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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 09

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yea wrap arounds don't work for me... but if your behind the goal line on your off wing. cut out to the bottom of the circle and shoot top short side. works almost every time cuz the goalie glitches too far off the post so the entire thing is usually open.

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i just started playing again after about a month off, and man it seems like way more people trying cheap tactics. I dont care if i win or lose, i just want a good game, its no fun playing a guy who can make his skater make very unnatural ridiculous turns and skating, and take the same slapshot from 5 feet at the side of the goal, top shelf, unstoppable. thats when i go into screw around mode. I will flip the puck over the glass at every chance, most of them quit after the first 10 times. its a simple revenge

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Despite all the updates, there are still tons of glitches online. I'm finding less people in team games now than a month or two ago, maybe everyone got tired of the bs goals and stuff?

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You can usually tell right away who the assholes are going to be when they do stuff like you mentioned as well as hit everything in site during play and after play is dead, EVERY TIME.

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Maybe it couldn't be done fairly or if it would matter at all, but I think EA needs to come up with some sort of rating system after you play someone online. I can't stand these guys that pokecheck 100 times a minute when they don't have the puck. You could be at your blue line and they are at there's, and they are pokechecking until you reach them.

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this is true... but carter did get screwed in the rankings this year. look at how good his real season is going.

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Can someone tell me WTF is up with all of the goddamn quitting lately? Last night I played 6 ranked online 1 on 1 matches - in 4 of them, my opponent just outright quit the game when I would go up by a couple goals, and in the 5th game I was up 3-0 in the first and the guy requested a mutual quit, which I denied, so he just quit. And the night before, I played 7 games and had the other guy quit in 3 of those. It is getting ridiculous.....I don't even care if I lose anymore, I just want to be able to go a full game without some punk bitch quitting the game on me just because I am up by a few goals.



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If anyone here ever wants to play me, my gamertag is Fletchzky. Hopefully I could get more than 5 minutes of playing in because I'm sure anyone who posts here wouldn't quit on a game unless it was an emergency.

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If anyone here ever wants to play me, my gamertag is Fletchzky. Hopefully I could get more than 5 minutes of playing in because I'm sure anyone who posts here wouldn't quit on a game unless it was an emergency.

I don't like playing online because of all the random punks (the last few posts case in point), but I'll add you. If I see you on I'm sure we can get a game going.

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