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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by marka

  1. Howdy, I think they care, but I also think that you can miss a call and with 900 cameras everywhere, any time a mistake is made, its going to be caught. I do think there's a pretty big disconnect between "this guy was 5 inches offsides 30 seconds before the goal, so NO GOAL!!!!" and "The 2nd assist was a hand pass and we all know that 15 seconds after the goal was scored, but we can't change it, so... Sharks win?" Mark (edit: as a sometimes ref, this makes me feel a LOT better about stuff I miss. 🙂
  2. Howdy, You may not like it, and that's totally understandable, but to the average guy that wants to get his damn skates sharpened, most shops _DO_ suck. And there's no way, as a regular consumer, to reliably find the ones that don't. Particularly when its the standard thing like "Joey is the guy at Pure, but Billy sucks and Jill isn't bad but can't deal with weird stuff either. Good luck! May the odds ever be in your favor". Oh, and then Joey leaves anyway because, surprise, working retail isn't a destination career for most folks. Meanwhile, despite your obvious dislike of these machines, lots and lots of people are happily using them very successfully. Because they do a pretty good job and do it consistently. You sound _EXACTLY_ like the typical machinist from 20 or 30 or 40 years ago when CNC machines were taking over. Manually sharpening a skate is an admirably skill. And, done well, you can get an extremely good result. But that takes lots of training/practice/feel and at the end of the day, there's not enough folks around that do it well vs. a hack job that destroys profiles, has edges so uneven you can see it with the naked eye, that nods their head when someone requests a roh and uses "the standard" anyway, etc. etc. etc. This is a process that begs for automation. The stuff about consistent travel speed, consistent pressure, etc. that it takes a while to get the right feel for is exactly what automation is good at. edit: And in the beginning, where was the money for Sparx to build those free sample machines for the shops? I would imagine they weren't doing a kickstarter project because they decided to turn down big money investors. They saw a need, had an idea for a product that filled that need, and were able to successfully market it to the people that wanted to fill that need. And guess what... Those people were mostly consumers, not pro shops. Or at least they were, until pro shops realized "hey... Wait a minute. You mean I can teach someone to sharpen skates in 30 minutes? And the results will be good?" Mark
  3. Howdy, FWIW, I like tighter gloves and I've been really happy with the Warrior QRL and QRL Pro. I wear a 14" in those. I also found a deal on some Warrior QRE Pros (the next generation) and got them in a 14". Same feel around my hand, but the fingers were a little too short for me and a 15" fit better. But maybe that's just right for you? Mark
  4. Howdy, That sorta logic must be why all the teams in the NHL set their ticket prices every year in order of how the teams finished the previous season. That way nobody ever pays more to watch worse hockey. 🙂 Look, pro sports is an entertainment business. My take is that to me, its worth a similar amount to go watch 2nd tier men's hockey (AHL) as it would be to watch the top tier of women's hockey. Others are going to have different value systems. I really hope the nhl or someone else with big pockets gets behind women's hockey though, so that we can find out whether or not folks actually want to watch women's hockey if its marketed decently. My guess is that enough would to make an AHL / ECHL level budget work. Mark
  5. Howdy, Well, the obvious answer is that one group is the best women that play hockey (with many probably the best women players ever) and the other group is a bunch of teenage boys? So if you're a 12 year old girl who loves hockey, which group are you bugging your parents to go see? I don't see any reason that the top level women's professional hockey organization shouldn't be able to price their games, draw fans, have player salaries, etc. etc. like AHL teams, at least if we're looking past the startup years. Mark
  6. Howdy, If the blade is centered in the holder and you've been skating on 272 already, I'd give it a go. Doesn't sound like any more of a risk of something bad happening than it would be changing from 272 runners to 280 runners. 🙂 Mark
  7. Howdy, I really hope there's some backdoor deals being made between the NHL, the players, and maybe the NWHL. I don't see any reason this couldn't be like women's tennis, women's golf, etc. The NHL has big enough pockets to get it through the "there's no audience because there's not an accessible product and there isn't an accessible product because there's no audience" phase. They also have motivation to grow hockey in general, as long as they're taking the long view. Mark
  8. Howdy, It would be really interesting to see how VT's results changed as a function of fit. Seems like it would be fairly easy for them to test as well, since helmets are adjustable. I don't know what would happen. I can convince myself either way. 🙂 I'm not convinced that fit is as important as some here think it is (in terms of protection... Obviously its important in terms of comfort and distraction). But I'm not convinced its not either. Mark
  9. Howdy, You missed a step or two. I.e.: "but if we hit this other helmet exactly the same way, significantly less force is associated" "does that mean that helmet is better?" "Maybe? It means that for that type of impact, less force gets transmitted to the head which is likely a good thing, but there are other factors to consider as well." "But what if that helmet is uncomfortable and looks ugly?" "Sounds like some of those other factors bud. Good luck. Be sure to rant and rave on the internet either way though!" Mark
  10. Howdy, I agree that there's no new information here, on either side. However: What they actually say is "Helmets with more stars provide a reduction in concussion risk compared to helmets with less stars." Along with the lawyer words: "Any player in any sport can sustain a head injury with even the very best head protection. This analysis is based on data trends and probabilities, and therefore a specific person’s risk may vary. This variation is likely dominated by genetic differences, health history, and impact factors such as muscle activation." Mark
  11. Howdy, I would get the one that fit my feet the best. A "good deal" is only a good deal if its for something that works for your feet. Mark
