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New record for most gold medals in the winter olympics. Great event all in all. There were ups and downs, too bad its over. see ya in 4 years!

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Finally cleared to go back to work.

Odd how being able to go back to a job can seem so good after being laid up isn't it? Some people would envy you being able to skip work for that long, but it drives me nuts to not be productive for too long and from the sounds of your posts it did the same to you. Glad you were able to make it through this concussion and I hope it is your last.

My daughter drives me nuts on a regular basis, but every once and a while she does something that makes me realize she is a pretty damn good kid. Case in point, 2 weeks ago she decided she wouldn't ask for gifts for her ninth birthday party, instead she asked her friends to bring donations for the local food shelf. She followed through on Saturday and we'll be dropping off a big bunch of groceries later this week.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have go upstairs to tell her how proud I am of her.

Edited by Neal

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Texts From Last Night: (940): "Canada: barely better than America at a sport they invented."

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4 page thesis paper on fahrenheit 451 done in 3 hours. It does help to have an MLA master on here and my mom having taken my professor's course 30 years ago.

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4 page thesis paper on fahrenheit 451 done in 3 hours. It does help to have an MLA master on here and my mom having taken my professor's course 30 years ago.

What a terrible book. I think I've had to read about 6 books in the same vein in the last 10 years.

Well I shouldn't say the book was terrible, I just have a bad taste from having it forced down my throat by 2 different high school teachers.

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Couldn't find a room at my usual hotels in Aruba for our anniversary, then remembered the "bidding for travel" site Jason mentioned. Booked the Marriott for $100 a night, $300+ less than they normally charge. Sweet spot, indeed.

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What a terrible book. I think I've had to read about 6 books in the same vein in the last 10 years.

Well I shouldn't say the book was terrible, I just have a bad taste from having it forced down my throat by 2 different high school teachers.

Well we just had to read the book and we did no classwork on it, but we did have a test. It is a good book though. My English class consists of grammar, book tests, poetry, vocabulary, and ap British lit IN FRESHMAN YEAR

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If I had my way, the first half of every freshman undergraduate course would be nothing but grammar, etymology, and rhetoric.

I'm a prick, I know.

I will not, however, defend Fahrenheit 451, which is an execrable piece of fabulation; like Rusty noted, it's not even the best of its sub-sub-species of that particular genre. It tends to get chosen because it's short and critical summaries are readily available, along with a film. It's the kind of book you don't have to read.

Finally cleared to go back to work.

Congrats, Chadd - I know it'll feel like relief, but that's something in which to feel genuine pride.

Getting a celebratory room at a first-class Marriott for 75% off doesn't hurt either. :D

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If I had my way, the first half of every freshman undergraduate course would be nothing but grammar, etymology, and rhetoric.

I'm a prick, I know.

I will not, however, defend Fahrenheit 451, which is an execrable piece of fabulation; like Rusty noted, it's not even the best of its sub-sub-species of that particular genre. It tends to get chosen because it's short and critical summaries are readily available, along with a film. It's the kind of book you don't have to read.

Congrats, Chadd - I know it'll feel like relief, but that's something in which to feel genuine pride.

Getting a celebratory room at a first-class Marriott for 75% off doesn't hurt either. :D

yeah we had a rhetoric packet with 9 assignments, 2 papers a week, done in the first quarter. We had grammar, but no etymology. Care to elaborate on what that is?

And you are not a prick

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Etymology is the study of the structure and meaning of words - not what they've come to mean through misprision and misuse (connotation), but where they came from, how they're put together, and what they literally mean (denotation). In practise, it's about 10% English grammar, 10% common sense, and 80% foreign vocabulary (it is, after all, our fault for having such a spatchcocked language). For example, "etymology" is composed of the Greek etymos (truth) and logos (word) - so 'the study of the truth of words.' It has, over time, come to connote 'the study of the history of words', since "truth" is a word that is as close to banned as a word can get in academia - it died around the same time PhD's in philology went the way of the dinosaurs and Lily's Latin Grammar. In practise, etymology is about the diligent use of good resources and a strong memory. Very good dictionaries (OED) always contain more or less complete etymologies; poor ones will just list what language the word came from, or nothing at all. Truly complete etymologies can be enormous, essay-length studies; it's a wonderful but truly pedantic field. There are some words in our language that seem to have sprung from everywhere and nowhere.

Your course sounds unusually well structured. I can only hope that, apart from F451, it's been a good experience. I have a whole potted state-of-the-language rant which will one day appear in The Venting Spot, but for here and now, I'll confine myself to saying good work and good luck in that course.

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To add to that, if you ever do get an etymology assignment- choose "plethora". It's used so incorrectly that you'll have tons of resources to work with.

God I don't know what to say after these except that I can't wait until

I'm 18 and can skate with you guys at the msh skate. 4 years till then. Btw law, I'm having a good time with tests and essays. My average is a 92 in this class. And I take latin with an old time teacher so he teaches us about English words from Latin once a week. I'm actually enjoying high school through this academic boot camp.

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Just remind me and I'll bring my final from my language and usage class. 25 pages on the usage, grammatical forms, and etymology of the word "fuck". As far as I know it is still distributed at the University of Missouri- Kansas City for all compositional literature/ rhetoric classes. The only 100 my professor had given on a paper at that time.

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Just remind me and I'll bring my final from my language and usage class. 25 pages on the usage, grammatical forms, and etymology of the word "fuck". As far as I know it is still distributed at the University of Missouri- Kansas City for all compositional literature/ rhetoric classes. The only 100 my professor had given on a paper at that time.

I've heard a shorter, audio version of the origin, history and potential uses of F**K...but it didn't sound anything like you.

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Just remind me and I'll bring my final from my language and usage class. 25 pages on the usage, grammatical forms, and etymology of the word "fuck". As far as I know it is still distributed at the University of Missouri- Kansas City for all compositional literature/ rhetoric classes. The only 100 my professor had given on a paper at that time.



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