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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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someone stole me new stick :(

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So I bought a new bauer one100, I never buy new sticks at retail and this was the 1st. I got it for fathers day/birthday. Anyways I go to a pickup session and was using my backup stick (dunno why). I left the new stick on the bench, just like all the other guys.

Well some guys start to leave 15min early, and some D-bag 'accidently' took my new one100 with him and left me his X40. By the time I left the ice (and went to grab my stick-finally noticing it was gone) whoever it was that took it was already out the door driving away with a nice upgrade.

Who the hell 'accidently' takes your $200 stick into the locker room and makes it out to their car with it without realizing they switched it with their crappy twig? I would never do something like this...ever >:-(

Just venting, thanks for reading

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That totally sucks. It's no different that someone stealing wallets. I'd at least let the rink know -- might not be the first time. Surely they've got a list who was playing. But that's a longshot. Sorry man.

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At least he left you his X:40...

Sounds like an accident, a pathetic and stupid accident. If he actually was trying to steal your stick he would have taken his also. Call the rink and report that!!

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yeah thats crap... we had a guy thatd leave early and go through bags and get into wallets... finally he got caught and was prosecuted for pretty much everything that ever came up missing if his name was on the list. not to mention no more local hockey for that guy...little gain for what people like that have coming!!!

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I hate people who steal. Like i can't stand it. Frig, pay for your crap you classless piece of garbage. My team had our locker room cleared out once.

Anyway, i hope you find the guy and it was a misunderstanding, though it's hard to confuse a one100 to X40?

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I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you; especially since it was a Father's Day present and all. Hopefully, it was a genuine mistake and you'll get your stick back from the person that has it. Definitely, like the other members mentioned, see if you can get a sign in list and maybe they can reach out to those on the list. If it wasn't an accident, karma is a bitch and he will get his eventually.

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Hopefully it was an honest mistake. I now play at a rink in a dodgy part of town. My hockey bag is locked up,and the stick bag comes with me to the bench. The hockey bag then sits next to the scorers bench, which is manned by some people we know.

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Check with the rink, the last time I had to deal with this they had cameras and led to getting the stuff back immediately.

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That's happened at some of my drop-ins, too. What is society coming to?

I heard about a fireman's team that caught somebody stealing in their room. The culprit was ... and then locked into the room (from the outside).

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I have no trust in people whatsoever, if it was an honest mistkea, i can see that, i actually took someones stick home one time because i had two warrior sticks and didnt realize my friend had my back up since his broke. I left and took the persons i came back the next day and put it in the office with a note, guy got it back called me and offered me a beer as a thank you. But thats me, i'm an honest person, something you rarely see in arizona hockey rinks.

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Check with the rink, the last time I had to deal with this they had cameras and led to getting the stuff back immediately.

Yeah sign-up sheet and hopefully security cameras should be able to lead to the culprit.

Good luck getting your stick back.

Is it a black x40 stick? I could MAYBE see that being mistaken for a one100 ... But just maybe.

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I'm always sure to keep an eye on my sticks. The rink I play at runs such a tight schedule that your warmup begins the second the teams in front of you get done shaking hands. You're literally jumping over the boards onto the floor while they're still on it, so when you leave your stick on the bench, someone would just have to grab it as they came off and skate away. So I'm always sure to make sure it's still there at the end of our warmups.

Back in high school I remember going to a tournament and had my two trusty sticks with me. One was a used Easton Cyclone with a Z-Carbon blade and the other was a brand new version of that setup that I'd recently bought for a backup. We had a couple hours in between games, so everyone at the rink was dumping their stuff up on the balcony around a corner so it would be out of the way. Game time came and we all went to grab our stuff, but both of my sticks were gone. $300 worth of sticks right down the drain. :angry:

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I'm always sure to keep an eye on my sticks. The rink I play at runs such a tight schedule that your warmup begins the second the teams in front of you get done shaking hands. You're literally jumping over the boards onto the floor while they're still on it, so when you leave your stick on the bench, someone would just have to grab it as they came off and skate away. So I'm always sure to make sure it's still there at the end of our warmups.

Back in high school I remember going to a tournament and had my two trusty sticks with me. One was a used Easton Cyclone with a Z-Carbon blade and the other was a brand new version of that setup that I'd recently bought for a backup. We had a couple hours in between games, so everyone at the rink was dumping their stuff up on the balcony around a corner so it would be out of the way. Game time came and we all went to grab our stuff, but both of my sticks were gone. $300 worth of sticks right down the drain. :angry:

They dont zam the ice?

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That's happened at some of my drop-ins, too. What is society coming to?

Not to pick you out ktang, when ever I see/hear this quote I shake my head, people stole shit 10yrs ago, 50 yrs ago, 100's of year ago. Heard the same thing about last nights Riots, they Rioted in 94, the Rioted in 55 "Richard Riots", who knows what they did 100's of years back.

Shitty about the stick, best of luck tracking it down, usually its my car that gets broken into at the rink 3X.

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Thanks for all the replies guys. I called the rink and explained what happened, gave them my name and number, no call backs yet :(

They do keep a sign up sheet for pick up but everyone just scrawls their name (hell even I just put initials sometimes.)

Reading all your input makes me feel a little lucky in a way that in all these years I've only had one stick stolen, never a wallet or $ or anything like that.

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Reading all your input makes me feel a little lucky in a way that in all these years I've only had one stick stolen, never a wallet or $ or anything like that.

Never been robbed at hockey I would never bring a phone/wallet into the rink that's just silly.

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This is why I bring exact change into the rink to pay, and always pay with cash. Cell phone and wallet stay in my glove box, and I throw my car keys into a small bag which comes to the bench with me. If I see someone I don't know leave early from the skate I will casually skate by the bench and make sure my back up stick is still there. It's also why I've gone to bringing one good stick and having a low end stick as the back up. The thieves want your new Total One stick, they're not going to screw with a X:40. Last season they were having problems of kids going in during the beer league games and going through the locker room's for valuables.

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This is why I bring exact change into the rink to pay, and always pay with cash. Cell phone and wallet stay in my glove box, and I throw my car keys into a small bag which comes to the bench with me.


People might have the balls to walk into a room and go through peoples stuff, but don't have the balls to smash a car window.

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