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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

shoeshine boy

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Everything posted by shoeshine boy

  1. another mess up. very troubling. did you upload the file with your order? gloves still look awesome though!
  2. I'm a little concerned with the amount of mistakes coming from PSHG/Warrior custom glove orders.
  3. FINALLY got my hands on Enstrom's Thrasher AK27 gloves! also scored Vrbata's Eagles from the Yotes: and got a pair of Strokers off Ebay for cheap: took a brown paint Sharpie to the Strokers. it's not perfect but the words on the cuff are much more subtle now.
  4. I missed both our games there last season so I haven't had to play at that rink in almost a year. next time you should mic up your goalie. THAT would be entertaining!
  5. now THAT is cool! too bad they didn't skate in Cooperalls!
  6. I like it! nice touch with the number on the underside of the cuff. should've outlined the "Warrior" in navy though.
  7. I think they are because I got a pretty good deal on them. the palms have no holes but it's obvious that they've been sweated in quite a bit. I'll most likely be contacting Eagle about repalming them with MSH2. totally agree with you on this. imo Superfeet are the way to go with MLX skates.
  8. Craig Rivet's Eagle PPFs from his days as a Buffalo Sabre
  9. I just put in a custom Luxe order so I'm waiting right along with you.....
  10. the CCM pants, are they a 2 piece pant or are they more similar to the old Supra 420, my favorite hockey pants ever?
  11. custom Warrior Franchise pants bought from a poster on another board. navy, pro padding, -1 in length. can't WAIT to try these out tomorrow night!!
  12. absolutely gorgeous! love the simplicity of the black and silver. just curious, why the red for the "other print" option?
  13. oooo, I like! you did the number black on black? I love how that looks. did the same thing in maroon on the pair on the left 2 posts up. can't wait to see the finished product!
  14. be damn sure of the size. I wear PPFi's as well and my first pair of Franchise customs I ordered in a 12 inch and really wish I hadn't. the size gap difference between Warrior's 12 and 13 is probably the biggest of any 2 sizes. I've ordered 13 narrows since then. the glove on the right is a 12 and the glove on the left is a 13 narrow:
  15. I must agree. have you been buying women's sneakers?
  16. all of customs are 13N but I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask as I'm kind of a 12.5 size so the 13N isn't super tight on me and to me they just feel like a 4 roll. now my 13N Luxes on the other hand.....
  17. looks like the royal to me. my newest pair shows the range of blue pretty well: the gussets on mine are black mesh so if you look where the navy tufftek meets the gusset you can see how dark the Warrior navy is.
  18. Warrior doesn't offer baby blue as an option for the binding. :(
  19. my 8 week long wait is finally over! got an email into Joe. the binding was supposed to be navy not silver. might keep it this way depending on how much of a pain it'll be to fix it. this is my first pair with the Hossa cuff. loving the mobility. palms are mustang but it's a different mustang than my other pairs. it's kind of like a slightly fuzzy mustang. oh, and many thanks to Joe at Warrior USA for helping me with the special color zoning and the baby blue carbon thumb logo.
  20. it's been over a year since the last response to this thread so I'll ask the question again. what are the good shops that are easily accessible to downtown?
  21. put my first goal in last night with my custom stick. I always feel better once I get that first goal out of the way.
  22. I used mine for the first time a few nights ago. certainly seems like a MSRP $200 stick to me.
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