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Easton S19 helmet

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Anyone sitting in on the Easton webinar?

How was it? Was too swamped yesterday to watch it. Our rep said they were going to destroy some bauer's and rbk's to prove how protective it is compared to competition.

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Not that my opinion matters much but I'm wondering why people are so against the $170 price tag. Didn't the 9500 come out at a ridiculous price before it became more reasonable at $99? It still retails for $200 up here in Canada. No doubt the S19 will cost around the same.

As for the looks, I don't know why almost everyone says it doesn't resemble the S17. It's almost a spitting image!! And I'm basing that from the original picture JR took! All the lines are copied from that helmet and used on this one. I recall someone mentioning it's their brand styling and that's very true. Look at any brand, especially cars, and you will notice that they have their particular design elements to separate them from the rest of the competition.

Darkstar50, I can emphathise that buying the best in helmets is justifiable and maybe you already know what I'm about to say. No offense, but I honestly think that the large reason why most people buy cheaper helmets is because they're under the assumption, myself included, that if the cheap helmets are on the market, that means they have already passed safety certification and should provide adequate protection comparable to that of a more expensive one. The way I see it, the most expensive helmets just use lighter, more expensive materials and have more adustability. It's like buying a car with more bells and whistles - if the options came free of charge, who wouldn't want more?

While you bring up a valid point, I feel it necessary to ask people to consider the number of people wearing the 4500/4000/004/4100 and the number of concussions. I understand that more people wear that style of helmet, but realistically, it does its job very well, I cant see the Easton eliminating concussion "problems" for anyone, not to mention I get the feeling this is a "one and done" helmet. Things to keep in mind/fuel discussion on function rather than form.


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Not that my opinion matters much but I'm wondering why people are so against the $170 price tag. Didn't the 9500 come out at a ridiculous price before it became more reasonable at $99? It still retails for $200 up here in Canada. No doubt the S19 will cost around the same.

As for the looks, I don't know why almost everyone says it doesn't resemble the S17. It's almost a spitting image!! And I'm basing that from the original picture JR took! All the lines are copied from that helmet and used on this one. I recall someone mentioning it's their brand styling and that's very true. Look at any brand, especially cars, and you will notice that they have their particular design elements to separate them from the rest of the competition.

Darkstar50, I can emphathise that buying the best in helmets is justifiable and maybe you already know what I'm about to say. No offense, but I honestly think that the large reason why most people buy cheaper helmets is because they're under the assumption, myself included, that if the cheap helmets are on the market, that means they have already passed safety certification and should provide adequate protection comparable to that of a more expensive one. The way I see it, the most expensive helmets just use lighter, more expensive materials and have more adustability. It's like buying a car with more bells and whistles - if the options came free of charge, who wouldn't want more?

While you bring up a valid point, I feel it necessary to ask people to consider the number of people wearing the 4500/4000/004/4100 and the number of concussions. I understand that more people wear that style of helmet, but realistically, it does its job very well, I cant see the Easton eliminating concussion "problems" for anyone, not to mention I get the feeling this is a "one and done" helmet. Things to keep in mind/fuel discussion on function rather than form.


JR has already said multiple times that this is not a one-impact helmet.

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Well I drink alot....

If not a one and done helmet, I would want to see concrete data on how much more "protection" this is going to deliever. Im just not sold on the raise in cost. The whole argument of being concious of cost when it comes to your head is not selling me on this helmet.

I will say I saw 2 more tonight (one with a visor and one without), without a visor it looks similiar to the older easton helmets (already mentioned), but with the visor...well..it looks different.


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I think the one-impact idea is being taken a little too literal here. It is true, with the current helmets even, that if an EPP foam based helmet were to sustain a impact hard enough to fracture it or compress it beyond its limit, it can be classified as a one-impact helmet.

It is, however, not to say that any single impact will lead to a $170 paperweight. I'm sure the s19 is designed to withstand quite a bit before it can be deemed unsafe to wear.

Hell, would you wear a VN helmet if you noticed the shell was cracked after a nasty fall to the ice?

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Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I'm trying to figure out what size I'll need in this helmet, a L or an XL. I wear a 7 1/2 or 7 5/8 fitted hat. I looked all over the site along with the catalogue and couldn't come up with any set sizing.

Thanks for the help.

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Like xaero, I am also surprised that so many people have an issue with the S19 price tag. I hear so many parents complaining about the price of a helmet for their kids but they have no problem shelling out $ 250 for an S19 stick.

However, I do think that the effect various helmets have in concussion protection is way overrated. Let's remember that a concussion occurs when the brain suddenly accelerates or decelarates and hits the skull. No material will be able to prevent that and unless someone figures out a way to put padding between the brain and the skull there always will be concussions.

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There is padding between the brain and skull. We have a really neat fluid in there that serves that function.

What a helmet does is it absorbs energy before it can get to your head and accelerate your brain. It may not look like it does anything, but if you watch a high speed video you would be amazed at how much protective helmets absorb.

This should give you an idea:

Batting helmets absorb less energy then hockey helmets do, for reference, and EPP absorbs more energy then VN. There is a reason for the things.

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Like xaero, I am also surprised that so many people have an issue with the S19 price tag. I hear so many parents complaining about the price of a helmet for their kids but they have no problem shelling out $ 250 for an S19 stick.

That's because an expensive helmet won't help their kid become the next Sidney Crosby, but a $250 stick will.

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There is padding between the brain and skull. We have a really neat fluid in there that serves that function.

What a helmet does is it absorbs energy before it can get to your head and accelerate your brain. It may not look like it does anything, but if you watch a high speed video you would be amazed at how much protective helmets absorb.

This should give you an idea:

Batting helmets absorb less energy then hockey helmets do, for reference, and EPP absorbs more energy then VN. There is a reason for the things.

I am not trying to argue, just wondering/clarifying something I know little about.

I am no physicist or biologist, but the helmet absorbs the blunt trauma of impact but not all the force that is also involved internally when taking a hard fall. Right? (I think that's the point ZurichLions was making - though I could be wrong.)

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Jamal Mayers wearing it plus a feat of strength

Cool little video about the helmet, but Mayers isnt wearing it on the bench

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Number 21: You read my post absolutely correct, that was indeed my point. A helmet's first and foremost function is to protect the skull from fractures, lacerations, etc. It can not provide protection against the brain's acceleration/deceleration inside the skull.

cptjeff: The cerebrospinal fluid you mention does protect the brain from mild impacts we occur in our daily lives but it can not prevent concussions. A concussion is caused by one thing only, the brain hitting the skull. It does not even need a blow to the head to suffer a concussion. Concussions also occur through body trauma, for example victims of car crashes. If you drive a car at a high speed and hit a stationary object, you will suffer a concussion even if you are strapped in and suffer no head trauma. If your head hits the ice with great force, (i.e. sudden deceleration) you will suffer a concussion no matter what's on your head.

I certainly do not want to discourage anyone from buying a top of the line helmet, the more protection for the head, the better. However, beware of the marketing hype, neither EPP nor any other material will get rid of concussions.

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A feat of strength

Too bad Mayers isn't actually wearing the S19 although the one the guy was squeezing is an S19.

ye i remember watching that live and i was like hey thats a s9 he's wearing

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I personally found the S-9 more comfortable than the S-17 helmet. I think Easton scrimped a bit on the padding in the S-17 to keep it lighter. Great protection but a bit hard on the noggin. The new S-19 looks like they've added the padding this time and got it right.

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