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2011-2012 Suspension thread

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I think the primary difference on Marchand's hit was the fact in all the other instances you reference, the player being hit had control of the puck. Marchand ignored the puck and went for the low hit on Salo who was persuing the puck and readying himself for a shoulder to shoulder check. This is why Shanny rule it wasn't a defensive or instinctual hit.

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  On 1/10/2012 at 2:48 AM, gxc999 said:

Was Marchand's check objectively worth 5 games? No, I don't think so. However, Shanny was likely putting a few nickels and dimes together to get to a dollar. Marchand's done some things before and so have some of the other Bruins, who've gotten away without repercussions. Shanahan is simply firing a warning shot.

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In other words, there is still no standard and suspensions are handed out seemingly at random. Or as NHL fans call it, status quo.

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  On 1/10/2012 at 1:45 AM, trevor13478 said:

What I still can't understand is what, aside from Marchand's history, sets that particular hit apart from Marchand on Sedin or Hamuis on Lucic from the finals last season, or Ballard? on Campbell? earlier in Saturday's game, none of which were subject to supplemental discipline.

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They were talking about it on NHL on the Fly. I haven't watched the videos posted above, but they stated that a good hip check is moving in laterally on the puck carrier, the player can see them coming in from the side which usually means they are going to get him. They called Marchand hit a clip because they were moving at a straight line toward one another. A player doesn't expect the other to drop low and take out his knees so they don't prepare for it, they expect a higher hit.

That's a little summary of what (I recall) was said. Take it how you will. I thought he would get three games for the hit and I, personally, felt it was dirty and unnecessary.

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I suspect that it wasn't just Marchand's history, but his other behavior during the game, that influenced the suspension. I inferred from Shanahan's reference to the earlier hit as similar (I didn't agree) that he attributed a revenge factor to the disciplined hit.

I'm also beginning to wonder if some of the perceived differences in discipline result from a player's attitude during the hearing.

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The double standard by Canucks who employ(ed) even dirtier players (Ballard, Torres, Bieksa, Hamuis) and get angry when it happens to them. Gotta love it.

Torres gota way with so much crap for such a long time yet they must not remember the last two seasons.

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  On 1/10/2012 at 4:15 PM, trevor13478 said:

Anyone else see this, Marchand hit virtually identical to Mason Raymond's hit on him that went unpunished.

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If I remember right didn't the Canucks ask for a suspension on Raymond? :wink:

Canucks fans will always find a way to justify it.

Most Bruins fans from the time it happened said he should be suspended.

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  On 1/10/2012 at 6:00 AM, wrangler said:

I inferred from Shanahan's reference to the earlier hit as similar (I didn't agree)

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What I thought Shanny was implying was the circumstances were similar, but not the hits. In other words, loose puck along the boards, with Marchand coming from the goal line and Salo from the point, but the second time Marchand went low.

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As did I, but I didn't agree. One difference I noted was that Salo didn't turn around on the other hit. I found it noteworthy that Shanahan didn't go into Salo's opportunity to avoid this hit, and his deliberate turnaround which deprived him of the ability to see exactly how this hit would come out, especially considering that Salo actually delivered the hit.

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Jacques get 3 games for hit blind side hit, yet Beauchemin gets nothing?

I know the hits where at different speeds, Jacques gets the elbow up a bit more, but what I don't understand is that they want to get the blind side hits out of the game, so SUSPEND EVERYONE for it...........

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nice side-by-side video there... Salo positioned himself as if he were to hit Marchand and Marchand just ducked, actually hitting Salo's rear end rather than clipping the guy on the knees... whatever it is, Boston's GM Chiarelli was 100% behind Marchand before, during and after the hearing. I can see how other teams and their fans hate the guy.I often think, if I were not the Bruins' fan how I'd react. Marchand has skills, plays with passion and for him being a much smaller guy on the ice than most he gets to do whaever he thinks within the rules to protect himself. Nonetheless, the officiating is still very much subjective.

