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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supplemental Discipline 2013

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That, to me, is way more suspendable then the ones where a guy is in awkward body position or croaching or whatever. Lupul OBVIOUSLY extends high into Hedman, who is...what????? 6'5" (or more)....There is absoultely no reason for a player Lupul's size to hit him in the head.

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I honestly think he was going for the shoulder and missed. no excuse for being reckless. 2p phone hearing.

I expect 1 game, 2 if Shanny is in a bad mood.

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dumb play by edler - i would imagine the nhl will protect the goalies in this case - especially since the nhl got some grief for not handing out punishment for the lucic/miller one from last year.

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Looks like Smith may have been looking to maximize the contact, trying to take up as much space as possible for as much time as possible, and leaning or moving into it. It'll be interesting to see how his actions are viewed by the league. I'm not excusing Edler, but I remember how Smith works from the playoffs last year.

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Looks like Smith may have been looking to maximize the contact, trying to take up as much space as possible for as much time as possible, and leaning or moving into it. It'll be interesting to see how his actions are viewed by the league. I'm not excusing Edler, but I remember how Smith works from the playoffs last year.

I Agree, also looks like Edler try to sqeeze against the boards.

But he should have snow showered the f out of Smith instead.

IMO 1 game had been enough.

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Looks like Smith may have been looking to maximize the contact, trying to take up as much space as possible for as much time as possible, and leaning or moving into it. It'll be interesting to see how his actions are viewed by the league. I'm not excusing Edler, but I remember how Smith works from the playoffs last year.

seriously, if u wanna protect the puck with ur body, what was smith expecting?

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Looks like Smith may have been looking to maximize the contact, trying to take up as much space as possible for as much time as possible, and leaning or moving into it. It'll be interesting to see how his actions are viewed by the league. I'm not excusing Edler, but I remember how Smith works from the playoffs last year.

As much as I believe he embellished the play against Chicago, I don't think he had to do so in this case. Edler just drilled him in order to try and take him out. Something like that should be a minimum of five games. There is no excuse for that type of play.

seriously, if u wanna protect the puck with ur body, what was smith expecting?

Smith tried to play the puck, he wasn't trying to protect it.

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Hall is coming off a incredibly cheap this year. That wild knee on Clutterbuck and now this. It's too bad; I had very high hopes for him, but he's establishing a dangerous pattern.

And that Volchenkov hit is just brutal. I am no fan of Marchand, but there you have an elbow, targeting of the head, and clear intent to injure. I don't care who is on the receiving end. That kind of hit has to be met with firm punishment by the league.

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So Marchand sat out the rest of the game just to finish selling the call? I get it, boy had cried wolf and all that but if you saw the close up of him when he was being helped off the ice, he didn't look steady in the least.

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Hall is coming off a incredibly cheap this year. That wild knee on Clutterbuck and now this. It's too bad; I had very high hopes for him, but he's establishing a dangerous pattern.

And that Volchenkov hit is just brutal. I am no fan of Marchand, but there you have an elbow, targeting of the head, and clear intent to injure. I don't care who is on the receiving end. That kind of hit has to be met with firm punishment by the league.

I'm surprised that Hall still has no disciplinary call for that. A two hander behind the leg where he lift his stick pretty high? Didn't he get away with it as well with no call on the play?

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The league does usually seem to ignore those hacks when the hands are apart like that. The good ole baseball grip and swing, different story.

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