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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Equipment Addiction

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This thread got me thinking about my own equipment whoring. I'm pretty tame when it comes to sticks, only have 5 right now and never had more than that. Helmets are what really gets me. Gotta have one to match the different teams I play for. Also gotta upgrade protective every year when new stuff comes out. I was thinking that me being employed by a hockey store would be a benefit but the more I thought, the ability to get equipment for cost just helps me justify my addiction more. At least with the support group known as MSH, I know it could be much worse.

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Sticks is the owrst for me i am a gimmic buyer :P.I like to have the latest even if i dont need it.My latest is the Ove vector 10 shoulder pads.And i just bought pro stock buffalo pants (i bought one90 pants like 4 month ago lol) and so on.

I might be getting yet another pair of warrior gloves.my 5 th one.

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I go through six monthish cycles wear I'll buy either a bunch of hockey equipment or a bunch of records, or drive too many hours to see bands. It works out because it keeps me from getting burned out on one thing. On the other hand, I just constantly flush money down the toilet on various vices.

I justify it by saying things like "it's ok if I buy _____ dollars of sticks/records, because I don't drink." But then I spend way more money on that stuff than I ever could on alcohol.

It's probably better than being a meth addict, but at least society will recognize that problem, and give me money so I don't have to work.

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...It's probably better than being a meth addict...

And you're far less likely to accidently blow up your house.

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Visors...I am 15 and have been through 6 in two months

But you can't wear them while playing...

I play pick up with my dad and his group. I can hold my own, even do possibly a bit better that some of them, so my dad lets me wear it.

I am not playing minor hockey this year either!

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Actually compared to Mod Squadders I'm pretty tame, since I sell stuff in order to get new stuff.

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I am like that two..I generally don't go crazy, the visors are normally traded for. My problem is I like to blow money away, when I should be saving a car. For example, I bought a new phone today, the one I had was 5 months old. I am pathetic I know!

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Yeah I'm with some of you guys who are more swayed by pro stock stuff. mostly sticks and gloves. Hell at least long after my skating days are over it will look nice hanging on the wall.

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I'm currently in recovery. I haven't hoarded that much compared to others here, but I'm really trying to thin the herd right now. Right now I'm happy with everything I have, so I should be done buying for a while. My goal is to make it to the next NHL season without buying anything new.

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Man, I think we are all preaching to the choir. I think you HAVE to be a gear whore to be on MSH....... Golf clubs, and hockey gear are my weakness. Just bought a new Scotty Circa 62 putter today and two pairs of MaxPro's from Gary last week....... Maybe I will ride the same train to the Canucks equipment sale this Saturday....

I have three sets of irons, a pile of woods and a half dozen putters.

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I used to be a one-set-of-gear kinda guy. Now I have enough for 3 sets.. two here in Australia, and another set back home.

Also, going from 2 shafts to 16... and still counting. Like Chadd, I got a pretty good deal on some, so I guess I'll stick with them.

6 different pairs of skates in the past 2 years... and thats from playing 1-2 times a week??? "Hi, my name is fatwabbit, and a gearaholic"

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I would be. But being an employed 16 year old i can't afford mass amounts of gear..... not sure if that's a good thing or bad

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A guy I play with; is the complete opposite with gear. He holds onto stuff until it literally falls apart. His CCM Pro 4 roll gloves have small sections of padding missing, he has used the same 2 CCM wood sticks for 4 years, both inline and ice. His skates look fluffy he has scuffed the toe box so much on them. He's 19 yo.

I spoke to his dad last week about it and he said... "I offer to buy him new gear every season, he refuses and tells me he loves his stuff thats rotting because it has supposed character."

He has the worst gear and easily dominates in defense. Just goes to show you I suppose.

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I used to be a stick whore, but went to SA (Sticks Anonymous) and have toned it down. I got a new stick yesterday for the first time in 3 months.

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I'm only bad if it has to deal with sticks. Right now I only have 8 from the past season, but I usually stock up over the summer. I'll likely be grabbing 2-4 more sticks this weekend as well. I'm not addicted to buying gear just because I would only use one set and have put my mind to it. I would have no use for 2 sets of shoulder pads or shin pads.. etc. I'm happy I'm not that far into the addiction.

