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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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yah my hockey team went to montreal first year midget and i was surprised they sold me liquor and chew considering i still dont look 18 now that i am and i most definitely did not look 18 when i was 15

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I cant handle the prices in canada anymore... most of the time for dusty ass chew, so i just order it from a website in the states. Split the order and duties with a buddy and come close to saving 400 bucks, Smartest thing i've ever done.

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I cant handle the prices in canada anymore... most of the time for dusty ass chew, so i just order it from a website in the states. Split the order and duties with a buddy and come close to saving 400 bucks, Smartest thing i've ever done.

Been thinking about doing this . How is duties and shipping ? I've seen smokersoutlet , what site do you use?

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Holy hell. How much are you ordering at a time that you're saving 400 bucks???? I go about a tin a week which means my habit costs me about $12 a month.

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Holy hell. How much are you ordering at a time that you're saving 400 bucks???? I go about a tin a week which means my habit costs me about $12 a month.

Haha that 12 bucks wouldn't even get you a big (normal size for the US) tin here

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been dipping for 3 years now, loving it since the day i started. tins here are 10 on the reserve, 14-16 everywhere else. bought from smokersoutletonline.com and saved a ton.

would like to give snus a try, saw a videoo of it and it looks like a putty almost. am i right? i know completely nothing about it. where to order, how to, what to get, how to do it. pretty much looking for the idiots guide to snus.

thanks a ton.

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12 bucks wont even get you a small tin up here. Duties run at $57.xx per 1000 grams. Shipping runs around 40 bucks. and I ordered from www.lilbrown.com. So im paying like 80 bucks for 5 or 6 logs plus the duties. Split the duties and stuff with a friend so I normally pay about 150 bucks for 5 or so logs. Compared to $599 for 5 logs in Canada.

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That is crazy. I wonder if there's like a black market for dip up there?!? I could get rich sneaking grizzly into the great white north.

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I mentioned it earlier in this thread i think, but dip has actually gotten cheaper up here over the past several years. I used to work at a little deli on campus and Skoal ran about $5.50 a can (big can) two years ago. I just bought a can of Skoal at UDF yesterday for $3.15. I think they had to drop their prices b/c Grizzly was killing 'em.

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That is crazy. I wonder if there's like a black market for dip up there?!? I could get rich sneaking grizzly into the great white north.

i think a successful marketing campaign would be your biggest hurdle.

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screw grizzly, send some grape kayak :)

I hope thats a joke haha. My buddy brought some of that back from the states. I don't think I could handle anymore than the one dip of it I had.

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screw grizzly, send some grape kayak :)

I dunno, I've never been able to enjoy straight chew, I like thte flavoured ones. Cherry is atop my list right now. I usually chew one flavour until i get sick of it, then move on.

I didnt mind grape kayak, haha i thought it was pretty good.

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