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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stories and Techniques of the Gear Whore

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I think Pascal's first stickhandling video was as close as we ever came to that degree of male nudity on this forum.

Electric hotpants and wicked hands in a basement working a stick... If that doesn't make you want to buy hockey gear then I don't know if gear whoredom is contracted or inherent from birth.

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I've always used the "You don't wanna know" line.

They know what they're getting involved with from the start. I, recently, almost started dating a girl because she had a connection for gear. If she wasn't borderline retarded and/or her connection was better, I'd probably be dating her now. heh

very eloquently stated. Aren't the borderline retarded ones the best though? lol jk

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maybe I'm lucky, but when I moved in with my gf I told her my money is mine and your money is yours. As long as I have my half of the money for the bills, and take her out to dinner like once a week, she doesn't care what I do with my money. But if/when she asks...she has a tendency to talk into doors. LOL JK

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I'm a smuggler. I Han Solo gear home after picking it up at the rink and just move it in that way. I'm not one to have stuff delivered to work and definitely not a fan of having it sent home where the wife will get it. I'm not gonna lie, I don't alpha male out of that one and avoid the hassle. It's a clutter issue more than a spending issue, so I don't give her crap unless I'm tripping over purses and shoes. Besides, it's not like she'll tell me "hey, you added XXX more shafts in here."

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I've always used the "You don't wanna know" line.

They know what they're getting involved with from the start. I, recently, almost started dating a girl because she had a connection for gear. If she wasn't borderline retarded and/or her connection was better, I'd probably be dating her now. heh

very eloquently stated. Aren't the borderline retarded ones the best though? lol jk

haha, not really. By "borderline retarded" I mean "typical immature girl."

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I've always used the "You don't wanna know" line.

They know what they're getting involved with from the start. I, recently, almost started dating a girl because she had a connection for gear. If she wasn't borderline retarded and/or her connection was better, I'd probably be dating her now. heh

very eloquently stated. Aren't the borderline retarded ones the best though? lol jk

haha, not really. By "borderline retarded" I mean "typical immature girl."

She still single?? ;)

I'll be moving into my place in New Port Richey January 3rd.....she could "show me around". :)

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Barely 21 year old, cuban and single. Have at it, I've moved on to better and blonder things. ;)

And this one thinks it's "cute" how I collect and sell gear. :o ... :D

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I got her to start playing, and I have more freedom to feed the GWV. Especially if I get her something she likes I can get away with adding a few things for myself. Got the S17 stick that way. She wanted a red stick, so she got a close out L-2, (it's red...)

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I've always used the "You don't wanna know" line.

They know what they're getting involved with from the start. I, recently, almost started dating a girl because she had a connection for gear. If she wasn't borderline retarded and/or her connection was better, I'd probably be dating her now. heh

very eloquently stated. Aren't the borderline retarded ones the best though? lol jk

haha, not really. By "borderline retarded" I mean "typical immature girl."

She still single?? ;)

I'll be moving into my place in New Port Richey January 3rd.....she could "show me around". :)

TBL, at least you didnt take the step from gearwhore to manwhore.

I live by myself and my folks are on the other side of the continent. I'm not a massive GW so it's never been an issue with the ladies. I dont think I will ever have it so good again.

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I tell her, "things wear out eventually so when I find something for a good price I jump on it so I have it when I need it rather than having to buy something at the last minute if something breaks and paying full retail". Plus, she sees I sell things that don't end up being the right fit or if I end up with too many extras.

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My angle with the wifey is "Hey, I am just getting back into hockey and need to try out ____ curve/flex/gloves/etc) to figure out what I like.

I wonder how that line will work for me five years from now... :P

My wife is cool with hockey and my gear obsession, it overtook a hobby that was considerably more expensive (collecting nice firearms and rifles.)

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Buy it, put it in your bag and when she finally sees it and asks about it tell her you've had it for a while

Right on !! I have gone thru so much stuff that my wife, who has no interest in hockey, can't tell if something is new or not. I won't ship to another address but I will sneak stuff into the house when she's not looking. If I can't hide it I pull the old, " these skates are killing my feet"

Protective gear is pretty easy. Either it stinks and she's glad I replaced it or I pull the "saftey " card. Sticks are tough. I have to smuggle or show visible damage.

I have backed way off buying stuff in these tough times, and would never outright lie, but if I choose to bring in a purchase late at night it's my right !! Not my fault she's sleeping. What kind of jerk would I be if I woke her up to show her my new skates??? <_<

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I accidentally discovered the best place to put all new sticks/shafts, in our garage next to my wifes four tiers of shoes.

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Simple, most of my check goes into the account that pays the mortgage, bills, food, etc. A few hundred dollars each check go into my side account. That money is mine to do as I please.

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I just have all of my "unnecessary purchases" sent to the shop I work at. All of my gear sits here. Beats having it sit in a cold garage.

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It's not a "pic" so much as it is a group of "pictures." Yeah - there are that many sticks.

It's not a pic so much as it is a legend. At least Drew's pics of his stick closet don't have Ovie walking around in a towel in the background. ;)

Group of pics? How many sticks does he have? I read from another thread that he has better sticks than even the local lhs. Is that true? Really, can some one post the group of pics?

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My brother tells his fiancee he bought it for me. Though It's kind of obvious when he's had it for four months and hasn't sent it to me, or the fact that his protective gear would devour me.

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It's not a "pic" so much as it is a group of "pictures." Yeah - there are that many sticks.

It's not a pic so much as it is a legend. At least Drew's pics of his stick closet don't have Ovie walking around in a towel in the background. ;)

Group of pics? How many sticks does he have? I read from another thread that he has better sticks than even the local lhs. Is that true? Really, can some one post the group of pics?

He sure as hell has a better selection than any LHS round here, but that isn't saying a massive amount since hockey isn't all that big round here.

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Buy it, put it in your bag and when she finally sees it and asks about it tell her you've had it for a while.

Agree 100% Chad.

However, when I was confronted on how much I spent on skates (we went skating and she asked when I got new skates) I told her exactly how much. I waited until she was in mid rant and simply stated: These skates will last me 7 - 10 years, how many pair of shoes, boots, sneakers do you have? She hasn't brought it up since.

**Lockport: I actually won a snow board in our skate, so if all else fails you can simply go to the "I won it in a raffle".** Never fear Beer League, it's your friend.

that's worked with my wife. i've even had the shiper put "hockey awards" on the shipping label. had one item sent to work and they took it to the wrong shop and the other shop called me at home to ask about it and she questioned me about it. forget what i said though and she dropped it. i recently had to get a new pair of pants to coach in and she did not even notice. as far as skates when we goit our tax refund she said you get $$$ t osprnd on what ever you want. i could not figure out what i wanted until she suggested i get new skates.

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It's not a "pic" so much as it is a group of "pictures." Yeah - there are that many sticks.

It's not a pic so much as it is a legend. At least Drew's pics of his stick closet don't have Ovie walking around in a towel in the background. ;)

Group of pics? How many sticks does he have? I read from another thread that he has better sticks than even the local lhs. Is that true? Really, can some one post the group of pics?

Did some digging for you: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...st&p=510084

More digging: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...st&p=510319

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Here's some photos i dug up in my stored folder... everytime I get a new stick and show it to the wife, I just say 'be thankful that my collection I have is not as large as this!"


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