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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Cavs019

  1. P88 is super popular from what I’ve seen. If you don’t want a massive open toe or rockered blade it’s your only option. I’d rather see them experiment with quirky stuff for the 4th and 5th options in the lineup in limited quantities rather than offering an max version of what’s already there. Stuff that could still have mainstream appeal like P90T, Laine, etc.
  2. I’d look into a set of streamlined lacrosse rib pads. Many of them are low profile enough to toss under your shoulder pads without them disrupting your natural range of motion.
  3. Seems like 90% of the NHL wears either that pad or the RBZ.
  4. New condition, never baked or sharpened. Include new speed plates as well. Retail boot. Asking $350 shipped within the US OBO or trade for a 1X or 2X pro in a 7D. https://imgur.com/a/mjKXBgr
  5. Part of the problem is the Mako came out when Easton was going through a pretty steep decline in popularity. If Bauer re-released the Mako II with an Edge holder, new graphics, and called it the UltraBoomADVSonicLite with a superdynaflex tendon guard it would probably fly off the shelves at levels the Mako never came close to.
  6. These are new never used, clarino palms. #91 written in sharpie on both palms. Asking $100 shipped gifted within the US obo. Open to trades for another pair of Black 13 inch mitts. Will listen on most stuff in great to new condition except Nexus as they have way too much volume for my liking. In the US for shipping. https://imgur.com/a/dhywCqw
  7. Does Mylec count? Only brand to this day where you could change your PM9 to a P28 within the same shift with a quick stomp of the sneaker. Still waiting for someone to match that tech. 😆
  8. P89 is legendary - along with P106 going back to the Bauer Linden days. P88 is much more closed and a deeper curve by comparison. That plus the lack of rocker on the toe makes it a no go for me. If they “modernized” the P88 to shave the toe and open it up just a smidge it would be super viable from my perspective. Easton E36 was close - Bauer P14 and CCM P30 are too extreme in terms of openness/twist on the toe.
  9. The benefit is how quickly you can get the shot off your blade and from different body positions/angles. Shot quickness > pure shot speed. It’s also important to go with what you feel most accurate with. A 100mph shot is useless if it’s the equivalent of a cross corner dump in.
  10. It feels about 5 flex points higher than 77 and 5 lower than 87. 🙂 In all seriousness - it’s a good compromise if you want a bit more give vs the 87 but don’t like the potential lag or noodle feeling you’d get with a 77. No one can say one is better than the other as it’s purely a matter of preference and on ice feel. You might not need to go custom either as 82 is super common on Sideline and Ebay unless you use a more quirky curve. Kickpoint also plays a role here as I find the higher up you go the softer the stick feels - I.e my 77 1S sticks feel softer than a Vapor in the same flex.
  11. Did you buy the same size? Just from a length perspective a 50k fits a half size bigger than the 80k. I.e a 6.5 50K = 7.0 80K
  12. To be fair - gear has stagnated completely and either innovation is at an all time low, or we’ve reached a point of diminishing returns on currently available materials. I have a hard time getting excited about CCM moving their logo from the bottom of the Ribcore shaft to the top, or Bauer adding different pops of chrome every year and calling it a new stick. Protective hasn’t really gone anywhere in about 8 years since the CL line released and skates, aside from steel/holder enhancements haven’t really gone anywhere aside from perhaps better baking results. We’ve also seen a decline in unique products. We’ve been P92/P28/P88’ed to death and quirky stuff like custom Franchise gloves have completely disappeared. Did I also mention that all of this stuff has been increasing in price at an absurd rate? It’s hard to generate buzz when there is nothing to buzz about. /rant.
  13. LOL @the_game. To be fair those T-Flex blades were unreal and the puck absolutely exploded off of them so I totally get it. It’s hard to decouple what could be attributed to the blade itself vs kickpoint. IIRC consensus on here (or was it Corebeam at that point?) was that the Synthesis blades felt like a dead fish.
  14. It will probably feel closer to a Synthesis or Synergy did back in the day. Pretty sure the Synthesis was just a longer T-Flex with no change to the kickpoint.
  15. I’m only using pro stock sticks at this point because of the price differential for top of the line - I rarely if ever break sticks inside 30 days. I’ll use pro stock gloves as well if a deal presents itself but otherwise I’m using all retail. Pro stock protective and skates are mostly way overbuilt for beer league.
  16. Sounds like a great deal for them, and an absolutely terrible one for you - especially in the current environment. Team orders were always paid up front in my experience.
  17. NHL teams are obviously not using this customizer nor are they placing orders through the same website as the general public. The idea is that this would help facilitate cost effective customs at scale and no longer support things like “Hossa cuff, shortened gussets, Franchise dressed like an AX1” etc etc etc from back in the day.
  18. 100000000000% People forget the fact that the Synergy was basically a T-Flex with epoxy where the shaft and blade connect.
  19. The RBZ pants (HP45) and shoulder pads. After all the hype and hunting around the internet trying to find them, they were super meh. Obviously both pieces are incredibly light - but they didn’t feel like they moved well at all or had good ergonomics/break in compared to my very old Vapor stuff.
  20. The only company that made a true intermediate blade was Easton with the blue hosel Synthesis blade to be paired with their intermediate shaft. Otherwise, 99% of intermediate shafts took senior blades.
  21. Stealth CNT Drury 85 Anything Styles/Roenick pro from back in the day, ideally the OG Stealth Jofa 8060 shins
  22. I’m a big frankenpad guy - top of the line chest and bicep piece with shoulder caps from a $30 entry level model. Most of the repalm/repair places can do this relatively easily. I agree with @psulion22 in that if I had to pick anything off the rack it would be the Vapor line. I had the “holy grail” CCM U+ CLs recently and felt like a linebacker in those shoulder caps.
  23. I remember loving the metal tipped laces on my old Bauer 7000s back in high school - until they somehow came into contact with my steel and absolutely destroyed my sharpening.
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