-kick was just a gimmick. I've tried both, and while I don't have an NHL calibre shot, I do have a very good shot, and don't notice much difference in release speed. I have much more powerful shots with a mid-kick. Low-kick might give me a little more speed on a shot that I just kind of flick my wrists at, but I can't even say that definitively.
  16. Pretty sure you're correct. If you look at the linked video, you can see it is basically a big U clamp around the heel and ankles. The facing and forefoot are not touched. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D2_dPZY3XH8c&ved=2ahUKEwjM4MGov9vlAhVEU98KHWGpCv8QwqsBMAN6BAgGEAc&usg=AOvVaw1DQyM2g8aZckrY_JK6952h
  17. To my eye it looks like the P28 retail is on the right, P90T is in the middle and P28 pro stock is on the left.
  18. Funny you mentioned Matthews as I noticed that he is now using XS holders too. At the start of the season I believe he had Edge holders on his Jetspeeds. This may be CCM's window to convince EQMs to switch over to XS holders.
  19. Daoust 501s had titanium blades circa 1989
  20. I think it's because True skates are much lower cut. I believe they usually have one less eyelet than equivalent sized Bauer or CCM skates.
  21. boo10

    Gel STX

    I could see how this would help with stickhandling, but you could probably accomplish the same improvement by strapping weights to your wrists. Don't really see how it would help much with shooting, since the modern technique is to push down to load the stick. If this stick has the same flex profile as your regular stick, it won't take any additional strength to load it. I think your shooting would benefit more from using weighted pucks.
  22. When talking about Tacks, you need to specify if you're talking about the original revival line, (I think around 2012) or the current/previous generation Super Tacks line. They are very different fits. To answer your question, no, Bauer skates will not give you more forward flex. In fact, at equal price points CCM skates generally are a bit softer than Bauer. If the Tacks skate fits you well, your best bet is to either learn to skate without the top eyelet, (will take a few ice times to get used to it) or adjust your lacing. You can also install lace locks to help with modified lacing.
  23. What size are the 80K skates you have now? Feet that are that much different in size are going to present a challenge with holder size. If you go custom, the smaller foot will have the holder hanging out past the toe of the boot.
  24. Yep, Bauer is the Apple of hockey gear. People are willing to pay more for an equal or even inferior product "because Bauer's the best". The comments you hear about CCM steel are a perfect example. CCM stock steel is just as good as LS1, but people talk like Bauer steel is so much better. I've seen lots of Bauer steel snap from being hit by a stiff pass, but have never seen CCM steel break from a similar impact.
  25. Being from the GTA, I can't imagine what it's like to have so few arenas available. I literally have hundreds of ice pads within an hour's drive.
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