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+1 for me

4 pairs of Eagle pro stocks, 3 pairs of Vapor XXXX skates, with 2 pairs of customs coming, 2 pair of One95 that I am selling.

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A lot of things, I stockpile because it's stuff I can't get anymore (sticks/blades, protective) All the same, however I've been using an OPS for the first time on a regular basis and the only reason why is because the shaft shape is similar to my Flyweight (Fuel Daley prostock)

I think I have 4 pr of gloves, but been using the XXXX Pro. My Z-Airs need surgery, back cuff sewn up and shortcuffed. Used them once, need to do that so it's the perfect glove for me.

Quite a few helmets, waiting for the 9500.

I'm more of a skate guy - I have 5 pr, should be seeing a 6th next week.

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I'm a total stick whore - I have on average anywhere from 10-20 sticks at a time.

It's so bad it affects my game - all the different kinds of tapers, flexes, grip/non-grip, etc. You'd think with all the knowledge we have on this board we could figure out what to buy and stay with it :(

But i am a total impulse buyer. Right now for example Rebellion Hockey sticks and the new SANDE sticks look REALLY tempting. Do i need them? not in the least bit.

But i sure do want them, lol.

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I think my addiction will soon grow. I joined just this past winter when I was a broke student. Now that I have my job back and I am thinking about playing at a competitive level again, I will most likely be spending way too much money on new gear.

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I'm not a big fan of having tons of equipment. I have to test stuff out to see if I like it and spend tons of time debating over little details in my head. It's a tedious process. I like to settle on one pair of gloves, one set of shin pads, etc and then use them until they go bad. The only problem is sticks. My preferences shift over time, so I have to keep a bunch of sticks around. I've pre-ordered the TPS R10.

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My vice is skates and gloves. In my collection I have 10 pairs of MIA gloves, all of them tufftek pro custom, 3 pairs of Mission gloves( Fuel 130, 2 prs of L7's), 2 pairs of CCM's ( CCm V08 and pro tacks), 1 pair of pro custom KOHO's, 1 pair of Eagle CP94's, and an old school pair of Coopers from 1988.

As for skates, 3 pairs of Vapor XX's, 2 pairs of Vapor 10's, Vapor XXX, Vapor XXXX, Mission 120 ag and xp, RBK 9K SE, One90, Bauer S9, Easton Z-Air Comps, Graf 709, CCM Vector Pro, Bauer 8000 and 8090, and Easton S15 white outs. One95's coming soon.

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I definitely have an addiction, as I'm always looking for stuff, but I only get things if the deal is good. My stick addiction is more because I break a lot, so it's a factor of supply and demand instead of just having a lot of sticks to have.

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I went from hockey cards to game used hockey jerseys then hockey gear and now my new obsession is mountain bikes. Bought one a few weeks ago and I've already got $300 worth of 'upgrades' on her with more on the way, lol.

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I just packed the bag for tonight's skate. I packed two pair of gloves and this is not the first time I've done this. I have a pair of re-palmed Cooper Pro BDP mid 90s(Navy with gold/red trim and Monarchs embroidered on the cuff) that I am trying to get the "just right" comfortable feel in. I packed the NBH Pro 4 rolls, too. During the last game my hands were really sweating up the 4 roll gloves and I planned on giving them a rest. That idea lasted a week!

Long before MSH and my glove addiction/collection, I was into collecting hockey jerseys. My buddy in Finland has gotten me some great game worn SM-Liiga Finnish Elite League game worn jerseys and also much older Finn jerseys. I have mid/late 80 OHL game worn jerseys and then the usual stuff you collect when working in a hockey shop.

For the guys with all the skates, I would have a hard time going from skate to skate with the steel feeling different from each pair.

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Okay, time to fess up. Five pairs of skates, yes five. In order from oldest to newest, Easton 1100's, Easton 1300's, RBK 8K's, Vapor XXII's and now Graf 735's. Not intending on getting rid of any of them but I won't be buying any more skates for quite some time although I saw the One/95's in the shop the other day and I must say I was impressed. The Vapors and the Grafs are my main blades right now. I'll keep the others because my son will probably be able to use them in about three to four years ,at the rate he's growing ,and save some coin on his skates. He loves Eastons.

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