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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Things Customers Do

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There was a tournament at our rink a couple weekends ago...a lot of teams that took themselves pretty seriously but, ultimately, weren't much good (a marginal-at-best local 16U team ended-up losing the championship in OT in a tournament otherwise filled with 18U teams). Sunday afternoon rolls around and a father strolls into the shop and explains that his son had left one of his elbow pads at home (which was about half a continent away) and asked if we might have any used elbow pads that he might be able to borrow. I kinda winced and shook my head. "Nope, sorry, buddy."

He walks to the back of the store, where we've got our elbow pads hung-up on a wall. I follow him over.

"Hey," he says, "if I leave my license here as collateral, could I maybe just take an elbow pad to use for this game and then bring it right back once he gets off the ice?"

"Sorry, we don't sell used equipment here. If we let your son use it for a game, it would then be a USED elbow pad."

"Well, what if I leave my credit card?" **I guess he didn't really internalize what I had just said**

"Well, if you give me your credit card, I could ring you up for a pair of elbow pads, return your card to you right away and then you wouldn't have to bring the pads back after the game."

He gets pissed. "You know what," he snaps, pointing at me, "you have a good day, 'cause you're just about useless." He takes off for the door.

I stand there kinda dumbstruck for a moment, shocked that he was upset with me because I wouldn't give him a brand new elbow pad to borrow...then I call after him:

"He's an Itchy, eh?"

He spins around. "Huh?"

"Your kid. You're just now realizing that he left his elbow pad at home. It's Sunday in a tournament that has been going on since Friday. If he had dressed in the one game Friday night or the two games yesterday or even the one game this morning, he would have figured this out earlier. I'm led to believe, then, that his coach didn't want him in the line-up Friday or yesterday or even this morning...and his team doesn't have a prayer of playing tomorrow, so it's not like he was hurt and now they need him to play through it to help you advance. You're going home tonight - this game is meaningless, so he gets the nod. He's an "Itchy" - healthy scratch, huh?"

He stumbles a bit, here. "Uh...that's not it...uh...at all." He turns to walk out, but - in true retarded customer form - he has to have the last word. "Psh, can't spare a fucking elbow pad for a fucking two-hour game. Fucking useless joke." And out he went.

Whether or not I was right, I guess I'll never know...but given his reaction, I think I might have hit a nerve.

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Niiiiice...Where was this person from? Who the hell expects someone to "borrow" an elbow pad? There is no such thing as a free lunch.

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I won't say where exactly. "Western Canada" should suffice. They won one game in a pretty weak tournament - I wasn't about to give-up a good pad to make sure some ankle-bending mouth-breather would get to finally see some ice-time without breaking his elbow.

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Not a complaint about customers as such...but rather...

Why can't Graf solve their issues? When their skates finally do arrive... and if the holders are aligned and stitching is fine... half of them come with 0 or 1 insole. Or, 2 left ones. Or 2 right ones.

It gets...annoying to say the least.

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^^^Agreed. There have been a number of times that I've been fitting a customer, opened a box of Grafs and, upon realizing I was missing 1-2 footbed(s), and just said "That's it - I'm driving to Calgary and killing everyone in that factory." The customers are usually mildly amused, and I'm able to vent a little bit. Everybody wins...except for the co-worker who will eventually try to fit someone in the pair of skates from which I have to steal the necessary footbed(s).

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^^^Agreed. There have been a number of times that I've been fitting a customer, opened a box of Grafs and, upon realizing I was missing 1-2 footbed(s), and just said "That's it - I'm driving to Calgary and killing everyone in that factory." The customers are usually mildly amused, and I'm able to vent a little bit. Everybody wins...except for the co-worker who will eventually try to fit someone in the pair of skates from which I have to steal the necessary footbed(s).

I appreciate the fact that they all get together and have a drink on Friday afternoons, it seems like a nice morale booster. I just wish they wouldn't go back and make more skates after happy hour.

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Having given all the SIDAS ones of a useful size away (who buys those crappy things?!), I might start giving away Superfeet if the box has no insoles.

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Being a hockey player, I have built-up some pretty thick skin. Working in a pro-shop has only made it thicker. It probably would have been just as easy for me to bite my tongue (standard reaction to someone like this). For some reason, though, I just thought this guy was the perfect candidate for a little "release" - a guy from well outside the area with a ridiculous request who had unnecessarily gone into "asshole mode." He deserved a little verbal thumping...and his kid was the easy target.

It was very therapeutic.

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Not a complaint about customers as such...but rather...

Why can't Graf solve their issues? When their skates finally do arrive... and if the holders are aligned and stitching is fine... half of them come with 0 or 1 insole. Or, 2 left ones. Or 2 right ones.

