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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2012-2013 Gear Sightings

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They shouldn't be scared. From my experience, Polarfibre isn't any worse on palms than a standard graphite shaft.

Talking about the grip on the Dynasty Mars, looks like sandpaper..! Never used Polar Fibre myself.

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It's NOT Polarfibre. It's the paint. It's deep speckle paint under matte finish.

More info coming on this stick.

Also.. New Dynasty.. Is that.. Polar Fibre? :huh:


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It's NOT Polarfibre. It's the paint. It's deep speckle paint under matte finish.

More info coming on this stick.

Phew. Thank goodness.

Love my Dynasty 1, want to be on board with the new one.

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Not Polarfibre.

Damn! haha.

Kinda of reminds of the grip on the first CCM U+ CL. Was kind of a sand-paper style grip. I actually really liked it. I was disappointed when CCM went matte/tacky-grip. Those first CL's were whippy - but I loved that stick.

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Curious why Warrior went aways from the Polarfibre. Not even a custom option. And yes the CCM was a very light version of the polarfibre.

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