  12. Howdy, Assuming the guy isn't the rink owner, a better approach might be to share it with the rinks in question. I wouldn't expect much though. I'd do it as more of a "just so you know, this guy is hurting the community and I thought you might care." kinda thing. You're unlikely to change an asshole. But the people that control ice time have a little more leverage. I also wouldn't throw an entire region under the bus because of a few assholes that are in the exact wrong position. FWIW. Mark
  13. Howdy, If you're ditching the holders anyway, perhaps some judicious cutting / grinding would help? Where you go from there will depend on how well the adhesive is bonded to the boot. If its really on there, I'd probably just sand it down until it was just a very, very thin layer. Seems like it will be tedious / time consuming. May not be worth it if time is turning into money in some manner. Mark
  14. Howdy, Yeah, Warrior Pro bag here too, and similar issues. The piping on the outside is just cosmetic, but the inside mesh pockets being torn is irritating. One of my skate pockets is mostly useless and all of the side mesh pockets have the bottoms ripped out at this point and stuff migrates out into the main compartment. Having said that, when I finally get sick of it I dunno what I'll get. $crazy for a Pacific Rink or something is a hard pill to swallow. Mark
  15. Howdy, If you can get a Pelican case for half the cost that holds the Sparx, there's no question at all that that's what I'd do. Those are great cases. You're going to have to configure you're own foam setup (either the packing foam it shipped in or pick and pluck foam I'd imagine). Mark
  16. Howdy, So... Been occasionally reffing here and there. Slowly getting better at stuff, still have quite a ways to go. A thing I particularly suck at is recognizing a penalty. And I suck even more about mentally marking and remembering who it was on. Same thing in terms of "who scored and assisted?", but the adult league I ref with doesn't track that, so I sidestep that problem. I'm pretty comfortable with positioning now in a 2 ref system. Starting to be better about watching the players vs. just the puck. Anyway, I reffed my first upper level game last night. B League game here in Pgh, which is the highest level we have in the organization I play/ref with. The guy that runs the league was out of ref options and he talked me into doing it despite me not thinking it would be a good idea. I'm glad he did... It was quite a bit of fun. The play was a LOT faster, so I was skating more and harder which was great. It wasn't so fast that I couldn't keep up, but was fast enough that I stayed warmed up and loose vs. the lower level games I've been doing where you don't skate as much and then tighten up some. It was also a lot easier to read the play, since players typically made decent passes / didn't fumble fuck the puck. So, for instance, if I was at the blue line and a defensive player had the puck on their stick without much pressure exiting the zone, I could cheat off the line since they were unlikely to turn the puck over stupidly. I definitely needed to be better about not being in the way... With the players moving faster and able to change directions much quicker, I needed to be better about reading where they were going and more quickly getting out of their way. It wasn't horrifically bad (I don't think), but for sure there were too many times that a player had to abruptly change direction to avoid me (usually away from the play, when their attention was up ice, not so much where they were going). Also need to be better about dropping the puck. In the lower leagues they're not as keyed into any movement of my arm at all. So I adapted to that and all, but frequently when I'd drop the puck it wouldn't land flat since I was dropping it in one motion from my waist line and I'm just not very good at that yet. I blew one covering the puck call pretty badly... I was on the side of the net at home base, the puck/offensive player went to the net and the goalie was down covering that side. I got screened just a touch and when that player moved through I saw the goalie down with blocker and stick cemented to the side of the net like he was covering the puck, so I blew it dead... With the whistle sounding just as the puck / player emerge into my vision from the other side of the net. Sigh. The guys seemed pretty understanding about it, which was nice. Anyway... Despite some serious misgivings I had a good time doing it. We'll see if I get any feedback from the other ref / teams via the league organizer as to just how awful I was but I'd do it again for sure, if they wanted me to. Mark
  17. Howdy, If someone had offered me a bet that the Pens and Tampa would be 0-fer in the first three games I'd have lost A LOT of money... Damn. Mark
  18. Howdy, Their performance over the past couple seasons makes me wonder just how important Tocchet was. Mark
  19. Howdy, Well, I don't think anyone saw the Pens getting blanked in this series, but at this point its hard to see how it goes any other way. Mark
  20. Howdy, I really like the True A4.5 for this kinda thing. ~$150 full retail, with previous clearance versions around $100 or so. If I hadn't decided I wanted a P28-ish curve with a closed toe, I'll still be using them. As it is, only CCM makes that. And to be fair, the clearance SuperTacks 2.0 I'm using now is a stick I really like, but it can be hard to find clearance stuff in the pattern / flex you want, etc. Mark
  21. Howdy, Sorry to read that. It certainly seems like you might have suffered from some self inflicted wounds in your saga, but its unfortunate that True wasn't able to work with you to come up with a solution anyway. Good luck with the CCM/other options. Mark
  22. marka


    Howdy, This one. You should also spell "resin" and "extreme" correctly in your marketing blurb. Good marketing / spelling is not, of course, a requirement for developing a revolutionary new stick technology. But its an indicator for those of us that have no other information to evaluate by. Mark
  23. Howdy, You guys dealing with the medical stuff... Damn. I can't imagine. I also don't know what to say about it other than "good luck" and that I'm thinking of you. Keep fighting! Mark
  24. Howdy, I've seen stuff like that in beginner leagues where its more of a group "do over" type of decision. But never in anything particularly competitive. Is this the reason for the FB post? Mark
  25. Howdy, Link to VT saying that that a better rating doesn't reduce the risk of concussion? I think actually measuring the amount of force that gets transmitted to the head for a given impact is one of the few objective ways to evaluate a helmet's performance and IIRC the results from their football stuff show a correlation between better ratings and reduced concussions. That obviously shouldn't be the ONLY metric folks use to pick out a helmet, however. I don't have any need to do this again either, but also didn't want the loud voices in the room drowning out everyone. 🙂 Mark
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