It gets...annoying to say the least.

Or footbeds that are completely the wrong size.

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pretty harsh to shit on the kid imo

he actually wasn't bashing the kid at all. Just trying to stick it to the dad. He never saw the kid.

It is interesting how he left his elbow pad "at home" yet managed to get through 2 days of a 3 day tournament without it. Quick thinking by the LHS worker.

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pretty harsh to shit on the kid imo

he actually wasn't bashing the kid at all. Just trying to stick it to the dad. He never saw the kid.

It is interesting how he left his elbow pad "at home" yet managed to get through 2 days of a 3 day tournament without it. Quick thinking by the LHS worker.

Especially since one could easily find something that will fit for $20. Elbow pads aren't the biggest top-dollar item last time I checked.

LKpt- what pair was he looking at? Surely not One90, XXXX, 9k or something like that :lol:

At least you know he wasn't completely jerking you by asking to borrow a complete set so his kid "doesn't feel funny" wearing two different pads.

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Had a customer come in this weekend, who's son had forgot his helmet at home. She walked over to my helmets, and asked if she could borrow one for a game, and then bring it back. I just sort of chuckled, and said no ma'am, thats not how it works. I cant sell a helmet after it has been used. She clearly didnt get this concept, and stormed out of the shop without saying another word.

If you read through this thread, there are many stories just like this. It happens very often. My question is, why? Are people really that fucking retarded? In what world would that be an ok practice?

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We see this quite a bit during tourneys. At least this guy was honest and ask to borrow a pair. Most would scam you, purchase a pair then try to return them after they used them and also lie that they didn't use them.

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If you read through this thread, there are many stories just like this. It happens very often. My question is, why? Are people really that fucking retarded? In what world would that be an ok practice?

I agree that it's entirely unacceptable to presume that such a practice would be okay.

However, allowing someone to use the helmet once and return it without paying is essentially the same thing as accepting no-questions-asked returns on equipment that was only worn once; in both cases, the consumer uses the product once and gives it back having ultimately paid nothing.

Again, I'm not defending the "mouther-breathers" here, just something that occurred to me.

Edit - Yes, I realize that not all shops will accept returns on once-used equipment. Also, I simul-posted with jimmy, he sort of beat me to the punch on this.

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that essentially is the same thing. My store offers no returns at all. Something that was in place before i took over. Im not sure I really am comfortable with it, but on the positive side, i avoid issues where they have used something, and then i cant sell it again.

The shop I run is sort of handcuffed, being as its rink owned, and our rink is a county (non-profit) rink, on an indian reservation. Because of our unique tax status, returns actually can only legally be done on the same day. At least this is what i was told when i brought up changing our return policy.

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that essentially is the same thing. My store offers no returns at all. Something that was in place before i took over. Im not sure I really am comfortable with it, but on the positive side, i avoid issues where they have used something, and then i cant sell it again.

The shop I run is sort of handcuffed, being as its rink owned, and our rink is a county (non-profit) rink, on an indian reservation. Because of our unique tax status, returns actually can only legally be done on the same day. At least this is what i was told when i brought up changing our return policy.

You sell smokes in there too?? :P

I'm all for no returns on used equipment. This prevents people from trying something for the sake of trying, knowing they can just bring it back. People abuse this. I've heard that quite a few people who need a tool for a one time job will go to Home depot, use the tool, then return it. Why, because they can. Now, HD can absorb the losses by reselling the used tools at a discount. Because their margins are so high, they can likely mark it down 50% and still make money. For hockey, the margins are to small to survive with this policy. Plus, who wants to wear a helmet or jock that someone has sweated in? Very hard to sell used equipment.

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Last week this mom and her kid come into the store asking about skates and if we'll price match, I tell her that depends and that I'll do the best I can. Her kid is set on Synergy 1500's in a size 7, one look at the kid and you just know that those skates would be huge on him. I tell her that just to make sure lets go ahead and size him up for shits and giggles. After about 25 min and half a dozen pair of skates we're all settled on V08's in a size 5, we get up to the register, I've already told her we're going to sharpen them and that we will bake them after he skates because of course jr. is on the ice in 20 mins. Just as I ring them up she pulls the chute and asks if she can buy them online for less. First off I've already saved her $100 over the "bargin" skates she was going to buy on the internet, now her kid has skates that fit. I'm so fed up that I say to hell with it and look the skates up on hockeygiant, they're $20 cheaper there and I had to explain to the woman that after she paid me to sharpen them and bake them the internet skates would be more expensive.

Makes me like my good customers just a little bit more each time something like this happens.

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