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2008 US Election Thread

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  sitzlejd said:
Fox News reports that Obama has won Ohio and McCain is mathematically eliminated barring a surprise in a non-battleground state.
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CNN is projecting it as well. With 16% reporting....

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Hopefully McCain will explain the Palin nomination by this weekend. Was it just to get the disenfranchised Hillary voters?

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I really expected more rednecks to go the other way in much larger numbers and make it tighter until at least midnight.

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CNN is now talking in past-tense for their panel discussion on the ongoing election. I know it's pretty set who won, but it still ain't over for crying out loud.

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  Rustpot said:
CNN is now talking in past-tense for their panel discussion on the ongoing election. I know it's pretty set who won, but it still ain't over for crying out loud.
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Didn't that bite one of the networks in the ass a few years back. Proclaimed someone WAY too early and signed off. By the morning results had changed.

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It's done, Obama wins according to CNN!

Wow, I never thought I would live to see the day when America would elect a black man. I hope he's able to dig the country out of the crisis that is beginning to grip things here as well. Amazing stuff.

One of those "Do you remember where you were when ____ happend?" kinda moments. History in the making!

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  Aussie Joe said:
I hope he's able to dig the country out of the crisis that is beginning to grip things here as well. Amazing stuff.
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It would appear the Senate will be on his side...so that should make things easier. Honestly, I don't really know much about US politics...I stole that line from one of the TV analysts...

But that much Blue must be a good thing for Pres. Obama.

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Means any changes he's made will go through the Senate with greater ease. If he gets the house as well it will mean a lot less bumps in the road for changing/making laws.

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  Aussie Joe said:
It's done, Obama wins according to CNN!

Wow, I never thought I would live to see the day when America would elect a black man. I hope he's able to dig the country out of the crisis that is beginning to grip things here as well. Amazing stuff.

One of those "Do you remember where you were when ____ happend?" kinda moments. History in the making!

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America has already had a black president. This is not as historic as people make it out to be.

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  RadioGaGa said:
I like McCain's speech.
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WHERE WAS THAT MCCAIN OVER THE LAST YEAR? He is going out with class ... finally.

Thank you for your contributions to our country John and God Bless.

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  kovalchuk71 said:
Congrats Obama.

Some of the shit I am already hearing is rediculous. Are we in 2008 or 1958?

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Racist shit and shit because he has an islamic middle name. Come on now.

And I love how we are automatically a socialist country now. Wow, so Ignorant. :rolleyes:

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Stop the fighting folks. No matter who you voted for we ALL need to support Obama. Give this guy a chance as this country is in fact in big trouble and we HAVE to stick together to get out of it.

Hell, dont get me started about "W" but I gave him time ... twice ... to prove himself. In my opinion we all should do the same.

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  ponty said:
  RadioGaGa said:
I like McCain's speech.
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WHERE WAS THAT MCCAIN OVER THE LAST YEAR? He is going out with class ... finally.

Thank you for your contributions to our country John and God Bless.

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There isn't enough class in politics...if it wasn't so childish (most of the time) I'd be way more interested in following it.

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  donkey87 said:
America has already had a black president. This is not as historic as people make it out to be.
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Is there a link for this?

As SkyNEWS is reporting otherwise.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has won the US election, and will become the first African-American elevated to the White House.

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  kovalchuk71 said:
  kovalchuk71 said:
Congrats Obama.

Some of the shit I am already hearing is rediculous. Are we in 2008 or 1958?

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Racist shit and shit because he has an islamic middle name. Come on now.

And I love how we are automatically a socialist country now. Wow, so Ignorant. :rolleyes:

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We aren't automatically socialist.......but the overall economic direction that Obama wants to take the country in towards socialism. When you negate taxation to the lower classes and over tax the upper class levels in an effort to take the higher classes money and redistribute it back to the lower classes......yes......that is socialism.

Of course is has not occurred yet, but that is what his plan sets out to do. And should there be the magic number of 60.....it will be that much easier for him to achieve these goals.

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The 60 Senate seats mean Obama will have the opportunity to pass nearly any legislation the Democrats want, but it also means he will be exposed to a lot more scrutiny.

If my memory is correct, our government is set up to allow filibusters, which are essentially the ability to talk about an issue -- but not vote on it -- forever. This basically prevents votes on certain issues, because one party will continue to parade members to the podium to discuss the issue. However, 60 votes can override a filibuster, so if there are 60 Democrats in the Senate and they vote in unity, the Republicans can't block the legislation.

That means Obama would have the opportunity to have almost historic support for laws/policies that he backs. (Technically, Senators and Representatives have to present bills to their chambers, but this is often as a surrogate for the President.) The downside to this is Obama will not have any built-in excuses about Congressional gridlock preventing him from carrying out his policies.

That is the reason those of us who have supported Obama hope the promise will live up to the reality. If he stumbles, it won't be because Congress fought him, it will be because his direction ended up being faulty. Most of us don't feel that way, obviously, but it's a legitimate possibility and would be a huge setback to these ideals.

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  Aussie Joe said:
  donkey87 said:
America has already had a black president. This is not as historic as people make it out to be.
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Is there a link for this?

As SkyNEWS is reporting otherwise.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has won the US election, and will become the first African-American elevated to the White House.

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Obama's the 2nd - Clinton's the first. :)

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