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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Goofing off before playing.

Representing with the IHS jersey, very nice. When did you go? I used to work there...

Nice! Wow.. it must have been about three years ago. It's funny how many people ask about that jersey (sweater).

Edited by Nutella

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Newest for me.

video, winning goal with 6 seconds left in game :)


I love where the goalie stick ends up towards the end

Yea he was crazy cause with 14 seconds left in the game I got a goal to tie it up. So he goes by and elbows us when we are doing the..you know..hugging thing. I have a video of that one too, but the goal isnt as pretty so I didnt show you guys. :P

Then the game winner with 6 seconds left - he throws his stick.

Edited by All Torhs Team

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How much was he charged?

Cant you get charged in some leagues for fighting? And if you do that much damage, Id imagine that there would be some sort of lawsuit.

But thats just me thinking, whats the story behind it?

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It looks to be the East Coast league - I highly doubt he was "charged" or "fined."

That looks to be a Hell of a lot of damage to be done by a fist. I wouldn't be surprised if that guy was opened-up by a stick or a visor beforehand, or maybe he took a header to the ice during the fight itself.

Edited by LkptTiger

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The video of the last second goal was cool. Going top shelf under pressure.

#81 this week on the Carbon Q-blades.


Unfortunately playing practice shinny the next day I got hip-checked in a fluke collision & did a pile driverinto the ice with my shoulder.

X-rays negative. Hopefully I can be back on the ice in a week.

Edited by Shark#81

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What the hell are those?

Those are fluid motions skates.. My question is what the hell kind of holders are those? Looks like they are made of legos.

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