  On 1/10/2012 at 2:54 AM, steelnation248 said:
They were talking about it on NHL on the Fly. I haven't watched the videos posted above, but they stated that a good hip check is moving in laterally on the puck carrier, the player can see them coming in from the side which usually means they are going to get him. They called Marchand hit a clip because they were moving at a straight line toward one another. A player doesn't expect the other to drop low and take out his knees so they don't prepare for it, they expect a higher hit. That's a little summary of what (I recall) was said. Take it how you will. I thought he would get three games for the hit and I, personally, felt it was dirty and unnecessary.
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I see what you are saying there... Good point, if it is actually worded in the NHL rule book. Having said that, I think, this is a good example of a clean, open ice hip check. By the way, I think, Emelin is one of the cleanest hitters in the league right now:

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My personal opinion, I think the hip check should be completely done away with. Most guys who try them these days are going too low and it just isn't worth the headache.

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Homerism aside because I'm a Flyers fan, but I think this is the best hip check I've seen in recent years, but I agree with chippa. There are far too many guys who try and throw hip checks, and do so incorrectly it absolutely should be dealt away with.

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No, that's not it. All the suspensions for hits to the head prove otherwise. No one has been schooled on how to give a proper hip check. That's why.

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  On 1/12/2012 at 4:42 PM, EBondo said:

No, that's not it. All the suspensions for hits to the head prove otherwise. No one has been schooled on how to give a proper hip check. That's why.

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You call that proof? It doesn't prove that there are more head shots. It only proves the obvious which is that they're cracking down on head shots this season with more suspensions. Screw with the rules and the players will find a way around it, and it's coming in the form of lower hits.

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No, I'm saying the suspensions this year prove that players aren't afraid to throw hits to the head...i.e. Rene Bourque had one of the most blatant intents to injure this year.

The only way hits to the head are going to decrease is automatic ten game suspensions (or more for that matter) for ANY hit to the head, regardless of outcome, or intent.

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I think what is important is the need to protect the players. Enough of "well this teams fans think it was this or that" and "this team backs its players". Seriously, regardless of what team you support we've all got idiotic players on our team that do stupid crap. I won't try and justify the stupid stuff(Burrows biting for instance, etc.) that the Canucks have done. At the same time, I understand why fans back their team players but I think once people starting get hurt and losing their careers/livelihoods the game has lost its way. Regardless of a hipcheck, elbow or blow to the head if someone is getting hurt the league needs to take action. I don't care what your favorite team is. There are plenty of rational fans on any team to call stuff for what it really is. It's actually pretty sad when people can't look at a single incident and focus on how to prevent it from happening again, and just focus on stupid stuff like "well this fan group said this or that".

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  On 1/13/2012 at 3:27 AM, EBondo said:

No, I'm saying the suspensions this year prove that players aren't afraid to throw hits to the head...i.e. Rene Bourque had one of the most blatant intents to injure this year.

The only way hits to the head are going to decrease is automatic ten game suspensions (or more for that matter) for ANY hit to the head, regardless of outcome, or intent.

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OK, sorry, I misunderstood your post. But that doesn't change my claim in the least. Obviously, the suspensions aren't severe enough to stop all head shots. After all, not all hockey players are the brightest bulbs in the package. But the more severe those suspensions get, the more the players will avoid the head, and the more they will use another alternative to incapacitate the opponent until they start giving suspensions for that too.

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  On 1/13/2012 at 5:53 AM, Canuck said:

I think what is important is the need to protect the players. Enough of "well this teams fans think it was this or that" and "this team backs its players". Seriously, regardless of what team you support we've all got idiotic players on our team that do stupid crap. I won't try and justify the stupid stuff(Burrows biting for instance, etc.) that the Canucks have done. At the same time, I understand why fans back their team players but I think once people starting get hurt and losing their careers/livelihoods the game has lost its way. Regardless of a hipcheck, elbow or blow to the head if someone is getting hurt the league needs to take action. I don't care what your favorite team is. There are plenty of rational fans on any team to call stuff for what it really is. It's actually pretty sad when people can't look at a single incident and focus on how to prevent it from happening again, and just focus on stupid stuff like "well this fan group said this or that".

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well said

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