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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Chadd

  1. The Bat Gauge is ok, there are a number of other devices that work as well, or better. Opinions tend to vary on the different devices.
  2. Still on stock holder/runner and no issues at all. It was one of the easiest transitions that I've ever made.
  3. Bad news: Scheduled to work over the holiday Good News: Now off for christmas Bad News: Because of another turbulence related concussion I've said this before, but it is well past time to get a new job.
  4. Not for me, it's almost painful to watch. Then again, I don't get caught up in the emotion of the group, that could have something to do with it. The last couple football games I went to ended up making me sad for the human race. I heard and saw some utterly despicable things from people.
  5. Exactly, I don't have to worry about beating it up, it's already there. The obnoxious, oversized pickguard is hiding all kinds of other non-vintage issues that it has. http://www.bcrmusic.com/cgi-bin/1965%20Melody%20Maker.jpg
  6. Stumbled on to a '65 Melody Maker at a shop today. It has been through hell and back but it resonates like crazy.
  7. I have no idea which places we were in, but I'm guessing that I was nowhere near there.
  8. Drink prices on Broadway in Nashville
  9. Douchebags https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/993495_10202230773386991_630273644_n.jpg
  10. Mandela was epic, for so many reasons. There is so much that we can all learn from the example that he set.
  11. David is having a great night tonight and the announcers on sportsnet are gushing over him. "Best move MacTavish made as the GM" and "He's the only one playing with fire and passion"
  12. 90/75 had too much bite compared to 7/16? Something is not right with that, unless the ice was a lot softer. You may like the grip of the x/50 a little more. Something like the 100/50 maybe.
  13. David has finally been put in a position where his skills are appreciated. In St Louis, they constantly carped about his defense and not lauded for the skills he does possess in spades, as he has been in Edmonton.
  14. I know he is in the MSH league
  15. With the lack of depth on the mako, I can't use a thicker insole like superfeet.
  16. Get a different place to sharpen your skates, that is Blademaster's attempt to copy the FBV. It doesn't require a different machine, just a different dressing tool and the correct spinners. Blademaster lists the X6 as 3/8 - 1/2, X7 as 1/2-3/4 and X8 as 3/4-1". That's a pretty wide range on all of them.
  17. There is plenty of lateral support in the Mako, I have you by a few pounds and have no issues with that at all. If you have thinner ankles (a problem I don't have) then it sounds like the Mako 2 will be a better option for you. They have changed the padding around the top of the ankle to address some of the issues people have had there.
  18. I think everyone in the industry that I have talked to has said pretty much the same thing in regards to the Mako and MLX skates. The Mako is simply a much more polished product.
  19. Most of my guys that wanted more grip than 90/75 or 100/50 gave them and less than 100/75 went with 95/75. Once you change the second number, a whole bunch of other "feel" factors get involved and make it hard to compare.
  20. I've been working my ass off lately and have a few days off. I can't believe how much better I feel after a day off.
  21. I'd like to have the opportunity to miss it.
  22. That's just about the thing I miss most about radio. I saw a ton of concerts and only paid for two.
  23. Most of the complaints came from people that were never going to wear them anyway. Now they will have to come up with another reason to bag on them.
  24. Yeah, that's pretty much what I have had to do with my skates for the last decade or so, even with my old Missions and Tacks. When you feel the suction created by pulling your heel out of the boot, you know you have the right fit.
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