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"If I won the Mega Millions.."

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I saw this trending on Twitter and figured it would stir up some good conversation, so what WOULD you do with 640 million dollars?

I know that after paying off all my bills, loans, etc I'd leave a good chunk of it for my family, donate another chunk to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (my sister had Hodgkin's Lymphoma). I don't see the need for having exotic cars, so I'd probably get a Nissan GT-R, and a condo somewhere warm (preferably Florida), amongst many other things too haha.

So what would you guys do?

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Quit my job. Pay off my student loans. Fund my parents' retirement. Donate to the American Cancer Society. Invest a hundred mil and live off the proceeds. Buy penthouse condos in Boston and NYC and a big house in Florida. Build a rink and play some damn hockey.

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My parents would get a VERY healthy retirement fund bump.

My 3 brothers would all be taken well care of....I'd properly invest enough to say that their kids and likley their kids' kids would probably not have to worry about money ever again.

A very large chunk to Juv. Diabetes (my brother has it) and Lupus (Mom) research.

I'd help out some friends at work who could really use some funds.

I'd quit my job, and not to misuse the term "burn a bridge" - I'd blow it the eff up!!!!

I don't need a huge house, but I'd have a really nice house...and probably a few escape places in and around North America. Included something in Montreal...and I'd have Habs Season Tickets and go to every game!

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  On 3/30/2012 at 7:29 PM, hockeymass said:

Quit my job. Pay off my student loans. Fund my parents' retirement. Donate to the American Cancer Society. Invest a hundred mil and live off the proceeds. Buy penthouse condos in Boston and NYC and a big house in Florida. Build a rink and play some damn hockey.

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Oh that! I forgot about the last one haha. I guess since my condo would be in the city I couldn't have my own private hockey rink, so I'd get a house and build a ice/roller rink with it :)

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First thing is obviously setting aside a large chunk to earn interest. Move back to Michigan... pay off our student loans... pay off my brothers house... put a large chunk away for each of my kids... set up money to pay for my brothers kids college... open a rink with the idea being to break even while providing numerous free hockey opportunities... buy 2 houses in Michigan, one in the Ann Arbor area and another "up north" on a lake somewhere.

In terms of charity - endowment to UofM for a few scholarships, as well as an endowment at my old high school to send a a couple kids to college each year. There are a bunch of charities I'd make healthy donations to.

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Mega Millions?

Give my parents a really healthy retirement fund. Not to single out my brother, but he'll need to get a friggin proper job before I help him out.

Buy a couple of investment properties

Ensure kids (and possibly grandkids) are well taken care of

Become a sponsor at SJ and WF and actually participate. I wouldnt have to wait for work to send me to the US, I'd be buying my own plane tickets to go!

Donation to charities I'd consider...

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  1. quit job
  2. have my wife quit her job
  3. take my entire family on a lengthy vacation
  4. buy/build dream home
  5. ensure family and close friends are taken care of
  6. life the life we all dream of

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  On 3/30/2012 at 10:10 PM, noodle3872 said:
  1. quit job
  2. have my wife quit her job
  3. take my entire family on a lengthy vacation
  4. buy/build dream home
  5. ensure family and close friends are taken care of
  6. life the life we all dream of

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This minus the wife part because I'm not married. lol

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what are you talking about? I said I would become a sponsor for the events at MSH!!!

Alright alright... I'd buy a place and then MSH can play/skate for free... how about that?

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Hi i would build my own rink for sure cause at my local rink you're always have to wait until everybody else gets his ice time and after all we can try to get some. Thats when you only play beer league in germany. So first my own rink then a house near a nice lake (pond hockey) and a nice car. Donate some money to some foundations and take care of my loved ones. So nothing extra fancy i guess. Just enjoy the good times

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Buy the local rink and make ice time available year round. Kick out the yearly RV show that makes our ice season end early.

Donate some cash, take care of my family, retire from work and pick up coaching.

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That's a lot to think about. Put some in a savings account, for sure. Finish my bachelor's. Move to Canada to be with my fiancee. Put some toward my nephew's college fund. Donate to causes for children's mental healthcare, adult mental healthcare, anti-bullying initiatives, GLBT initiatives, to my high school, to the voc.rehab center I attend. Set up a scholarship fund for the youth hockey org I coach in (or for whichever one I volunteer with when I move to live with my fiancee). I wouldn't want to quit working, I'd just want to find a job I really enjoy and use the savings account as a cushion in case of emergency.

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1. I would not tell a soul.

2. I would not quit my job, see #1

3. Pay off my mortgage in all singles, very discretely of course.

4. I would then proceed to seduce fine women

5.Slowly buy up my entire condo complex (roughly 200 units), and then eventually build an ice rink on the premise, WITH, a lazy river that has frequent beer dispensation.

Rinse and repeat. Also, an added bonus, enjoy the looks from the fine lady tellers at Fidelity everyday when I go in to make sure I really won the mega millions.


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1. Say goodbye to my brother and I's student loans

2. Pay off my parent's house

3. Build my house, nothing extravagant... just something to sleep, eat, and watch TV in.

4. Quit my current job and go back to art school full time

5. Play as much hockey as often as I could

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1) Audi R8 GT

2) '61 Ferrari 250 GT California

3) Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano

4) BMW 2002

5) BMW e30 m3

6) Waterfront house with awesome garage to house 1-5

7) Bruins season tickets

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