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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what does everyone do for jobs?

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Aside from being a full time student, I teach tennis at the local tennis club. I've been teaching for about 5 years or so now. Great job for a college student.

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Did the graphic design thing for a couple years with Transcontinental Media focusing mainly on local and regional newspapers. Quit that, went back to school and have 9 days of classes left until I complete this Business Management program, with a concentration in Human Resources. Got some job prospects lined up, interviews in a few weeks.

Also work part-time doing drum tracks for a local recording studio.

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Hell, I'd settle for a marketing job at Bauer Hockey...

given the X:60 threads around here I dont think they'll be hiring for awhile...

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Full time student, getting ready for Pharmacy school.

Good Luck with that Figg!

Pharmacy Operations (scheduling RPh, training, loss prevention, etc...).

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Purchasing office manager for a general construction company, collaboration with solicitation office (cost/benefits analysys and architectural projects modifications). I'm an architect, but did't choose private career.


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Advertising... Creative Director... I make ads.

IF your wondering why most advertising is really stupid, it's because it's most clients are scared to run with anything that might get them fired.

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Advertising... Creative Director... I make ads.

IF your wondering why most advertising is really stupid, it's because it's most clients are scared to run with anything that might get them fired.

That and design by committee.

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Advertising... Creative Director... I make ads.

IF your wondering why most advertising is really stupid, it's because it's most clients are scared to run with anything that might get them fired.

That, and in my world...most of the 85 words they use in a :30 spot are wasted. I've been producing this crap for almost 11 years.

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Conductor on the railroad, Soon to be Locomotive Engineer. Not a job as much as a lifestyle.

my grandfather worked for ONR for 25 years. he used to say the exact same thing.

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... as little as possible! :D

Seriously, retail management. My company deals with sports memorabilia. Movie stuff as well, but mostly sports. Autographed photos, jerseys, balls, pucks, pieces from Yankee and Shea stadiums... If anyone needs anything, contact me for your MSH discount!!

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Mechanical engineering undergrad. While a student I've worked in a cabinet shop as a sanding/prep worker, intern at a robotics firm, inventory specialist on campus, co-op at a toilet paper mill, referee... Think that's it.

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Account Executive at a Marketing/Graphic design agency. I look after client accounts, help come up with ads, marketing plans, PR campaigns, web sites etc.

And Fawn111 - I can totally sympathize.

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I'm a game tester at Microsoft Game Studios, USA Hockey referee, and last but not least, a LHS employee (not sure for how much longer though, my bosses really don't know how to run this store).

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