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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by chippa13

  1. Just wait until you see how ugly it looks when the claw starts growing back in.
  2. Be ready with the standard first line from every player who moves from defense to forward, "Man, you get a lot more tired playing forward."
  3. I've always believed that a number of skating drills should be done with pucks so players can get used to handling pucks at full speed.
  4. Which is why they'd have a maximum allowable COR. That would ensure that the ball can come off of the bat no hotter than it would a normal wood bat. If you're worried about bat speed then make a minimum weight requirement, as well.
  5. Sometimes I think some bands are so busy trying to be musicians that they forget they are performers. Dream Theater runs hot and cold with me. Some stuff I like and other stuff I'm just not getting it.
  6. I don't know, if you need that much help to put the song together then you probably can't play it live with the bodies/talent you've got, anyway. As much as I didn't like the garage quality of the production, I did like the idea when Metallica recorded by just dumping the 4 guys in the studio and they just had at it. At least you know that what you got on the record is what you'll get on the stage.
  7. That is where a captain or other leader on the team needs to toss in a couple of words after the coach has had his due. It will mean more coming from them, anyway.
  8. Harry Sinden refused to allow any Bruin to wear a high number with the exception of Ray Bourque while he was the GM. Heinz was all kinds of excited to wear 57 once he left the B's.
  9. If you're only 1 semester away then you can probably finish up your degree over the next couple of summers.
  10. Remembering back to my college days, we set up our schedule late in the semester for the next one. Saved a lot of problems with last second add/drops.
  11. Don't be so anxious to be done. Enjoy your time there because, if you're going away to college, you'll never experience anything like it again.
  12. If you're that nervous out there then taking a break is a good idea. We've all heard the old adage, "the easiest way to get hurt is to try not to get hurt." Stay away for a month or two then go to a local kids game, remember why you played in the first place, and jump back in.
  13. Mrs. hooked me up with a new Burner Superfast 3 wood for the birthday.
  14. Just remember, it is easier to continue a conditioning program than it is to start one.
  15. That's a horrible combination. Do what you can to get this friend some help, I'm sure a good google search will help give you some ideas on how to approach the situation.
  16. Keep it up, I'm counting on other folks kids for my social security.
  17. When stuff like this happens I'm always curious to see how the test can be discriminitive. It would be interesting to see examples from the test.
  18. Sucks to lose a gig in tough times. On the plus side, you've got the rest of the summer off. Small consolation but it worked for a buddy of mine and myself when we were both out way back when.
  19. I think the answer is that you can get into Canada but you can't get back into the States.
  20. True, an owner can do whatever he wants but that doesn't mean MLB fans outside of his market can't hate him for it. Right, wrong or indifferent, a lot of folks don't care for the way the Yankees, and to a similar extent, the Red Sox go about their business. Edit: nice avatar adjustment.
  21. MLB's system is broke and with the Yankees deep pockets, they can easily take advantage of it. There is something wrong when some teams aren't paying their whole roster enough to fill the gap between the Sox and Yankees. http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/salaries/teams
  22. You mean those crazy owners who try to run their teams in the black without pulling revenue from their other endeavors (read: YES Network). There is trying to put a winning team on the field and there is trying to buy a winner. Which category do you think the Yankees and Red Sox fall into?
  23. Steinbrenner wasn't hated because he was winning, he was hated because he could easily bankroll a payroll that made parity in MLB impossible and proved just how stupid and useless is the "luxury tax" system. Sidenote: if the NHLPA hires Fehr as their next head, the NHL will go down the same road.
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