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The 2010-2011 Suspension Thread

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  On 3/22/2011 at 1:12 AM, eric42434224 said:

I saw an interview with Bylsma before the game tonight, and he said that Cooke told him that it wasnt his intent to go for the head or something to that nature. Dan said, in so many words, that he saw the video and basically called BS on him.

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He tiptoed the question when Pierre asked him something to the affect of: "Is it safe to say that if Matt Cooke continues to play this way, he won't be a member of the Penguins any more..."

He basically said, Matt knows this is wrong and he knows we have no tolerance for it any more.

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  On 3/22/2011 at 12:30 AM, ibeck said:

So anyone else wishing the pens get bounced in the first round so cooke can't play again this year?

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Either that or he gets elbowed in the face in the 2nd round.

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  On 3/21/2011 at 10:48 PM, t6lock said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't ever remember him being a dirty player in his Canuck era.
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Yes, he was just as dirty back then.

  On 3/22/2011 at 1:18 AM, DarkStar50 said:
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Great article, and the stance the Pens have taken publicly is significant, but how do they go from putting an A on his chest to throwing him under the bus in three weeks? He hasn't changed his game at all from the day they signed him, he simply continues to do exactly the things that enticed the team into signing him as a free agent. Obviously we don't know what (if anything) was said privately over the last few weeks but it's hard to make it all work given the letter they put on his jersey (and the praise that went with it at the time).

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  On 3/22/2011 at 2:30 AM, t6lock said:

Either that or he gets elbowed in the face in the 2nd round.

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Hahaha. I was happy when Evander Kane smoked him earlier this year. Not happy but "now you know how everyone else feels" reaction.

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  On 3/22/2011 at 1:24 PM, ibeck said:

Hahaha. I was happy when Evander Kane smoked him earlier this year. Not happy but "now you know how everyone else feels" reaction.

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It was this time last year he got smoked. Kid Kane went after Crosby and Cooke came to say some words, then he was kTFO. I have a nice 8x11 of it. :)

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  On 3/22/2011 at 4:43 AM, Chadd said:

Yes, he was just as dirty back then.

Great article, and the stance the Pens have taken publicly is significant, but how do they go from putting an A on his chest to throwing him under the bus in three weeks? He hasn't changed his game at all from the day they signed him, he simply continues to do exactly the things that enticed the team into signing him as a free agent. Obviously we don't know what (if anything) was said privately over the last few weeks but it's hard to make it all work given the letter they put on his jersey (and the praise that went with it at the time).

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It is funny timing for all of this. Just a couple of weeks ago I put in a letter to the editor on The Hockey News site ripping Mario for crying foul about the league's stance on head shots while his organization put the "A" on Cooke's jersey. Cooke has seriously embarrassed his team's brass as well as hurt his team. Mario has some serious egg on his face, complaining about the neighbors without taking care of his own backyard, so the Pens have no choice to come down hard on Cooke and leave him swinging in the breeze.

At this point the Pens are trying to get ahead of the story. They figure that if they keep ripping their own guy long enough then folks will forget to ask about the letter on his jersey. They are dying for another big hockey story to crop up so that they don't have to start answering those questions.

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  On 3/22/2011 at 4:20 PM, hamstercaster said:

Well there's another Habs/Bruins match up this week :blink:

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That may wind up being one of the tamest games of the season. I can guarantee that either Campbell or Bettman or both will be in attendance for that one and that both rooms will receive a warning prior to the game that no funny business will be tolerated.

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  On 3/22/2011 at 4:25 PM, chippa13 said:

That may wind up being one of the tamest games of the season. I can guarantee that either Campbell or Bettman or both will be in attendance for that one and that both rooms will receive a warning prior to the game that no funny business will be tolerated.

