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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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most interesting/ screwed up movie uv seen

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I am looking to add to my library of movies that are just weird or interesting or creepy, under ratedly good. Movies like reqium for a dream, clockwork orange (although that movie is over rated) ect.. any ideas?

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Last House on the Left (original)

Event Horizon

Paranormal Activity

Fire in the Sky

Cannibal Holocaust

The Human Centipede

Ichii the Killer



Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


12 Monkeys

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and Human Centipede.

Human Centipede is beyond screwed up. Me and my friend were reading about it in our computer Graphics class, and we both left very very nauseous.

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Some of the ones I'd mention already have been, so I'd add:

Visitor Q



Pink Flamingos

Tokyo Gore Police

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First cliche response that comes to mind is Saw, but now that we're on the 6th movie and everybody has already seen someone blow their own head up with a death mask 7745681.2 times, not so much.

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I am looking to add to my library of movies that are just weird or interesting or creepy, under ratedly good. Movies like reqium for a dream, clockwork orange (although that movie is over rated) ect.. any ideas?

Try Stephen King's books that were movies too, like Langoleirs, think I spelled that right.

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Definitely an accurate pick. I hated it but its screwed up for sure. Not really screwed up but a movie I found very interesting was Memento. Never seen a concept anywhere like it in cinema.

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