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Biggest hockey pet peeve....

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I would have to say my biggest pet peeve in hockey is bad officiating, with an honorable mention going to guys playing with two different colored socks (specifically one light and one dark). I don't know why that bothers me, but it does.

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a couple..in addition to bad officiating..the most recent being roller kids who think because they play ice they are intimidating...

played in an ironman recently..team of 17/18's was in the division..they come out all loud and obnoxious..one kid "finishes" his hit on me..no big deal..acting like a punk..i give him the "ooh you must play ice hockey"...and later after I send him flying with the same thing..let him know that "i play ice hockey too"..haha..

I get so much satisfaction sending these punk kids home from events..

seriously though I'd have to say my biggest is the lack of respect towards officials, organizers, etc..I have parents on a weekly basis drop Fbombs on me, etc in the middle of an event and of course..it wasn't there 10 year old who told the ref he was a cork sucker...it's pretty much made my decision to stop doing regionals, etc pretty easy after this season has finished..

of course..a few years ago in NY a ref was attacked by a HS player after getting a game misconduct..he had his orbital bone shattered, et.al and there was a quote in SI's The Apocolypse is Upon Us section that had one parent saying "Yeah, he beat him up but did you see the calls he made??"

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Bad officiating will be across the board. In addition to that, kids who don't realize the situation and league. I mean, I'm 20 years old in Mens or 21U leagues. I don't want to fight so you can try to impress your girlfriend, it seems every other game somebody is trying to start fights for no apparent reason, and it usually ends up with them looking like an idiot (either KOed, or just embarassed). I just don't get the appeal. I mean, If someone sticks you, or starts lipping off, alright retaliate, but don't start because you think you're a Hero. Honestly.

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Two pet peeves:

I hate hot heads on my team. At my level, it's just a frickin' game. Having guys on the bench constantly chirping at the other team or screaming at the ref takes some of the fun out of it.

But I hate lack of passing even more. When I see 3-on-1's get broken up because the one guy with the puck is too intent on himself scoring rather than the team scoring, I get incredibly depressed.

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For drop in, you get a new goalie come out with small pads. You can tell cuz he looks real small. And some bozo tries to take 80 miles an hour slapshots on him and the goalie gets knocked out from the game and the goalie gets a grapefruit sized bruise on his upper chest/shoulder area where there is a supposed to be a thick pad covering it but...

anyways ... bozos that fire slap shots on new goalies. I am sure the goalie will not come out anymore.

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1. Insane a@#$holes on the ice who play beer league like it's the NHL

2. REfs who don't call anything because the game is late and they just want to get their $ and go home.

3. Guys who don't take their gear out of their bag and smell like a##.

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1) in the warm-up when some of our players perpasely shoot high and then our goalie gets hit in the head a couple of times.

2)Parents that pay there kids when they score, all of last year i played on a line with a kid that got 5$ per goal he scored, so i would barly get any passes.


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The "billy-badass" kids and "Glory Days" adults. Chippy, loud, and take it all so seriously! The kids who live with mom and dad, and I mean the college "kids" too, who don't have to pay for the stitches, or deal with the broken wrists on the job, or the dental work to make things fit properly again. The grown-ups who apparently have something to prove and feel they have to dish it out like they did 20 years ago or their buddies with think they've gotten soft.

I JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN! Keep your sticks down, keep the slashes off my wrists, and have some class if you get beat on a play. An intense game can be lots of fun, just keep it in perspective. I have to get up tomorrow because I have to support myself and home.

Oh yeah, and the refs blow too.

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- Games that mean nothing, basically non-competetive games. A lot of people seem to be saying, keep it fun, not so competetive...that is definately when I have the most fun. When i'm chirping, just genuinly focused on the Win, no matter what. I love it when everyone gets into it. For example in a tight game when you get a couple shifts i a row where there is near goals and big hits, everyone gets a little more tense and is playing at there best. Just thinking about some of those games makes me want to go play right now.

- Guys that talk trash after the Ref comes between you, or on there way to the bench etc. Many times I have seen this where a guy will not drop the mitts when he face to face with the other, but as soon as the ref comes in between them he starts the "u wanna drop em'?" etc. Pisses the hell outta me.

-Guys that chirp but wont back it up...now I am a pretty small guy in my league and would generally get destroyed in a fight, but if the moment arose where one of my comments or actons turned into a fight I would certainly defend myself etc. I hate the guys who can talk talk, talk but when it comes to a fight well they aren't so tough anymore.

- Finally not to sound prejudice, but I hate european hockey players. Specifically in the World Cup,Olymppics etc. All they do is dive, dive, dive.

ANd when they aren't diving they're talking trash knowing no one is going to fight them in this kind of event.

Something that doesn't bother me, but seems to bother everyone else nin the world is celebratinbg after a goal. Sure I might try and hit the kid a litte harder next time, but I have no problems with the celebrations.

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I know I shouldnt let it get to me but one of my biggest pet peaves are kids of all ages buying sticks that they dont need and shouldnt be using. But then again who am I to judge... :rolleyes: Another is the guys who think drop in or a rec league is the NHL.

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I got a couple...

-Passing or lack there of.

-Parents who think there kids the next gretzky

-Kids who think there the next gretzky.

-terrible hockey players that come to pick up games with no equipment on and then complain about being hit by the puck.

-bad refs and cheap players.

-kids that look like trailor trash(dif. color socks, sagging breezers, ect.)

... Ill stop there

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A lot of the above, plus:

(i) Unrepaired figure skating holes;

(ii) Getting hit after scoring;

(iii) Guys accidentally taking the wrong socks / keys / elbow pads / etc. after the game;

(iv) Warm pucks;

(v) Guys who take long shifts;

(vi) 1950s-style afficianados trying to impose that style on the rest of us;

(vii) Wingers who can't get the puck out;

(viii) Guys who play down a few divisions in order to score;

(ix) Teams that lodge protests in order to overturn losses; and

(x) Guys who throw up on the bench.

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  Fletch said:
  JR Boucicaut said:
Some of the reasons why I don't play competitive hockey anymore.
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So do you just play pick-up?

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Nah, I just do puckshoots and test equipment when I get it. I'll probably be skating at CWAS' skate in Windsor from now on. MAYBE I'll get on a team, but not a big priority right now.

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(viii) Guys who play down a few divisions in order to score;
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As a ref I hate to see that. You know somone is going to do something stupid about it by the end of the night.

I can understand and accept a ref making a bad call or a mistake, it happens to all of us. What I can't accept is a guy candy-assing it out on the ice while he's getting paid to be there. Don't want to do the job the right way, then don't accept the assignment.

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biggest pet peeve...

poor sportsmanship, i play in a higher div in my roller league and when we play against some teams, they don't shake hands with us at the end of the game cause they thought we were dirty, (hmmm lowest PIM in the league) either we are good at hiding our penalties or we aren't that dirty.

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