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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Post Your Team's Jersey(s) Thread

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In response to a request for us to post more pics of Tally Hockey Jerseys...here you go. Yes - the Blackhawk style jerseys have the rounded hem. The white blackhawk jersey comes with single layer twill letters and double layer twill numbers.





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In response to a request for us to post more pics of Tally Hockey Jerseys...here you go. Yes - the Blackhawk style jerseys have the rounded hem. The white blackhawk jersey comes with single layer twill letters and double layer twill numbers.

Actually, nobody asked you guys to post more pictures.

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My work hockey team is looking at doing these jerseys. We have to decide whether to go with full Pro-style cresting and numbers or to do a sublimated jersey.




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My work hockey team is looking at doing these jerseys. We have to decide whether to go with full Pro-style cresting and numbers or to do a sublimated jersey.


I would recommend a Sublimated twill crest, and Tackle Twill Numbers.

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In response to a request for us to post more pics of Tally Hockey Jerseys...here you go. Yes - the Blackhawk style jerseys have the rounded hem. The white blackhawk jersey comes with single layer twill letters and double layer twill numbers.

Actually, nobody asked you guys to post more pictures.


my team jerseys are pretty lame. solid green tps jerseys with the team logo (blinky from the simpsons).

I'm trying to convince them to go for custom jerseys in W09... thinking NYI 3rds from AK

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My work hockey team is looking at doing these jerseys. We have to decide whether to go with full Pro-style cresting and numbers or to do a sublimated jersey.


I would recommend a Sublimated twill crest, and Tackle Twill Numbers.

Why would you do a sublimated crest but twill numbers? Wouldn't that look odd?


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My work hockey team is looking at doing these jerseys. We have to decide whether to go with full Pro-style cresting and numbers or to do a sublimated jersey.


I would recommend a Sublimated twill crest, and Tackle Twill Numbers.

Why would you do a sublimated crest but twill numbers? Wouldn't that look odd?


No, it looks pretty good. That's what we have had done on our jerseys in the past. The sublimated twill patch keeps the jerseys from being heavy in the front because the crest is lighter. The Sublimated twill numbers can really keep costs down, while making the jerseys look fantastic. Talk to SubliTWILL, he does great work.

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