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Agreed. The funny thing is that the last game between both teams with the Chara/Pacioretty incident, I did not expect anything to happen following the last match up between both teams where there were a few fights. My brother in law who doesn't follow hockey asked me to go out to a sports bar to watch the game as he was expecting/hoping for a lot of action. That game was actually pretty time aside from that unfortunate incident. I don't see the Habs going after Chara. There isn't really anybody on the team to do that anyway and like you said, one or more big honchos will more than likely be in attendance and a warning will more than likely have been given to both teams too so not expecting much. On top of that, it will be a game where the two points will be very important. Habs are a point back of the Bruins although the Bruins have to games in hand. But Boston hasn't been playing very well lately so it's legitimate to think that Montreal could catch them if the trend continues.

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  On 3/22/2011 at 4:06 PM, chippa13 said:

Just a couple of weeks ago I put in a letter to the editor on The Hockey News site ripping Mario for crying foul about the league's stance on head shots while his organization put the "A" on Cooke's jersey.

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If I am remembering correctly they gave him the 'A' after that suspension a month ago. It was probably in hopes he would try to play cleaner with the added "leadership role" that comes with having it.

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I'm still waiting for Lemieux to speak up.........

His team gets beat up & he's crying a river. Now he's afraid to comment on Cooke suspension.

What a FRAUD.

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  On 3/23/2011 at 3:17 AM, SfDz5_20_07 said:

I'm still waiting for Lemieux to speak up.........

His team gets beat up & he's crying a river. Now he's afraid to comment on Cooke suspension.

What a FRAUD.

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What's he going to say? At this point any additional comments from the organization aren't going to make things better. The GM and the coach threw him under the bus, they need to walk a very fine line if they want him to come back or be able to get any value out of him in a trade. Mario should have kept his mouth shut the first time, opening it again isn't going to improve the situation.

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I think the worst thing that McDonaugh could have said was "I don't think Cooke meant it". It appears to be fairly obvious that Cooke didn't just make incidental contact...he targeted the head and threw out an elbow. If the players don't condemn each other for these kinds of hits....they won't stop, regardless of what the League does..

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  On 3/23/2011 at 3:08 PM, RadioGaGa said:

I think the worst thing that McDonaugh could have said was "I don't think Cooke meant it". It appears to be fairly obvious that Cooke didn't just make incidental contact...he targeted the head and threw out an elbow. If the players don't condemn each other for these kinds of hits....they won't stop, regardless of what the League does..

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I see what you mean, and I agree 100%. On the other hand, McDonaugh has been in the league only a few months. A lot of people might give him flak for being an outspoken rookie, especially in light of all the PK Subban nonsense going on recently. He should have just said "No Comment", and left it at that.

It should be the established, big name vets that should be doing the speaking up.

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Yeah, I think that this was pretty dumb coming from McDonagh's mouth. I mean, if you don't want to throw the guy under the bus, say nothing but to say that Cooke did not mean it? Has he seen the replays? I just find that odd coming from the victim.

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  On 3/23/2011 at 3:17 AM, SfDz5_20_07 said:

I'm still waiting for Lemieux to speak up.........

His team gets beat up & he's crying a river. Now he's afraid to comment on Cooke suspension.

What a FRAUD.

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What would he say? The GM already spoke for the team on the issue and Shero was the most outspoken at the meetings about increasing the penalties for headshots.

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Cooke said. "In the game against the Rangers, I had a chance to hit (Brian) Boyle in the middle of the ice and I didn't. I had a chance to hit (Bryan) McCabe, and he turned, so I didn't hit him."

These are Cooke's comments after he learned of his suspension. It almost sounds like he is proud of himself for not throwing two cheap shots at those guys. It is part of his NHL DNA to do what he does. Can he really change his game?

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  On 3/23/2011 at 4:39 PM, DarkStar50 said:

Cooke said. "In the game against the Rangers, I had a chance to hit (Brian) Boyle in the middle of the ice and I didn't. I had a chance to hit (Bryan) McCabe, and he turned, so I didn't hit him."

These are Cooke's comments after he learned of his suspension. It almost sounds like he is proud of himself for not throwing two cheap shots at those guys. It is part of his NHL DNA to do what he does. Can he really change his game?

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He's grasping for straws. While those may be good decisions, he doesn't realize you don't get credit for playing the way you are supposed to, it's expected.

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