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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut


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Anybody know when you'll be able to order these custom? I'm looking to go custom in the next little while and was wondering when you could order the XXXX's.

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My guess is not for quite a while. The first custom make up Vapor XXXX will be for all the pros, European elite league pros, and colleges. That should take up most of the summer of 2007 for production time. The custom skate factory in St. Jerome has limited production capabilities based on size and the staff that is specifically trained to build custom skates. I have been in that production room and its not as big as you might think or imagine. They are very efficient, though. Its just the sheer volume of custom skates to build that takes time given the number of production people.

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When i was watching malkin play i thot he was wereing the vector v8s but it turned out he was wereing the xxxx's.Does anyone think they look like v8s from far away or i'am just weird?

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Gaborik had a pair with black Tuuks on them last night at the yotes' game. they looked amazing. What a skater that guy is!

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Best stride I've ever seen in terms of explosiveness with perfect technique. That, and his release is not fair. Too bad he's made out of glass. I actually heard his tuuks were green.

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Will the 07 (or is it 08?) lower model Vapors have this new design or will they be more like the 2nd generation XX's (are the XXXX's considered 3rd gen)?

Does this question make any sense?

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  SirJW said:

Will the 07 (or is it 08?) lower model Vapors have this new design or will they be more like the 2nd generation XX's (are the XXXX's considered 3rd gen)?

Does this question make any sense?

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If you look at the 2007 Bauer Catalog, the lower model Vapors do look similar to the XXXX's.


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  Cavs019 said:

Best stride I've ever seen in terms of explosiveness with perfect technique. That, and his release is not fair. Too bad he's made out of glass. I actually heard his tuuks were green.

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They may have been dark green, but from where we were sitting they looked black.

You're right with his release. He had the only goal last night, and it took the crowd a second to realize he scored because he shot it so quick.

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  A2rhino said:

Will the Vapor XXV be more or less stiff than the XXXX's?

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The XXXX's are stiffer than the XXV, however, the XXV is a GREAT skate for the price. If the XXV had a clarino liner, I would put it on par with the XXX's if not a little nicer. The XXV is definitely a nicer skate than the original XX

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  ghockey11 said:

diddnt read all of them but saw draper and i think zetterberg wearing them tonight

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Draper for sure....but I think Zetter has the old 04 Easton Z Air Comp SE

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  Miike said:

Interesting looking skate. Once again thanks for the pics JR. The outsolde looks like the Flexlites, but the overall shape of the boot resembles the Vapor XX and XXX's. I'm still trying to figure out if i like them or not. JR, one question, do you know if they will have regular LS2's or some new holder?

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I believe its the LS2 holder all the way,

its pitcured w/ it in the 07' catalouge

but note that there is no perferated steel, just like the one90s

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