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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ONE95 gloves

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Those are the new One95 glove scheduled for April release. Also the guy is using the one95 stick. Those team USA players get hooked up!

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Cosmetically, I can't say I'm too crazy about them. They look like a cross between Reeboks, Supreme One90s and Vapor XXXXs. I also never liked the Nike/Bauer logo. With the exception of the 4-roll gloves, I can't think of a single piece of equipment that logo looked good on. Thank hell the logo's changing next year, though it'll be interesting to see what the new Bauer logo looks like. I wish they'd bring back the "flying B" or whatever it was called:


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those look rediculous

hopefully they'll still have the tight fit of the the One 90's

They don't exactly look "4 Roll Roomy"......

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the more i look at them, they look a little more like lacrosse gloves to me...but then again, didn't we all say the supreme90's looked like skeletor's hands?

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It looks like the red on them is a carbon-like material?

Yeah, I was going to say that they probably can't take the NBH logo off yet.

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i was gonna say they look like missions.. because of the vent on them more than anything. i like the red lining between the blue.

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